Course details
- Full-time: 12 months
- Part-time: 24 months
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Organisations of all types operate in an increasingly complex environment marked by hyper-digitalisation, media fragmentation, ambiguous market and political conditions at global levels, and growing public scepticism. As a result, there is growing market demand for communication experts who can help organisations to (re)build trust, enhance reputation and, more in general, realise their strategic goals.
The MSc Strategic Communication offers a cross-disciplinary education with a distinctive focus on:
The course combines a range of conceptual knowledge and practical skills which are crucial for successfully and critically engaging in a variety of strategic communication activities, such as defining and effectively sharing the mission, vision and values of an organisation, responding to a crisis, launching new products and services or supporting strategic initiatives like mergers, event promotions, and campaigns for political elections, health prevention or policy change.
You will learn how to define communication issues and objectives in line with organisational goals; to analyse contexts, situations and audiences; to design spoken and written communication that are at the same time sound, persuasive and compliant with legal and ethical requirements; to exploit the potential offered by established communication technologies and new digital media to effectively engage stakeholders.
Practical projects include a variety of activities such as designing and delivering effective public speeches, building digital media campaigns and writing of digital communications for live briefs.
The programme creates many opportunities for interaction with communication experts and leaders enabling you to familiarise yourself with relevant professional contexts and learn more about current challenges in strategic communication practices. Through the final project, you will have the opportunity to develop an empirical or theoretical dissertation or to develop a research project in collaboration with an organisation.
Discover what you'll learn, what you'll study, and how you'll be taught and assessed.
This module aims at introducing students to the study of strategic communication. The complex notion of strategic communication will be discussed in relation to key concepts which contribute defining and understanding it. The most relevant theoretical perspectives will be introduced along with fundamental concepts which help analysing and critically assess strategic communication phenomena. While several case studies and examples will be examined (including recent events related to COVID-19), this module is mainly conceptual and intends to offer students fundamental theories and analytic instruments, which are necessary for a critical and reflective approach to the field and its professions. Since strategic communication is a multidisciplinary area of study, the module will discuss theories and models originating from different academic traditions such as (strategic) management, discourse studies (including semiotics, pragmatics and rhetoric), public relations, corporate communication, marketing and advertising.
The module gives MSc Strategic Communication students the set of methodological concepts and skills necessary for undertaking scientific research in the field of communication sciences, with special attention to the analysis and evaluation of strategic communication. The module is intended to prepare students for the dissertation and to support them in the different research projects and activities undertaken during the academic year.
This module delivers a comprehensive overview of the major traditions of linguistic analysis and offers students a thorough grounding in the methods used for exploring language in different contexts. Coverage ranges from the earlier philological and structuralist approaches through to the myriad conceptualisations of language as discourse that characterise the contemporary field. The module introduces students both to the key figures and the key developments in the field of language and linguistics – Grice, Austin, Searle and many others. It also incorporates developments that intersect with the work of critical theorists and social philosophers like Gadamer, Foucault and Habermas. Students will come to understand how language and linguistics has emerged and developed as a discipline and also how their own work can be situated and positioned against this broad research background.
This module will be of particular interest to students interested in big data and how it is collected and used in modern society; in the politics and policy questions around social media; and in the interactions between media, platforms, and citizens. It will introduce students to the study of online media and platforms, with a particular focus on ‘big’ social trace data. As well as developing their understanding of how Internet-based media systems work, students will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of using big data for social science research, and engage with key online political communication policy questions.
This module aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of Corpus Linguistics which are relevant to language teaching and research. Students will learn about the insights into language theory and use which have been offered by corpus research so far, and will have the opportunity to conduct work on their own data using different software applications.
The module will develop critical understanding of the main digital marketing tools and enhanced awareness of the changing role of marketing communications in the interactive online marketplace. Students will develop skills in the design and creation of a digital marketing strategy embracing website analytics. Wide academic reading will illuminate and reinforce the theoretical underpinning of digital marketing communications, enabling the development of skills to interpret, analyse and draw critical conclusions from relevant academic journal articles.
This module introduces major data science techniques and their role in communication. The full data lifecycle is considered, with a focus on data collection, processing, analysis and visualisation. The emphasis of the module is to develop technical skills in coding and its application within data science, but the wider context of how data are generated and used in communication and media is also considered. The main assessment is a piece of coursework, where students describe and apply the methods covered in the module. There is also an in-class test. By the end of the module, students will have a level of knowledge in coding appropriate to select and use data science methods to investigate and solve problems in communication
The module examines a range of interconnected issues concerning the politics/media relationship. It offers a critical overview of the ways in which the media have been studied and discussed in relation to political processes and explores the key aspects of contemporary theory and research in politics and media. Part one is devoted to theories and debates about the politics and media relationship. It examines different ways of making sense of the relationship between the state, the public, and the media and questions surrounding media power and media audiences. Part two focuses on specific cases and controversies in the media-politics relations. It explores the changing relationships, representational forms, power dynamics, and impacts of media performance in selected forms of contemporary ‘conflict’.
Screen Cultures B introduces students to the diversity of cultural contexts and histories that have shaped the formal, industrial, institutional, and political meanings of cinema. The module examines both dominant/institutional and marginal/alternative screen cultures in relation to the formation of screen industries, histories, movements, and cultural identities.
Screen cultures are both an effect of production and reception. The module explores how screen cultures emerge and function, the formal and stylistic aspects that shape screen cultures, and the overlap between industries and audiences in the production of specific institutional, historical, critical, and audience-defined screen cultures. Screen Cultures A will introduce students to advanced film theory, industry and production studies, and film history alongside advanced formal analysis.
The Screen Cultures B syllabus is organized in two distinct blocks.
Block one: dominant and institutional screen cultures
The first block reflects the institutional or dominant screen cultures that are likely familiar to most audiences. These cultures are often understood through lay terms such as mainstream, popular, Hollywood, or art cinema. Their production and reception are defined by an understanding of screen cultures as an effect of industrial organizations and institutional practices.
Block two: marginal and alternative screen cultures
The second block of Screen Cultures A attends to the alternative and marginal screen cultures that have emerged beyond and outside of those dominant cinemas explored in block one. These screen cultures may be less familiar but have been central to particular audiences, political contexts, and sites of exhibition. Many of the screen cultures in this block seek to challenge the hegemony of those case studies from the first block.
In structuring the module in such a way, Screen Cultures B delivers a comprehensive overview of key debates surrounding screen cultures, especially cinema cultures, while also ensuring that it is inclusive given also its strong focus on diversity and alternative and marginal cultures.
To understand contemporary media and its place in social and cultural life we need to understand past media, not only as historical origins or predecessors of the new, but in order to understand how change is produced, experienced and negotiated. This module will consider processes of ‘remediation’, ‘transmediality’ ‘intermediality’ , as well as the recurrence of past ideas, forms and sensibilities in the present; arguments about planned obsolescence, newness and innovation; critiques of progress and theories of technological and media change; ideas of maintenance, residual and emergent media. The module will introduce you to key theoretical and historiographic approaches, from German media theory and ‘media archaeology,’ to Benjaminian, phenomenological and everyday life approaches. ‘Media’ includes both communication and storage media and as extending beyond the practices and technologies we might normally consider (computer based media, film, television, radio, photography, video games and so on) to include neglected and ‘grey’ media associated with everyday experience (databases, telephony, fax, photocopying, photobooths, etc). The module is both concept and topic-driven with lectures and seminars focussing on key theoretical texts, and testing out concepts on a range of different media examples.
Strategic communication involves organisations and individuals to produce and convey persuasive arguments in a variety of digitised contexts. from online marketing/fundraising campaigns to social media strategies by companies and influencers. Argumentation plays a crucial role in strategic communication as it promotes sustainable (long-term) persuasion and trust, thus making communication really strategic and not merely tactical. This module aims at providing students with conceptual and analytical instruments from argumentation theory and rhetoric which will enhance their ability to (i.) critically examine strategic communication across digital spaces; (ii.) understand the principles informing the design of effective and reasonable influencing communication strategies; (iii.) familiarise themselves with issues of persuasion and trust in digital strategic communication.
The module will examine numerous cases of digital strategic communication pertaining to different domains such as financial communication and sustainability, journalism and misinformation, political discourse, public affairs and crisis communication.
This module will provide students with skills to understand, analyse and master the role played by Artificial Intelligence in Communication. It will introduce students to core notions to identify what components of our daily communication practices are affected by AI, how the reshaping of the communication processes happens through different technologies and how we can check their evolutions being aware of their potential risks and opportunities. At the end of the module students will be able to answer questions such as: who are we communicating with when we write online? How are (chat)bots and conversational agents changing our interactions? Why social and new digital media are affecting news consumption habits? The module will be taught following "active learning" methodologies.
In addition to learning about the algorithms that influence the development of online social systems, students will critically address key questions around the political and economic consequences of online platforms. The course emphasises a hands-on approach to studying algorithms in practice, developing students’ programming skills to implement and explore their effects.
Branding is now pervasive in society. Communicating a positive image and building a good reputation to create a strong brand, have become key objectives not only for global private corporations selling products, but also for countries, cities, regions and even neighbourhoods (place branding); public, cultural and religious institutions (corporate branding); and individual celebrities (self-branding). The module examines branding in its multiple instantiations, as a set of socio-cultural communicative practices and processes, which rely on very fundamental socio-cultural dynamics. In the module, we will consider the complex process of brand management from the definition of a brand and branding strategy to the elaboration of brand narratives, taking into account the increasingly digitalised media landscape and the participatory, two-way communication context where organisations and individuals operate. Thorough the module we seek to understand how identity, public opinion, reputation, and branding are negotiated at the intersection between top-down corporate communication and more grassroots or networked forms of expression. The module combines insights from business studies, social psychology, anthropology and cultural studies, introducing students to branding from a critical strategic communication perspective, focusing on power struggles, contradictions and dialogic relations. Besides offering students a good overview of key concepts and tools for strategically managing brand communication, the module includes a critical reflection on key issues and debates relating to the societal and ethical implications of branding practices, especially in relation to the prominence of promotional cultures in today’s democratic societies.
This module builds on the skills developed in the Introduction to Data Science module to explore more advanced data visualisation techniques. Methods covered include multidimensional plots, geospatial maps, animations and interactivity. The focus of the module will be on using data relevant to communication and media, but consideration will also be given to critiquing and applying visualisation methods more generally. The module is assessed by coursework, where students will demonstrate the skills developed on the module by collecting and visualising data in an area of their choosing. By the end of the module, students will be able to select and apply visualisation techniques suitable for a range of data.
This module will examine digital media from the audience’s perspective. It will consider contemporary debates on the changing audience’s practices and the attention economy. Students will be introduced to the notions of the audience as a user and as a producer of media in the digital age. The module will focus on digital news audiences as well as the audience of entertainment platforms (like Netflix and Spotify). Different audience research methods like tracking data, surveys and focus groups will also be discussed.
This module introduces students to Functional Linguistics (FL) which is the framework of language pioneered by the internationally-renowned linguist M.A.K. Halliday. Used by linguists the world over, the Hallidayan paradigm has found much favour as a method of inquiry among grammarians, discourse analysists, critical linguists and applied linguists – scholars who are united by their common interest in the functional manifestation of language as a ‘social semiotic’. Halliday’s own conceptualisation of how language works is simple; namely, that the system that is language takes its shape from the function it serves. The module takes students through this systemic-functional module and explores its three key functions: the experiential function, which expresses the meaning of the clause, the interpersonal function, which shows how a clause is organised as an interactive event, and the textual function, which explains the information-building and text-building properties of a text. The module also covers Appraisal Theory which is a development within FL that explains how we express our attitude to texts and other interactants, whether intensely, positively, negatively, uncertainly, and so on. By studying in-depth the core concepts and categories of FL, students will acquire a coherent and serviceable analytic model for language analysis. This model can be applied to a range of styles, registers, genres and discourse types.
This module will offer a cross-national comparative perspective on the state of journalism around the world, journalists’ perceptions of their role in society and the contextual factors that influence journalistic roles and performance. Only 14% of people in the world live in counties with free media so it is important to appreciate that the news media might play different roles based on the nature of the political system, the respective media systems and the relevant cultural and societal differences. The extent to which the news media can act as the fourth estate is to a large extent determined by these contextual factors but also by audiences’ expectations about the role of journalists in their society. A range of case studies will be used throughout the module.
Language is both a fundamental aspect of our identity and a powerful device to discursively shape our own and other people’s identities. Identity is understood both at the social level, where it coincides with identification with certain social groups, and at the personal level, where it connects to the development and maintenance of a (healthy) sense of self. Far from being rigid containers, more of often than not identities are fluid and hybrid: they can be disrupted, contested, re-shaped. Moreover, identities are always intersectional, involving multiple dimensions (e.g. gender and social class and ethnicity, for instance). Through research-led teaching, this module examines the interplay of language and identity from a variety of angles (sex/gender, geopolitical, professional etc) and in a variety of contexts, such as education, the workplace and migration settings. Conversational, discursive and literary data form the rich basis for data-driven reflection, which connects scholarship with real-world problems of equality, diversity and social justice.
This module will provide students with an understanding of the key theoretical and conceptual issues involved in contemporary marketing communications, allowing them to assess the ways in which the various elements of the communications mix may be integrated and applied. In addition, this module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to critically evaluate various theories of marketing communication.
This module explores the relationships between politics, economics, and mainstream media. The traditional, 20th century business models of news media have collapsed, prompting news organisations to make redundancies and to consider new ways of financing their activities. As a result, significant concerns have been raised about their sustainability as well as the wider role that news media (should) play in democratic societies. Furthermore, social media platforms and search engines have become the new gatekeepers, directing attention to news (and the knowledge, understandings, and attitudes shaped by news consumption) based on algorithms and audience members’ self-selection into disparate groups. In this module we will be looking at the ways in which media content across a variety of platforms and channels is being shaped by economic considerations and neoliberal ideology and how this creates tension, and sometimes outright contradiction, with the public and democratic role of mass media (including social media platforms) in open societies.
This module takes as its central starting point the idea of media as forms of social and cultural practice. That is, it is concerned with the way media forms and digital (and non-digital) media technologies shape our everyday experiences of the world, whether in terms of our sense of self and identity, the everyday rhythms that structure our lives, the way we move through or apprehend the everyday spaces we variously inhabit, or the sensory, affective and material impacts of media on our embodied sense of being-in-the-world. By placing its focus on media practices and the everyday, the module draws from recent debates in so-called ‘non-media-centric media studies’ and related perspectives from anthropology, cultural studies and cultural geography which examine not so much the meaning invested in the content of media texts as the performative question of what it is we do with media, and what it, correspondingly, does with us. In a contemporary world where the mediatisation of everyday life seemingly extends to every sphere of routine activity (such that at times we hardly recognise its presence at all), the project of scrutinising and critically reflecting on the relationship between media practices and everyday life has never been more urgent.
This module will focus on the immense changes that have occurred in the field of television with a view to understand the nature, role and function of the medium in the 21st century. Focusing on industrial, institutional, representational and textual issues it will engage with questions such as: the changing nature of television studies as a discipline; its changing role from home to mobile entertainment; the impact of VOD and on-demand services; the ways form and consumption of tv are changing; formats and transnational production; reboot, remake and cult television; and issues of representation as part of changes in TV formats, production and consumption.
Screen Industries B examines the industrial logic of particular media industries that produce entertainment reaching audiences through the mediation of screens. The module focuses primarily on the film and television industries with references to the video game industry. Organised around 4 blocks – Key concepts, People, Structures and Power – the module investigates the relationships between technologies, economics, policies, politics and the social and cultural contexts that shape these media industries and their products. Using examples from various geographical contexts and drawing on a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, Screen Industries B provides a pathway through which students can understand and appreciate the complex and multi-faceted nature of some of the key contemporary media industries.
The first block will introduce some of the key debates in the field of screen industries, commencing from the way in which digital technology has impacted film and television and the extent which they are now referred to as ‘legacy’ media before focusing on the ways in which they developed industrially. The emphasis will be primarily on cinema as the first medium to be organized on an industrial scale but in looking at the contemporary converged landscape it will be clear that television is also an important medium to understand its organization and operations.
The second block will take media convergence as a given and will investigate the deep structures that underpin media industries today. Starting from the migration of filmmakers to tv, it will explore the emergence of an indie television as it’s being practiced primarily by people who started their careers in film, before moving to immersive media systems and exploring questions around networking and streaming as these pertain to film, television as well as games. It will end with an examination of franchise entertainment, arguably the most obvious of example of converged media.
The third block will look primarily at issues related to people working in the screen industries, looking at three case studies that explore alternative and often competing systems of people-management in media industries: established structures that make up international star systems, the role of unofficial channels of reputation-making and gossip in determining value and control of individuals, and labour management such as issues relating to the unionisation of media sectors.
The module will end with a block on screen industries and power with a focus on contrasting approaches derived from policy management. It will start by examining the impact of regulation, intellectual property and media law on media production and then move onto examining how media and cultural policy work together with an emphasis on improving structural diversity in screen industries, a key issue in recent years.
This module examines the key concepts and frameworks of strategic management and seeks to understand their implications for organisational change. Drawing on knowledge from industrial organisation economics, organisational management and socio-psychological perspectives, this module discusses multifarious drivers of competitive advantage. In addition, the module investigates strategies that firms adopt to navigate organisational change. Moreover, the module applies theoretical insights of key frameworks to real world challenges through case studies.
This module aims to introduce students to historical and contemporary media practices and approaches within visual culture, including museum exhibitions, cultural interpretations, institutional policies and artistic interventions in the city. The module will examine a broad range of modes and methods to investigate the promotion and representation of culture and national heritage, the transformations of these activities over the years, and their analysis within media studies and cultural theory. Students will read and discuss past and present activities of cultural institutions and artistic activists, as well as theorisations of art and anthropology museums, World’s Fair exhibitions, cultural programmes and other visual and cultural media. Students will examine different conceptions of museums, sites of memory, and cultural events as potential arenas of public transformation, de-colonisation, community activity and public fora. The module will more broadly address social and ethical questions; concepts and practices of cultural appropriation and representation; ideas of power relations and self-reflexivity; and definitions and conversations around ‘otherness’ within and beyond contemporary cultural institutions.
The dissertation is a self-contained piece of individual and original research, offering the student the chance to study in depth a topic that interests them guided by a member of the Department’s academic staff as their supervisor. Teaching and learning takes place through one-to-one tutorials. The key aims of the module are: to enable the student to construct an extended and original research project on an appropriate topic which is clear and realistic in scope and seeks to make a distinct contribution to the student’s chosen field; to develop independent research skills; and to develop professional standards for the presentation of research material. It will usually be related to a topic covered in the student’s Masters programme and can be tailored so that the research is relevant to a future career. Research for the dissertation will usually be standard academic qualitative or quantitative research, but depending on your programme (and with permission of your programme leader,) you may also be able to produce a more practical investigation in collaboration with an organisation, involving a consultancy project or a placement experience, or engage with more experimental methodologies. Meetings with supervisors are organized by the student and fortnightly meetings are recommended, although the number of meetings will vary, depending on your individual requirements and dissertation topic.
Teaching on MSc Strategic Communication is delivered through weekly lectures, seminars or workshops. These usually take for 2-3 hours per module per week. All classes will take place on campus in person in rooms with adequate equipment. Class sizes for masters programmes in the Department of Communication and Media tend to be small, but numbers can vary depending, again, on what optional modules are selected. A typical class in MSc Strategic Communication will include between 10-20 students.
You will assessed through a variety of individual and group work. This include presentations, exams, essays, case studies, and creative projects. The two 30 credit core modules have two assessment components, while all other modules have normally one single assessment component.
We have a distinctive approach to education, the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, which focuses on research-connected teaching, active learning, and authentic assessment to ensure our students graduate as digitally fluent and confident global citizens.
Join our Strategic Communication MSc to understand how communication influences ideas and decisions.
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The MSc Strategic Communication programme will provide you with in-depth academic knowledge and practical skills which put you in a unique position to find employment in the private, public and third sectors. Past graduates from this programme have found jobs in different industries including large international firms, PR and communication agencies, and non-profit organisations. The wide array of optional modules allows you to build specialised expertise in different areas such as marketing, artificial intelligence, digital communications and the cultural industries.
Graduates wishing to continue academic studies will find a supportive and nurturing research environment that prepares them well for doctoral-level research activities. Career pathways that follow this route include employment in higher education (teaching and/or research), or teaching at secondary and further education levels.
The School of the Arts works closely with Careers and Employability at the University to ensure students are provided with opportunities to undertake training to enhance their employability skills, as well as support students seeking to find either work placements during their vacations or full-time work after graduation.
Your tuition fees, funding your studies, and other costs to consider.
UK fees (applies to Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland) | |
Full-time place, per year | £14,100 |
Part-time place, per year | £7,050 |
International fees | |
Full-time place, per year | £26,600 |
Part-time place, per year | £13,300 |
Tuition fees cover the cost of your teaching and assessment, operating facilities such as libraries, IT equipment, and access to academic and personal support.
If you're a UK national, or have settled status in the UK, you may be eligible to apply for a Postgraduate Loan worth up to £12,167 to help with course fees and living costs. Learn more about fees and funding.
We understand that budgeting for your time at university is important, and we want to make sure you understand any course-related costs that are not covered by your tuition fee. This could include buying a laptop, books, or stationery.
Find out more about the additional study costs that may apply to this course.
We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries that could help pay your tuition and living expenses.
We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here
The qualifications and exam results you'll need to apply for this course.
We've set the country or region your qualifications are from as United Kingdom. Change it here
Your qualification | Requirements |
Postgraduate entry requirements |
Non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered. This degree should be in a communications-related discipline, such as Media, Communication, Linguistics or Management. We also encourage applications from graduates who have work experience in a relevant role. You should provide a personal statement with your application. This should demonstrate your interest in the programme and a good understanding of the programme content, as well as outlining your preferred career path in the field of communications. |
International qualifications |
If you hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, but don’t meet our entry requirements, you could be eligible for a Pre-Master’s course. This is offered on campus at the University of Liverpool International College, in partnership with Kaplan International Pathways. It’s a specialist preparation course for postgraduate study, and when you pass the Pre-Master’s at the required level with good attendance, you’re guaranteed entry to a University of Liverpool master’s degree. |
You'll need to demonstrate competence in the use of English language, unless you’re from a majority English speaking country.
We accept a variety of international language tests and country-specific qualifications.
International applicants who do not meet the minimum required standard of English language can complete one of our Pre-Sessional English courses to achieve the required level.
English language qualification | Requirements |
IELTS | 6.5 overall, with no component below 6.0 |
TOEFL iBT | 88 overall, with minimum scores of listening 19, writing 19, reading 19 and speaking 20. TOEFL Home Edition not accepted. |
Duolingo English Test | 120 overall, with no component below 105 |
Pearson PTE Academic | 61 overall, with no component below 59 |
LanguageCert Academic | 70 overall, with no skill below 65 |
PSI Skills for English | B2 Pass with Merit in all bands |
INDIA Standard XII | National Curriculum (CBSE/ISC) - 75% and above in English. Accepted State Boards - 80% and above in English. |
WAEC | C6 or above |
Do you need to complete a Pre-Sessional English course to meet the English language requirements for this course?
The length of Pre-Sessional English course you’ll need to take depends on your current level of English language ability.
Find out the length of Pre-Sessional English course you may require for this degree.
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Last updated 11 November 2024 / / Programme terms and conditions