Making an Impact Resources

We have collated resources under identified themes to help in further supporting and extending the experience of Making an Impact.

Making an Impact 2024 Embedding Week (27th - 31st May 2024)

This week is an opportunity to review the resources from the sessions that have been delivered so far as part of Making an Impact 2024. We have also curated some suggested resources for you to review that will support your engagement with this programme.

We encourage you to use the  we have developed for you to consider how you will use what you have learnt in your day-to-day work and reflect on your wellbeing.

Tuesday 28th May

Entrepreneurships and Partnerships:

Why Commercialise? Benefits, impact and research dollars (MWS access required)

Watch Liverpool’s Enterprise Team discuss research commercialisation: policies, processes, benefits & resources.

Work through this resource: How can you identify collaboration opportunities (download the accessible version)

Wednesday 29th May

Collaborating and Engaging:

Am I an Exporter? Working with International Collaborators (MWS login required)

Anyone working with international collaborators could potentially be an exporter of controlled ‘Items’. This session explains how the law applies to your work.

Work through this resource: Human Factors in Innovation (download the accessible version)

Thursday 30th May

Communicating and Presenting Yourself:

How to enhance your LinkedIn profile and learn savvy networking strategies to propel your career

Watch this video and explore the associated resources to learn how to enhance your LinkedIn presence & career opportunities with online strategies.

How to Leverage Generative AI Tools for LinkedIn

Linkedin Profile Worksheet and Before After Examples

LinkedIn 10 point checklist

Friday 31st May

Public Engagement:

Using artificial intelligence in engagement and impact (MWS access required)

Watch this video to understand the basics of artificial intelligence and how to use it as a tool for public engagement.

Listen to this podcast to hear about how to get your research the audience it deserves 

Session summaries

Galvanising research and impact through innovation and collaboration

Visual summary of the MAI 2023 keynote with James Howard and Tim Jones

This keynote conversation between Professor Tim Jones, Vice Chancellor, and Dr James Howard, Director of The Academy, discussed the value of research collaboration and innovation for impact and why this is a key priority for University of Liverpool. Download the visual summary.

Download in accessible format.

Are we on the same page? Communicating with business and industry

Visual summary of a MAking an Impact podcast with Elizabeth Adcams and Caroline Broad

Elizabeth Adams and Dr Caroline Broad chat about becoming confident in talking to non-academic partners about your research to enable business and industry collaborations. Download the visual minutes.

Download in accessible format.

How to craft a successful briefing to engage with a policy audience

Visual summary of MAI 2023 talk on Policy briefings by Tom Arnold

Dr Tom Arnold, from the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, discusses the benefits of policy briefings for researchers and policymakers, and how to write an engaging briefing. Download the Visual Summary

Download in accessible format.

Building a culture of innovation

Building a Culture of Innovation Summary

Dr Iain Hennessey, Clinical Director of Innovation at Alder Hey Children’s hospital delivers this keynote session on building a culture of innovation using his personal experience, from starting a surgical simulation company as a trainee to forming partnerships with multinationals such as Sony and IBM.  Download the Visual minutes

Accessible version .  

The road from COP26: How Innovation is Leading the Way

The road from COP26 Summary

Featuring keynote presentations from the Metro Mayor of Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotheram, and the Chief Executive of RenewableUK, Dan McGrail, together with a panel discussion from members of the Climate Futures Research Theme, this session will explores how the City Region is transitioning to a net zero carbon economy and how research at the University is leading the way on innovation in sustainability at a local, national and global scale. Download the Visual minutes

Accessible version


Impact Matters: Responding to Covid 19

Impact Matters Summary

In a presentation about the impact of his work, Professor Semple will discuss his experiences and share his perspectives on informing the COVID-19 response.  Download the Visual minutes.  

Accessible version .


Knowledge Exchange: A Funders Perspective 

Knowledge Exchange A Funders Perspective Summary

Dr Alice Frost, Director of Knowledge Exchange Policy at Research England reviewed the last years of KE policy and funding developments, including the impact of COVID 19, HEIF, the initiation of the Knowledge Exchange Framework and the Knowledge Exchange Concordat and the increased focus on commercialisation. As well as setting out Research England’s current intentions and plans for a fundamental review of its KE funding and policy approaches.  Download the Visual minutes

Accessible version .

Climate Change and how Universities can make a difference

Climate change and how Universities can make a difference Summary

Professor Judith Petts CBE has led the development of a new set of climate commitments endorsed by 140 universities which support government aims to cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035. In this Keynote session, Prof Petts will discussed how Universities can make a difference to climate change.  Download the Visual minutes.

Accessible version.

Digital Research and Innovation

Digital Research and Innovation

In this podcast on Digital research and innovation hosted by Dr Anthony Mtitimila, Andrew Borland and Prof Daniel Arribas-Bel discuss how University led research and innovation is transforming cities. Download the Visual minutes

Accessible version

The Joy of Networking

The Joy of Networking

In this live podcast, hosted by Karishma Asher, listeners followed the journey of Ayo Barley, as she set up and developed a network for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic researchers, professional services and academic teaching staff during the Covid-19 pandemic, done against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Download the Visual minutes

Accessible version .



Mastering Complex Research Projects

Mastering Complex Research Projects

In this live podcast hosted by Cat Deering, Natacha Wilsom provides tips on how to enthuse and connect with collaborators, partners and more.  Download the Visual minutes .  

Accessible version.




The Benefits and Potential Hazards of Making a Cultural Impact Online

The Benefits and potential hazards

Discussion with Professor Dinah Birch (Pro Vice Chancellor for Cultural Engagement) and Prof Georgina Endfield (APVC Research and Impact (Humanities and Social Sciences); Professor of Environmental History) looking at how to adjust the nature of events to support increased reach and broad demographic, how to promote genuine involvement and active engagement and inclusivity and diversity.  Download the Visual minutes .

Accessible version.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Visual minutes for talk on UN Sustainable Goals

Our VC, Prof Dame Janet Beer, presented “UN sustainable Development Goals, COVID-19 and Our Research”. Visual minutes taken from this talk depict some of the key points mentioned.

Accessible version.

Knowledge Exchange Concordat

Knowledge Exchange Concordat talk summary

Prof Trevor McMillan and Dr Hamish McAlpine presented a Keynote on “The Knowledge Exchange Concordat: why, what, and when and next steps for KEF”. Download the Visual minutes.

Accessible version.

Making an Impact
Top Tips

Making an Impact Top Tips summary

Each Making an Impact 2020 session provided top tips, they include communicating with impact, impactful leadership, consultancy and project management. Download the image.

Accessible version.


Discover our Making an Impact podcasts which cover a wide variety of relevant topics such as global connections, blogging, policy, development, wellbeing, sustainability and much more.