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Diane undertook her undergraduate studies as a mature student in Sociology & History at MMU; an MA History (ESRC funded) University of Lancaster and a PhD Sociology (funded studentship), University of Liverpool. She joined the Department in January 2002 having held previous appointments as Senior Lecturer in Race and Ethnic Studies, University of Central Lancashire; William McCue Mather Research Fellow, Department of Social & Economic History, University of Liverpool and various post-graduate teaching posts at University of Liverpool (Dept of Sociology) and MMU (Dept of History). Diane's teaching and research interests cover a range of historical and sociological areas around the issues of 'race' and ethnicity. She has undertaken a number of inter-disciplinary research collaborations. Her most recent collaborative work focusses on Neighbourhood Identity and Belonging in Liverpool 8 (British Academy Funded) and builds on her long established association with the area.

Prizes or Honours

  • British Academy block travel grant (University of Colorado Springs) (British Academy, 2003)
  • British Academy small research grant for research on Black identity in Liverpool (British Academy, 2003)
  • Research Development Fund University of Liverpool for research on Sierra Leone (University of Liverpool, 2002)
  • British Academy Travel grant conference in Florida (British Academy, 2002)

Funded Fellowships

  • William McQue Research Fellowship, Department of Social and Economic History, University of Liverpool (University of Liverpool & Merseyside Maritme Museum, 1991)