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Rebecca is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Appetite and Obesity research group within the Department of Psychology. Her research predominantly focuses on public health, specifically environmental factors influencing eating behaviour. She has explored the effects of food marketing on various aspects of eating and evaluated behaviour change strategies such as food labelling to promote healthier diets. Alongside her work in public health, she has explored human-animal relationships, including how the interplay between owner and cat personalities influences the quality of their bond. Her doctoral thesis explored the extent and nature of digital food marketing via videogame livestreaming platforms and its impact on young people's eating behaviour and health.

Prizes or Honours

  • The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) Early Career Network Best Thesis Award (EASO, 2024)
  • The Nutrition Society Prize in recognition of scientific excellence at an early career stage in nutritional science, awarded at the STEM for Britain scientific poster competition finals held in Parliament (The Nutrition Society, 2023)
  • The David Dickins Prize for an original line of thought or enquiry initiated and developed individually by a student indicating thoughtfulness and critical curiosity (University of Liverpool, 2018)