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Ivona Mitrovic

Professor Ivona Mitrovic
PhD, MSc, BSc EE


+44 (0)151 794 4516


I hold a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Liverpool, an MSc degree in Materials Science from the University of Belgrade and a BSc EE degree in Microelectronics from the University of Niš. My core research activity has largely been focused on novel materials to facilitate an unprecedented level of scaling of silicon chips. I have established a substantial track record in the area of thin high-k dielectrics and played a pivotal leadership role in collaborative efforts to achieve ultimately-scaled gate stack in the European PULLNANO and NANOSIL projects. The research work on the gate stack for the 22 nm CMOS technology node has been recognized as a significant achievement in the EC final review in April 2009. I have led activity on innovative germanium devices for their industrial production target in 2018. I led work on double insulator resonant tunnelling diodes achieving high responsivity around zero bias, a step towards engineering the nanostructure for harvesting infrared energy using a rectenna device. My recent research also focuses on new oxide materials that can enhance use of compound semiconductors for power electronics applications, driving towards net zero target in 2035. I hosted EPSRC/UKRI eFutures2.0 conference "Electronics for Sustainable Societies" in September 2022, brainstorming with experts on how electronic technologies can help society become more sustainable and achieve net zero, from developing better energy-efficient devices to using electronic technologies such as sensors to monitor the environment, and on the role new materials can play in environmentally-friendly design. I am on a strategic advisory board of EPSRC Compound Semiconductor (CS) Hub led by Cardiff University since 2020 as well as a member of European SINANO Institute since its foundation in 2008, a distributed Centre of Excellence in the nanoelectronic field. I am Head of BioMEMS, Organic and Silicon Electronics research group since October 2021.
I am passionate about education and have been vigorously promoting the engineering profession through my research and through devising and teaching a number of engineering modules. My focus has been to inspire and transform engineering students into future academic and industry leaders through research-led teaching. I am a collaborative leader and have been working with diverse, world-leading interdisciplinary research teams in academia across the UK and internationally.

Prizes or Honours

  • Senior Member (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers , 2014)
  • Chartered Engineer (Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014)
  • Fellow (Higher Education Academy, UK, 2013)
  • Best oral presentation in Electronics (PREP 2004 Conference Organising Committee, UK, 2004)