Kate M Bennett
Research Interests
Why I am Interested in Research into Ageing
We have all heard about the changes in our population which mean
that there is an increasing proportion of older people.
In the past there has been relatively research on the psychology of
older people. There has also been relatively little research into
the effects of spousal and partner bereavement.
I am interested in particular in the way marital status affects our
health, wellbeing and social lives.
My other long-standing research focus on ageing is on resilience.
Along with Gill Windle, I have developed an ecological model of resilience.
We have developed the ecological model of resilience which posits that individual,
community and societal resources facilitate resilience. We have operationalised
Windle's (2011) definition of resilience in our work. Further details can be found
on the Publications page (on the left).
COVID-19 Research Projects
COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (link on the left).
Nationally representative longitudinal survey.
Qualitative longitudinal studies of people aged over 65; people
aged 18-64; and pregnant women and parents with children under 1.
Bereavement at the time of COVID 19 (link to the survey on
Liverpool Household COVID 19 Cohort Study - Psychological and
Social Effects (link on left)
Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on people with dementia (link
on the left)
See also: University of Liverpool People:
Kate Bennett
Widowed People
I have undertaken much work studying bereavement and widowhood in
older people. If you are interested in what I have done, please
look at the publication pages. From time to time we recruit for new
studies. So if you are interested please check this page from time
to time.
Resilience in Spousal Carers of People with Dementia
I have undertaken much work studying resilience and dementia
care. If you are interested in what I have done, please look at the
publication pages. From time to time we recruit for new studies. So
if you are interested please check this page from time to time.
We are also interested in Research into Infant Nutrition
See Dr Vicky Fallon's pages for more details Vicky Fallon
For list of my publications click here
Here are some useful links:
British Society of
Gerontological Society of America
British Psychological Society
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
Maintaining Function and
Well-Being in Later Life
Dementia Services
Development Cente
Resilience Network