Major research interests include culture of human
osteoblasts and the regulation of human bone remodelling
(See:- Gallagher J.A., Gundle R., Beresford J.N. (1996)
Isolation and Culture of Osteoblastic Cells from Human
Bone. In 'Human Cell Culture Protocols' Ed. G.E. Jones,
Humana Press Inc. pp 233-262 and Gallagher, J.A., Dillon J.P.
(1997) Human Bone Remodeling. In 'Encyclopaedia of Human Biology'
2nd Edition. Ed. R. Dulbecco, Academic Press.
| WayneBowler (ARC Fellow)
Purinoceptors in
tissue remodelling (See Bowler, W.B., Birch, M.
A., Gallagher, J.A., Bilbe G
(1995) Identification and cloning of human P2U purinoceptor present in
osteoclastoma, bone and osteoblasts. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
10: 1137-1145).
Cathy Walsh
Human bone cell culture ( See Walsh C. A., Carron J.A., Gallagher J.A., (1996) Isolation of
osteoclasts from human giant cell tumour and long term marrow cultures. In
'Human Cell Culture Protocols' Ed. G.E. Jones, Humana Press Inc. pp 263-276).
| John Carron
Matrix proteins in cartilage and bone (See Carron J.A., Walsh C.A.,
Fraser W.D., Gallagher J.A. (1995) Thrombospondin promotes resorption by
osteoclasts in vitro. Biochimica Biophysical Research Communications 213:1017-1025).
Simon Wagstaff
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