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Ahmed Abass

Dr Ahmed Abass
PhD, MSc, BEng (Honours, 1st class), FHEA, CEng IMechE


Dr Abass awarded his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Liverpool in 2011. Since he joined the University of Liverpool in 2007, he worked exclusively for Russell Group universities either in teaching or research (University of Liverpool & Cardiff University). He started his academic career in 1999, just after he graduated with a First-Class BSc Honours degree in Production Engineering and Mechanical Design (top of his class). Dr Abass joined the School of Engineering at the University of Liverpool as a lecturer in Biomedical Engineering in August 2018.

Dr Abass’ research projects contribute to a cohesive research plan focused on ocular topography and multi-scale modelling. In his engagements as a PhD, MSc and MPhil supervisor and examiner, Dr Abass extensively focuses on the link between the research activity and market need. With his experience in working with healthcare business partners in the UK and overseas, Dr Abass aligns his research to apply digital-based technology to ocular applications. Having access to an effective digital twin of a real-life ocular application allows for testing of either new or high-risk existing technologies and treatments on the digital twin in a safe environment at a much lower cost with no risk of infection or damage on the physical twin.

In his teaching, Dr Abass puts the focus on the students’ learning outcomes through intensive use of deep learning techniques and shows his students how to relate new ideas to prior knowledge and everyday experiences. He stresses the need for evidence to support conclusions and examine the logic of his students’ argument. As an academic lead in the School of Engineering Employability Group, Staff-Student Liaison Committee Convener, Chartered Engineer (CEng MIMechE), and as a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), he has special experience in active learning where students get involved in the learning process in a Student-Centred Learning model.

Dr Abass (ORCID iD) uses his supervision to educate his students on how to be independent learners, develop their research skills quickly and requiring less support gradually towards the end of their work. Several of Dr Abass’ UG students are either first or co-authors in Q1 journal papers benefited from their projects. This success is used to encourage new students to perform at a high standard and achieve an outstanding level of success.
Engineers to develop spectacle lenses for keratoconus patients - Bioengineering Knowledge Transfer Partnership rated 'outstanding’ - Association of Optometrists: CONTACT LENS PARTNERSHIP RATED ‘OUTSTANDING’

If you are a student looking for a PhD opportunity in a Russell Group university, you may like to have a look at the following PhD projects: Digital soft contact lenses design and validation , Innovating an anti-tilt human eye topographer .

Prizes or Honours

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering Employability Bursary (University of Liverpool, 2019)
  • Certificate of Excellence (Innovate UK, 2018)
  • The highest grade of "Outstanding" for the Knowledge Transfer Partnership KTP009521 (KTP Grading Panel, a panel of independent assessors,, 2018)
  • "Distinction" overall grade, Teaching for Researchers programme, EDEV306 Supporting Student Learning, EDEV307 Assessing Student Learning (Staff Development Academy, University of Liverpool, 2017)
  • Conference & Travel Award (Royal Academy of Engineering, 2010)
  • Conference & Travel Fund (University of Liverpool, 2010)
  • Conference Fund (University of Liverpool, 2009)