Annual Subject Action Planning (ASAP) and NSS Action Planning 2024/25

Annual Subject Action Planning and NSS Action Planning in 2024/25 will be undertaken as two separate processes.

NSS Action Planning

NSS results published in the summer 2024 should be reviewed and analysed to inform the development of action plans to address areas which the student feedback has told us requires improvement.  Below are links to guidance on the process, a template for the action plans, and a template for Faculties summarising the action plans in their area.  The Faculty summary reports should be submitted the University Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC) by 6th November 2024.

Annual Subject Action Planning (ASAP)

The 2024/25 ASAP process for provision in 2023/24 has been approved by the Academic Quality and Standards Committee.  The guidance, templates and supporting documents can be accessed below.

Please note that this year’s process includes consideration of the University’s Access Participation Plan targets.  The data for this is available from your Faculty APVC (Education) and the Head of Education and Student Experience.