'We are not separatist because so many of us are mixed': resisting negative stereotypes of neighbourhood ethnic residential concentration
Frost, D., Catney, G., & Vaughn, L. (2022). 'We are not separatist because so many of us are mixed': resisting negative stereotypes of neighbourhood ethnic residential concentration. JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES, 48(7), 1573-1590. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2021.1912590
Belonging and the intergenerational transmission of place identity: Reflections on a British inner-city neighbourhood
Frost, D., & Catney, G. (2020). Belonging and the intergenerational transmission of place identity: Reflections on a British inner-city neighbourhood. URBAN STUDIES, 57(14), 2833-2849. doi:10.1177/0042098019887922
Residents’ perspectives on defining neighbourhood: mental mapping as a tool for participatory neighbourhood research
Catney, G. R., Frost, D., & Vaughn, L. (2019). Residents’ perspectives on defining neighbourhood: mental mapping as a tool for participatory neighbourhood research. Qualitative Research, 19(6), 735-752. doi:10.1177/1468794118803841
Roma populations and health inequalities: a new perspective
Rosenhaft, E., Orton, L., Anderson De Cuevas, R., Stojanovski, K., Gamella, J., Greenfields, M., . . . Whitehead, M. (2019). Roma populations and health inequalities: a new perspective. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. doi:10.1108/IJHRH-01-2019-0004
History from the bottom up & the inside out
Frost, D. (2019). History from the bottom up & the inside out. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES, 42(3), 470-472. doi:10.1080/01419870.2018.1493212
Residents’ perspectives on defining neighbourhood: mental mapping as a tool for participatory neighbourhood research
Catney, G. R., Frost, D., & Vaughn, L. (2018). Residents’ perspectives on defining neighbourhood: mental mapping as a tool for participatory neighbourhood research. Qualitative Research. doi:10.1177/1468794118803841
The maligned, the despised and the ostracised: Working-class white women, interracial relationships and colonial ideologies in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Liverpool
Frost, D. (2017). The maligned, the despised and the ostracised: Working-class white women, interracial relationships and colonial ideologies in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Liverpool. In The empire in one city? (pp. 143-164).
Reflections on Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider
Frost, D. (2015). Reflections on Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(13), 2251-2258. doi:10.1080/01419870.2015.1058495
Researching the riots
Phillips, R., Frost, D., & Singleton, A. (2013). Researching the riots. Geographical Journal, 179(1), 3-10. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4959.2012.00463.x
Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge
Frost, D., & North, P. (2013). Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press.
From the Pit to the Market: Politics and the Diamond Economy in Sierra Leone
Frost, D. (2012). From the Pit to the Market: Politics and the Diamond Economy in Sierra Leone. London: James Currey (an imprint of Boydell and Brewer).
The 2011 Summer Riots: Learning from History - Remembering '81
Frost, D., & Phillips, R. (2012). The 2011 Summer Riots: Learning from History - Remembering '81. Sociological Research Online, (3), 13.
Final Report for UK Borders Agency Museum: Immigration.
Evans, K., Frost, D., & Hancock, L. (2011). Final Report for UK Borders Agency Museum: Immigration.. Liverpool: UK Border Agency Museum (Unpublished).
Liverool '81: remembering the riots
Frost, D., & Phillips, R. (Eds.) (2011). Liverool '81: remembering the riots. Liverpool: Liverpool Univerisyt Press.
Islamophobia: examining causal links between the media and 'race hate' from below
Frost, D. (2008). Islamophobia: examining causal links between the media and 'race hate' from below. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
Islamophobia: examining causal links between the state and 'race hate' from below
Frost, D. (2008). Islamophobia: examining causal links between the state and 'race hate' from below. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
The Maligned, the despised and the ostracised: Working-class white women, inter-racial realtionships and colonial ideologies in nineteenth and twentieth century Liverpool
Frost, D. (2008). The Maligned, the despised and the ostracised: Working-class white women, inter-racial realtionships and colonial ideologies in nineteenth and twentieth century Liverpool. In S. Haggerty, A. Webster, & N. J. White (Eds.), The Empire in one city? Liverpool's Inconvenient Imperial Past (pp. 1-78). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
The ‘enemy within’? Asylum, racial violence and ‘race hate’ in Britain today
Frost, D. (2007). The ‘enemy within’? Asylum, racial violence and ‘race hate’ in Britain today. Twenty-First Century Society, 2(3), 227-248. doi:10.1080/17450140701631411
Kru seamen in Freetown (Sierra Leone) and Liverpool (United Kingdom) during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Frost, D. (2006). Kru seamen in Freetown (Sierra Leone) and Liverpool (United Kingdom) during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In A. M. Leonard, & A. Rice (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Afircan Atlantic Relations (pp. 4). New York: ABC - Clio.
Die Kru - Saisonarbeiter an der westafrikanischen Kuste
Frost, D. (2005). Die Kru - Saisonarbeiter an der westafrikanischen Kuste. In J. Schneider, U. Roschenthaler, & B. Gardi Hg (Eds.), Fotofieber - Bilder aus West- und Zentralafrika Die Reisen von Carl Passavant 1883-1885 (pp. 247). Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag.
The Kru: labourers for all seasons
Frost, D. (2005). The Kru: labourers for all seasons. In J. Schneider, U. Roeschenthaler, & B. Gardi (Eds.), Zwisschen Basel und Angola> Die Forschungsreisen des Basler Burgers Carl Passavant nach wsr - und Zentralafrika in den Jahren 1883-85 (pp. 247). Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag.
Diasporan West African communities: the Kru in freetown & liverpool
Frost, D. (2002). Diasporan West African communities: the Kru in freetown & liverpool. Review of African Political Economy, 29(92). doi:10.1080/03056240208704614
Africa in Crisis
Zack-Williams, A. B., Frost, D., & Thompson, A. (Eds.) (2002). Africa in Crisis. London: Pluto Press.
'Colonial labour and work palaver: labour conflict in Britain and West Africa'
Frost, D. (2000). 'Colonial labour and work palaver: labour conflict in Britain and West Africa'. In Labour and Difference in Africa, USA and Britain (pp. 18). London: Macmillan.
'Ambiguous identities: constructing and de-constructing black and white 'Scouse' identities in twentieth century Liverpool'
Frost, D. (1999). 'Ambiguous identities: constructing and de-constructing black and white 'Scouse' identities in twentieth century Liverpool'. In N. Kirk (Ed.), Northern Identities: the construction of identity in northern England from 1800 to the present (pp. 24). London: Ashsgate.