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Elliott Stollar

Dr Elliott Stollar

Programme Director - BSc Biochemistry
School of Biosciences


I work as a Biochemistry Senior Lecturer in the School of Biosciences and an honorary member of the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Liverpool. I am the programme director for the Biochemistry degree.

Before Liverpool, from 2010 to 2017 I worked as an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Eastern New Mexico University, USA. I worked as an Assistant Professor at Mount Allison University, Canada (2008-2010), a Post-Doc at the Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Canada (2004-2008), a Ph.D student at Cambridge University, UK (1999-2004), an English and Chemistry Teacher in Jalisco, Mexico (1998-1999), a Research Scientist at GlaxoSmithKline (1996-1997) and an Undergraduate student at Leeds University, UK (1994-1998).

My research lab uses biophysical tools to probe protein structure, dynamics and interactions to gain a deeper understanding of protein interaction specificity, with an interest in optimising the protein production and characterisation pipeline. I am also interested in pedagogical research to better understand student success in the lab. I am always looking for new undergrads and graduate students to work in my lab.