Published textbook:

Williams, R.G. and M.J. Follows, 2011: Ocean Dynamics and the Carbon Cycle: Principles and Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9780521843690. 416pp.

link to CUP


Published reviews:     

1. Follows, M.J. and R.G. Williams, 2004: Mechanisms Controlling the Air-sea flux of CO2 in the North Atlantic Ocean. In `The ocean carbon cycle and climate' NATO Advanced Study Institute volume, edited by M. Follows and T. Oguz, Kluiver, 217-249. PDF  


2. Williams, R.G. and M.J. Follows, 2003: Physical transport of nutrients and the maintenance of biological production, 19-51, In `Ocean Biogeochemistry: The role of the ocean carbon cycle in global change'. Edited by M. Fasham. Springer. ISBN: 3-540-42398-2. PDF


3. Williams R.G., 2001: Ocean subduction. In ``Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences'', edited by J.H. Steele, K.K. Turekian and S.A. Thorpe. Academic Press. 1982-1993. PDF


4. Williams, R.G. and A. Meijers, 2019: Ocean Subduction. In ``Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences'', 3rd edition,  edited by K. Cochran, H. Bokuniewicz and P. Yeager. Academic Press, 141-157, ISBN 978-0-12-813081-0, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11297-7. PDF


Manuscripts submitted and in preparation:

1. Oglethorpe, K., C. Spingys, B. Fernandez Castro, A. Naveira Garabato and R. G. Williams, 2025. The role of mesoscale eddy stirring and microscale turbulence in sustaining biological production in the subtropical gyres. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, resubmitted (23 Jan 2025).

2. Goodwin, P., R.G. Williams, P. Ceppi and B.B. Cael, 2024. Climate feedbacks derived from theory and spatial contrasts in recent climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) (August 2024).

3.  Fernandez Castro B., A. Naveira Garabato, M, Mazloff and R. G. Williams, 2024. Sources, pathways and drivers of Sub-Antarctic Mode Water formation. AGU Advances, submitted (August 2024).

4. Pimm, C., A. Meijers, D. Jones and R. G. Williams, 2024. Local versus farfield control on South Pacific mode water variability. Ocean Sciences, submitted. (December 2024).

5. Hawkins, E., R.G. Williams, J. Berardelli, E. Highwood et al., 2024. Warming stripes spark climate conversations: from the ocean to the stratosphere. BAMS, submitted. (September 2024).

6. Khatri, H. and R. G. Williams, 2025. Contrasting fast and slow ocean carbon and thermal responses to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles (27 January 2025).


Publications in Major Journals (Google Scholar and layperson summaries in Kudos):

111.   Khatri, H., R.G. Williams, T. Woollings and D.M. Smith, 2024. An ocean memory perspective: disentangling atmospheric control of decadal variability in the North Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110333, doi: 10.1029/2024GL110333. Link

110. Mackay, N., T. Sohail, J.D. Zika, R.G. Williams, O. Andrews and A.J. Watson,  An optimal transformation method applied to diagnosing the ocean carbon sink. Geoscientific Model Development, doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-5987-2024. Link

109.  Williams, R.G., A.J.S. Meijers, V. Roussenov, A. Katavouta, P. Ceppi, J. Rosser and P. Salvi, 2024. Asymmetries in the Southern Ocean contribution to the global heat and carbon uptake. Nature Climate Change, 14, 823-831, doi: 10.1038/s41558-024-02066-3.  Link  


         Link to Nature Research Communities blog

        See layperson summary

108. Pimm, C., R.G. Williams, D. Jones and A.J.S. Meijers, 2024. Surface heat fluxes drive a two-phase response in Southern Ocean mode water stratification, Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 129(3), p.e2023JC020795, doi:10.1029/2023JC020795. Link


107. Palazzo Corner, S., M. Siegert, P. Ceppi, B. Fox-Kemper, T.L. Froelicher, A. Gallego-Sala, J. Haigh, G.C. Hegerl, C.D. Jones, R. Knutti, C.D. Koven, A.H. MacDougall, M. Meinshausen, Z. Nicholls, J. B. Sallee, B. M. Sanderson, R. Sefereian, M. Turetsky, R. G. Williams, S. Zaehle and J. Rogelj, 2023. The zero emissions commitment and climate stabilisation. Frontiers in Science, 1:1170744. doi: 10.3389/fsci.2023.1170744. Link

106. Goodwin, P. and R.G. Williams, 2023. On the Arctic Amplification of surface warming in a conceptual climate model. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 454, 133880, part of a special issue: Conceptual Climate Modelling, 10.1016/j.physd.2023.133880. Link

105. Cael, B.B., J. Bloch-Johnson, P. Ceppi, H.-B. Fredriksen, P. Goodwin, J,M. Gregory, C.J. Smith and R.G. Williams, 2023. Energy budget diagnosis of changing climate feedback. Science Advances, 9, 16, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adf9302. Link

104. Williams, R.G., P. Ceppi, V. Roussenov, A. Katavouta and A. Meijers, 2023. The role of the Southern Ocean in the global climate response to carbon emissions. Philisophical Transactions A, Royal Society, 10.1098/rsta.2022.0062. Link

103. Turner, K.E., D.M Smith, A. Katavouta and R.G. Williams,  2023. Reconstructing ocean carbon storage with CMIP6 Earth system models and synthetic Argo observations. Biogeosciences, 20, 1671-1690, doi: 10.5194/bg-20-1671-2023 (highlight paper). Link

102. Khatri, H., R.G. Williams, T. Woollings and D. M. Smith, 2022. Fast and slow subpolar ocean responses to the North Atlantic Oscillation: thermal and dynamical changes. Geophys. Res. Letters, 49, e2022GL101480. doi: 10.1029/2022GL101480. PDF

101. Tagliabue, A., A.J.M. Lough, C. Vic, V. Roussenov, J. Gula, M. C. Lohan, J.A. Resing and R.G. Williams, 2022. Mechanisms driving the dispersal of hydrothermal iron from the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge. Geophys. Res. Letters, 49, e2022GL100615. doi: 0.1029/2022GL100615. PDF

100. Gupta, M., R.G. Williams,  J.M. Lauderdale, O. Jahn, C. Hill, S. Dutkiewicz and M.J. Follows, 2022. A nutrient relay sustains subtropical ocean productivity. PNAS, 119, 41, e2206504119, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2206504119. PDF

99. Vakilifard, N., R.G. Williams, P.B. Holden, K. Turner, N.R. Edwards and D.J. Beerling, 2022. Impact of negative and positive CO2 emissions on global warming metrics using large ensemble Earth system model simulations, Biogeosciences, 19, 4249-4265, doi:10.5194/bg-19-4249-2022. PDF

98. Fernandez Castro, B., M. Mazloff, R.G. Williams and A.C. Naveira Garabato, 2022. Subtropical contribution to Subantarctic mode waters, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL097560, doi:1029/2021GL097560. PDF


97. Roussenov, V.M., R.G. Williams, M.S. Lozier, N. P. Holliday and D. Smith, 2022. Historical reconstruction of subpolar North Atlantic overturning and its relationship to density. J. Geophys. Res. (Oceans), 127(6), e2021JC017732. PDF


96. Spingys, C.P., R.G. Williams, R.E. Tuerena, A.C. Naveira Garabato, C. Vic, A. Forryan and J. Sharples, 2021. Observations of nutrient supply by mesoscale eddy stirring and small-scale turbulence in the oligotrophic North Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2021GB007200, doi: 10.1029/2021GB007200. PDF, Link


95 Williams, R.G., A. Katavouta and V. M. Roussenov, 2021. Regional asymmetries in ocean heat and carbon storage due to dynamic redistribution in climate model projections. J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0519.1. PDF,  Link


94. Katavouta, A. and R.G. Williams, 2021. Ocean carbon cycle feedbacks in CMIP6 models: contributions from different basins. Biogeosciences, doi:10.5194/bg-2020-487. PDF,  Link.


93. Spingys, C.P., R.G. Williams, J.E. Hopkins, R.A. Hall, J.A. Mattias Green and J. Sharples,      2020. Internal-tide driven tracer transport across the continental slope. J. Geophysical Research (Oceans), 125, 9, doi:10.1029/2019JC015530. Link.


92. Williams, R.G., P. Ceppi and A. Katavouta, 2020. Controls of the Transient Climate Response to Emissions by physical feedbacks, heat uptake and carbon cycling. Environmental Research Letters, 15, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab97c9, PDFLink.

         See a Conversation article linked to this publication.

        See lay person summary

91. Rigby, S.J., R.G. Williams, E.P. Achterberg and A. Tagliabue, 2020. Winter mixing drives basin-scale patterns in ocean resource inventory, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, doi:10.1029/2019GB006497, link.

90. Arora, V.K., A. Katavouta, R.G. Williams, C.D. Jones, V. Brovkin, P. Friedlingstein, J. Schwinger, L. Bopp, O. Boucher et al., 2020. Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP6 models and their comparison to CMIP5 models. Biogeosciences, 17, 4173-4222, doi:10.5194/bg-2019-473, PDF,  link.


89. Ma L., T. Woollings, R.G. Williams, D. Smith and N. Dunstone, 2020. How does the winter jet stream affect surface temperature, heat flux and sea ice in the North Atlantic? Journal of Climate, 33, 3711-3730, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-19-0247.1. PDF


88. Williams, R.G., A. Katavouta and P. Goodwin, 2019. Carbon-cycle feedbacks operating in the climate system. Current Climate Change Reports, 5(4), 282-295, Springer,  doi: 10.1007/s40641-019-00144-9. PDF


87. Tuerena, R.E., R.G. Williams, C. Mahaffey, J.A.M. Green, C. Vic, A Naveira-Garabato, A. Forryan and J. Sharples, 2019. Internal tides drive nutrient fluxes into the deep chlorophyll maximum over mid-ocean ridges, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33, doi: 10.1029/2019GB006214. PDF


86. Goodwin, P., R.G. Williams, V. Roussenov and A. Katavouta, 2019. Climate sensitivity from both physical and carbon cycle feedbacks. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 7554-7564, doi: 10.1029/2019GL082887. PDF


85. Katavouta, A., R.G. Williams and P. Goodwin, 2019. The effect of ocean ventilation on the Transient Climate Response to Emissions. J. Climate, 32, 5085-5105, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0829.1. PDF


84. Lozier, M.S., F. Li, S. Bacon, F. Bahr, A. Bower, S. Cunningham, F. de Jong, L. de Steur, Brad de Young, J. Fischer, S. Gray, B. Greenan, N.P. Holliday, A. Houk, L. Houpert, M. Inall, B. Johns, H. Johnson, J. Karstensen, G. Koman, I. LeBras, X. Lin, N. Mackay, D. Marshall, H. Mercier, M. Oltmanns, R. Pickart, A. Ramsay, D. Rayner, F. Straneo, V. Thierry, D. Torres, R.G. Williams, C. Wilson, J. Yang, I. Yashayaev, J. Zhao, 2019. A sea change in our view of overturning - first results from the overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program. Science, 2019, 1 February 2019, 363, 6426, 516-521, doi: 10.1126/science.aau6592. Link to Science webpage

          See layperson summary        


83. Katavouta, A., R.G. Williams, P. Goodwin and V. Roussenov, 2018. Reconciling   atmospheric and oceanic views of the Transient Climate Response to Emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 6205-6214, PDF

         See layperson summary


82. Goodwin, P., A. Katavouta, V.M. Roussenov, G.L. Foster, E.J. Rohling and R.G. Williams,2018. Pathways to 1.5C and  2C warming based on observational and geological constraints. Nature Geoscience, 11, 102-107, doi: 10.1038/s41561-017-0054-8PDF

       See NERC Planet Earth article for spring/summer 2018. PDF

       See layperson summary 

       See Press release  

       See linked poster at Ocean Science


81. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov, T.L. Froelicher and P. Goodwin, 2017. Drivers of continued surface warming after cessation of carbon emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, PDF

         See layperson summary

See Research Feature article on our work (‘Oceans as moderators of the carbon cycle and our climate’, published 29 November 2017)

80. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov, P. Goodwin, L. Resplandy and L. Bopp, 2017. Sensitivity of global warming to carbon emissions: effects of heat and carbon uptake in a suite of Earth system models.  Journal of  Climate, 30, 9343-9363, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0468.1PDF

         See layperson summary

79. Lauderdale, J.M., R.G. Williams, D.R. Munday and D.P. Marshall, 2017. The impact of Southern Ocean residual upwelling on atmospheric CO2 on centennial and millennial timescales. Climate Dynamics, 48, 1611-1631. doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3163-y. PDF

          See layperson summary

78. Lozier M.S., Bacon S., Bower A.S., Cunningham S.A., de Jong M.F., de Steur L., DeYoung B., Fischer J., Gary S.F., Greenan B.J.W., Heimbach P., Holliday N.P., Houpert L., Inall M.E., Johns W.E., Johnson H.L., Karstensen J., Li F., Lin X, Mackay N, Marshall D.P., Mercier H, Myers P.G., Pickart R.S., Pillar H.R., Straneo F., Thierry V., Weller R.A., Williams R.G., Wilson C., Yang J., Zhao J. and Zika J.D., 2017. Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: a new international ocean observing system. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 737-752. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0057.1. Link

77. Woodworth, P.L., M.A. Morales Maqueda, W.R. Gehrels, V.M. Roussenov, R.G. Williams, and C.W. Hughes, 2016. Variations in the difference between mean sea level measured either side of Cape Hatteras and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 49, 2451-2469, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3464-1. PDF


76. Lauderdale, J.M., S. Dutkiewicz, R.G. Williams and M.J. Follows, 2016. Quantifying  the drivers of ocean-atmosphere CO2 fluxes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, 983-999, doi:10.1002/2016GB005400. PDF


75. Rogan, N., E.P. Achterberg, F.A.C. Le Moigne, C. Marsay, A. Tagliabue and R.G. Williams, 2016. Volcanic ash as an oceanic iron source and sink. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 2732-2740, doi/10.1002/2016GL067905. Link

74. Williams, R.G., P. Goodwin, V.M. Roussenov and L. Bopp, 2016. A framework to understand the Transient Climate Response to Emissions. Environmental Research Letters, 11, Focus on Cumulative Emissions, Global Carbon Budgets and the Implications for Climate Mitigation Targets, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/1/015003. PDF

         See layperson summary


73. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov, M.S. Lozier and D. Smith, 2015. Mechanisms of heat content and thermocline change in the subtropical and subpolar North Atlantic. Journal of Climate, 28, 24, 9803-9815, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0097.1. PDF

          See layperson summary


72. Goodwin, P., R.G. Williams and A. Ridgwell, 2015. Sensitivity of climate to cumulative carbon emissions due to compensation of ocean heat and carbon uptake. Nature Geoscience, 8, 29-34, doi:10.1038/ngeo2304. PDF

        See layperson summary

        See linked article The Conversation, 2 December 2014.

        See linked poster at poster_warming_carbon_agu_2014.pdf


71. Barton, A.D., M.S. Lozier and R.G. Williams, 2015. Physical controls of variability in North Atlantic phytoplankton communities. Limnology and Oceanography, 60,1, 181-197, doi:10.1002/lno.10011. PDF


70. Woodworth, P.L., M.A. Morales Maqueda, V.M. Roussenov, R.G. Williams and C.W. Hughes, 2014. Mean sea-level variability along the northeast American Atlantic coast and the roles of the wind and overturning circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC010520. PDF


69. Tagliabue, A., R.G. Williams, N. Rogan, E.P. Achterberg and P. Boyd, 2014. A ventilation-based  framework to explain the regeneration-scavenging balance of iron on the Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 7227-7236, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061066. PDF


68. Reynolds, S., C. Mahaffey, V. Roussenov and R.G. Williams, 2014.  Evidence for production and lateral transport of dissolved organic phosphorus in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, 805-824, doi:10.1002/2013GB004801. PDF


67. Barton, A.D., B.A. Ward, R.G. Williams and M.J. Follows, 2014. The impact of fine-scale turbulence on phytoplankton community structure. Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments, 4, 34-49. doi: 10.1215/21573689-2651533  PDF


66. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov, D. Smith and M.S. Lozier, 2014. Decadal evolution of ocean thermal anomalies in the North Atlantic: the effects of Ekman, overturning, and horizontal transport. Journal of Climate, 27, 2, 698-719. PDF 

         See layperson summary


65. Kenitz, K., R.G. Williams, J. Sharples, O. Selsol and V.N. Biktashev, 2013. The paradox of the plankton: species competition and nutrient feedback sustain phytoplankton diversity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 490, 107-119. doi: 10.3354/meps10452  PDF


64. Badin, G., R.G. Williams, Z. Jing and L. Wu, 2013. Water-mass transformation in the Southern Ocean diagnosed from observations: contrasting effects of air-sea fluxes and diapycnal mixing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 7, 1472-1484. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-0216.1  PDF

63. Lauderdale, J.M., A.C. Naveira Garabato, K.I.C. Oliver, M.J. Follows and R.G. Williams, 2013. Wind-driven changes in Southern Ocean residual circulation, ocean carbon reservoirs and atmospheric CO2. Climate Dynamics, 41,7-8,2145-2164. doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1650-3. PDF

          See layperson summary

62. Hall, R. A., J. M. Huthnance, and R. G. Williams, 2013. Internal wave reflection on shelf slopes with depth-varying stratification. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 248-258. doi:10.1175/JPO-D-11-0192.1.       PDF

61. Williams, R.G., P. Goodwin, A. Ridgwell and P.L. Woodworth, 2012. How warming and steric sea level rise relate to cumulative carbon emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L19715. doi:10.1029/2012GL052771. PDF


60. Williams, R.G., 2012. Centennial warming of ocean boundary currents. Nature Climate Change, News and Views, 2, 149-150. PDF


59. Woodworth, P.L., Foden, P.R., Jones, D.S., Pugh, J., Holgate, S.J., Hibbert, A., Blackman, D.L., Bellingham, C.R., Roussenov, V.M. and Williams, R.G. 2012. Sea level changes at Ascension Island in the last half century. African Journal of Marine Science, 34, 443–452, doi:10.2989/1814232X.2012.689623. PDF


58. Williams, R.G., 2011. Ocean eddies and plankton blooms. Nature Geoscience, News and Views, 4, 11, 739-740. PDF


57. Williams, R.G., E. McDonagh, V.M. Roussenov, S. Torres-Valdes, B. King, R. Sanders and D.A. Hansell, 2011. Nutrient streams in the North Atlantic: Advective pathways of inorganic and organic nutrients. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB4008, doi:10.1029/2010GB003853. PDF


56. Palter, J.B., M.S. Lozier, J.L. Sarmiento and R.G. Williams, 2011. The supply of excess phosphate across the Gulf Stream and the maintenance of subtropical nitrogen fixation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB4007, doi:10.1029/2010GB003955. PDF


55. Hall, R., J. Huthnance and R.G. Williams, 2011. Internal tides, nonlinear internal wave trains and mixing in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C03008, doi:10.1029/2010JC006213. PDF


54. Badin, G., R.G. Williams and J. Sharples, 2010. Water-mass transformation in the shelf seas. Journal of Marine Research, 68, 189-214. PDF


53. Wilson, C., B. Sinha and R.G. Williams, 2010. The shaping of storm tracks by mountains and ocean dynamics. Weather, 65, 12, 320-323. PDF


52. Lozier, M.S., V. Roussenov, M.S.C. Reed and R.G. Williams, 2010.  Opposing decadal changes for the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Nature Geoscience,728-734. Link

51. Hickman, A.E., S. Dutkiewicz, R.G. Williams and M.J. Follows, 2010. Modelling the effects of chromatic adaptation on phytoplankton community structure in the oligotrophic environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 406, 1--17, Feature Article. PDF


50. Badin, G. and R.G. Williams, 2010. On the buoyancy forcing and residual circulation in the Southern Ocean: the feedback from Ekman and eddy transfer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, 295-310. PDF


49. Badin, G., R.G. Williams, J.T. Holt and L.J. Fernand, 2009. Are mesoscale eddies in shelf seas formed by baroclinic instability of tidal fronts? Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C10021, doi:10.1029/2009JC005340. PDF


48.Torres-Valdes, S., V. Roussenov, R. Sanders, S. Reynolds, X. Pan, R. Mather, A. Landolfi, G.A. Wolff, E.P. Achterberg and R.G. Williams, 2009. Distribution of dissolved organic nutrients and their effect on export production over the Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, GB4019, doi:10.1029/2008GB003389. PDF 

47. Wilson, C., B. Sinha and R. G. Williams, 2009. The effect of ocean dynamics and orography on atmospheric storm tracks. Journal of Climate, 22, 13, 2389-3702. doi: 10.1175/2009JCLI2651.1. PDF


46. Goodwin, P., R.G. Williams, A. Ridgwell and M.J. Follows, 2009. Climate sensitivity to the carbon cycle modulated by past and future changes in ocean chemistry. Nature Geosciences, doi:10.1038/ngeo416. Link

45. Goodwin, P., M.J. Follows and R.G. Williams, 2008. Analytical relationships between atmospheric carbon dioxide, carbon emissions and ocean processes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB3030, doi:10.1029/2008GB003184. PDF


44. Mather, R.L., S.E. Reynolds, G.A. Wolff, R.G. Williams, S. Torres-Valdes, E.M.S. Woodward, A. Landolfi, X. Pan, R. Sanders and E.P. Achterberg, 2008. Phosphorus cycling in the North and South Atlantic Ocean subtropical gyres. Nature Geosciences, 1, July 2008, 439-443, doi:10.1038/ngeo232. Link

43. Lozier, S., S. Leadbetter, R.G. Williams, V. Roussenov, M.S.C. Reed and N.J. Moore, 2008. The spatial pattern and mechanisms of heat content change in the North Atlantic. Science, 319, 5864, 800-803, doi: 10.1126/science.1146436. Link


42. Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams, C.W. Hughes and R.J. Bingham, 2008. Boundary wave communication of bottom pressure and overturning changes for the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C08042, doi:10.1029/2007JC004501. PDF


41. Bingham, R.J., C.W. Hughes, V. Roussenov and R.G. Williams, 2007. Meridional coherence of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L23606, doi:10.1029/2007GL031731. PDF


40. Reynolds, S.E., R.L. Mather, G.A. Wolff, R.G. Williams, A. Llandolfi, R. Sanders and E.M.S. Woodward, 2007: How widespread and important is N2 fixation in the North Atlantic Ocean? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB4015, doi:10.1029/2006GB002886. PDF


39. Leadbetter, S.J., R.G. Williams, E.L. McDonagh and B.A. King, 2007: A twenty year reversal in water mass trends in the subtropical North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L12608, doi:10.1029/2007GL029957. PDF

38. Williams, R.G., C. Wilson and C.W. Hughes, 2007: Ocean and atmosphere storm tracks: the role of eddy forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37, 2267-2289. PDF


37. Goodwin, P., R.G. Williams, M.J. Follows and S. Dutkiewicz, 2007: Ocean-atmosphere partitioning of anthropogenic carbon dioxide on centennial timescales. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB1014, doi:10.1029/GB002810. PDF


36. Robinson C et al. including Williams RG and 10 others, 2006: The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) Programme: a contextual view 1995 – 2005. Deep-Sea Research II, 53,(14-16), 1485-1515. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.015. Link

35. Jackson, L, C.W. Hughes and R.G. Williams, 2006: Topographic control of basin and channel flows: the role of bottom pressure torques and friction. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 1786-1805. PDF


34. Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams, C. Mahaffey and G.A. Wolff, 2006: Does the transport of dissolved organic nutrients affect export production in the Atlantic Ocean? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, doi:10.1029/2005GB00210. PDF


33. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov and M.J. Follows, 2006: Nutrient Streams and their induction into the mixed layer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB1016, doi: 10.1029/2005GB002586. PDF


32. Wilson, C. and R.G. Williams, 2006: When are eddy tracer fluxes directed down gradient? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36, 2, 189-201. PDF Link

31. Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams, M.J. Follows, and R.M. Key, 2004: Role of bottom water transport and diapycnic mixing in determining the radiocarbon distribution in the Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, C06015, doi:10.1029/2003JC002188. PDF


30. Mahaffey, C., R.G. Williams, G.A. Wolff and W. Anderson, 2004: The physical supply of nutrients to phytoplankton in the Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB1034, doi:10.1029/2003GB002129. PDF


29. Wilson, C. and R.G. Williams, 2004: Why are eddy fluxes of potential vorticity difficult to parameterise? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34, 1, 142-155. PDF LInk


28. Mahaffey, C., R.G. Williams, G.A. Wolff, N. Mahowald, W. Anderson and M. Woodward, 2003: Biogeochemical signatures of nitrogen fixation in the eastern North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, vol 30, No. 6, doi:10.1029/2002GL016542. PDF


27. Williams, R.G. and V. Roussenov, 2003: The role of sloping boundaries in forming potential vorticity contrasts in the ocean interior. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33, 633-648. PDF


26. Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams and J.E. O'Dwyer, 2002: Formation of low potential vorticity over the deep Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 1811-1823. PDF


25. Williams, R.G., K. Day, V. Roussenov and R. Woods, 2002: The role of the overturning circulation in determining the potential vorticity over the abyssal ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, C10, 3170, doi:10.1029/2001JC001094. PDF


24. McLaren, A.J. and R.G. Williams, 2001: Interannual variations in the thermodynamics of subduction over the North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 11, 3284-3294. PDF


23. Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams and W. Roether, 2001: Comparing the overflow of dense water in isopycnic and cartesian models with tracer observations in the eastern Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research part 1, 48/5, 1255-1277. PDF


22. Lee, M.M. and R.G. Williams, 2000: The role of eddies in the isopycnic transfer of nutrients and their impact on biological production. Journal of Marine Research, 58, 895-917. PDF


21. O'Dwyer, J.E., R.G. Williams, J. Lacasce and K. Speer, 2000: Does the potential vorticity distribution constrain the spreading of floats in the North Atlantic? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 30, 721-732. PDF


20. Stratford, K., R.G. Williams, and P. Myers, 2000: The impact of the circulation on sapropel formation in the eastern Mediterranean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 683-695. PDF


19. Williams, R.G., A.J McLaren and M.J. Follows, 2000: Estimating the convective supply of nitrate and implied variability in export production over the North Atlantic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 1299-1313. PDF

18. Marshall, D.P., R.G. Williams and M.-M. Lee, 1999: The relation between eddy-induced transport and isopycnic gradients of potential vorticity. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 1571-1578. PDF


17. Nurser, A.J.G., R.A. Marsh and R.G. Williams, 1999: Diagnosing formation rates of water masses from air-sea fluxes and surface mixing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 1468-1487. PDF


16. Williams, R.G. and M. Pennington, 1999: Combining altimetry with a thermocline model to examine the transport over the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, C8, 18269-18280. PDF


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14. Williams, R.G. and M.J. Follows, 1998: The Ekman transfer of nutrients and maintenance of new production over the North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, 45, 461-489. PDF


13. Stratford, K., R.G. Williams and P.G. Drakopoulos, 1998: Estimating climatological age from a model derived oxygen-age relationship in the Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems, 18, 215-226. PDF

12. Lee, M.-M., D.P. Marshall and R.G. Williams, 1997: On the eddy transfer of tracers: diffusive or advective? Journal of Marine Research, 55, 3, 1-24. PDF.

11. O'Dwyer, J. and R.G. Williams, 1997: The climatological distribution of potential vorticity over the abyssal ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 2488-2505. PDF


10. Stratford, K. and R.G. Williams, 1997: A tracer study of the formation, dispersal and renewal of Levantine Intermediate Water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 12539-12549. PDF .

9. Follows, M.J., R.G. Williams, and J.C. Marshall, 1996: The Solubility pump of Carbon in the Subtropical Gyre of the North Atlantic. Journal of Marine Research, 54, 4, 605-630. PDF

8. Hood, S. and R.G. Williams, 1996: On frontal and ventilated models of the main thermocline. Journal of Marine Research, 54, 2, 211-238. Link

7. Williams, R.G., M.A. Spall and J.C. Marshall, 1995: Does Stommel's Mixed-Layer Demon' work? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 3089-3102. PDF


6. Lascaratos, A., R.G. Williams, and E. Tragou, 1993: A Mixed-layer Study of the Formation of Levantine Intermediate Water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, C8, 14739-14749. PDF

5. Marshall, J.C., A.J.G. Nurser, and R.G. Williams, 1993: Inferring the Subduction Rate and Period over the North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 1315-1329. PDF

4. Williams, R.G., 1991: The Role of the Mixed Layer in Setting the Potential Vorticity of the Main Thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 21, 1803-1814. PDF

3. Nurser, A.J.G. and R.G. Williams, 1990: Cooling the Parsons' Model of the Separated Gulf Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20, 1974-1979. PDF

2. Williams, R.G., 1989: The Influence of Air-Sea Interaction on the Ventilated Thermocline. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19, 1255-1267. PDF


1. Williams, R.G., 1988: Modification of Ocean Eddies by Air-Sea Interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 15523-15533. PDF