Salt warning labels in the out-of-home food sector: online and real-world randomised controlled trials
Does menu calorie labelling cause or exacerbate eating disorders?
Brealey, J., Evans, R., Finlay, A., Gough, T., Polden, M., Putra, I. G. N. E., . . . Robinson, E. (2024). Does menu calorie labelling cause or exacerbate eating disorders?. International journal of obesity (2005), 48(12), 1679-1683. doi:10.1038/s41366-024-01622-3
Consumer Awareness, Perceptions and Avoidance of Ultra-Processed Foods: A Study of UK Adults in 2024.
Robinson, E., Cummings, J. R., Gough, T., Jones, A., & Evans, R. (2024). Consumer Awareness, Perceptions and Avoidance of Ultra-Processed Foods: A Study of UK Adults in 2024.. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 13(15), 2317. doi:10.3390/foods13152317
Consumer awareness, perceptions and avoidance of ultra-processed foods: A study of UK adults in 2024
The food and beverage cues in digital marketing model: special considerations of social media, gaming, and livestreaming environments for food marketing and eating behavior research.
Maksi, S. J., Keller, K. L., Dardis, F., Vecchi, M., Freeman, J., Evans, R. K., . . . Masterson, T. D. (2024). The food and beverage cues in digital marketing model: special considerations of social media, gaming, and livestreaming environments for food marketing and eating behavior research.. Frontiers in nutrition, 10, 1325265. doi:10.3389/fnut.2023.1325265
Food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing via fortnite streamers on twitch: A content analysis.
Evans, R., Christiansen, P., Masterson, T., Barlow, G., & Boyland, E. (2024). Food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing via fortnite streamers on twitch: A content analysis.. Appetite, 107207. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2024.107207
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of digital game-based or influencer food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing on children and adolescents: Exploring hierarchy of effects outcomes
Evans, R. K., Christiansen, P., Finlay, A., Jones, A., Maden, M., & Boyland, E. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of digital game-based or influencer food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing on children and adolescents: Exploring hierarchy of effects outcomes. OBESITY REVIEWS. doi:10.1111/obr.13630
The extent and nature of digital food marketing via videogame livestreaming platforms and its impact on eating behaviour and health in young people
Evans, R. (2023, October 5). The extent and nature of digital food marketing via videogame livestreaming platforms and its impact on eating behaviour and health in young people.
Recall of food marketing on videogame livestreaming platforms: Associations with adolescent diet-related behaviours and health
Evans, R., Christiansen, P., Masterson, T., Pollack, C., Albadri, S., & Boyland, E. (2023). Recall of food marketing on videogame livestreaming platforms: Associations with adolescent diet-related behaviours and health. APPETITE, 186. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2023.106584
User engagement with a popular food brand before, during and after a multi-day interactive marketing campaign on a popular live streaming platform
Haushalter, K., Pritschet, S. J., Long, J. W., Edwards, C. G., Boyland, E. J., Evans, R. K., & Masterson, T. D. (2023). User engagement with a popular food brand before, during and after a multi-day interactive marketing campaign on a popular live streaming platform. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 26(4), 716-724. doi:10.1017/S1368980023000083
Energy labelling of alcoholic drinks: An important or inconsequential obesity policy?
Robinson, E., Boyland, E., Evans, R., Finlay, A., Halsall, L., Humphreys, G., . . . Jones, A. (2022). Energy labelling of alcoholic drinks: An important or inconsequential obesity policy?. OBESITY SCIENCE & PRACTICE. doi:10.1002/osp4.638
A scoping review of outdoor food marketing: exposure, power and impacts on eating behaviour and health
Finlay, A., Robinson, E., Jones, A., Maden, M., Cerny, C., Muc, M., . . . Boyland, E. (2022). A scoping review of outdoor food marketing: exposure, power and impacts on eating behaviour and health. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-022-13784-8
A domestic cat <i>(Felis silvestris catus)</i> model of triarchic psychopathy factors: Development and initial validation of the CAT-Tri plus questionnaire
Evans, R., Lyons, M., Brewer, G., & Bethell, E. (2021). A domestic cat <i>(Felis silvestris catus)</i> model of triarchic psychopathy factors: Development and initial validation of the CAT-Tri plus questionnaire. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY, 95. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2021.104161
Energy labelling of alcoholic drinks as a public health policy to reduce obesity: An integrative review
The energy and nutritional content of snacks sold at supermarkets and coffee shops in the UK
Marty, L., Evans, R., Sheen, F., Humphreys, G., Jones, A., Boyland, E., & Robinson, E. (2021). The energy and nutritional content of snacks sold at supermarkets and coffee shops in the UK. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. doi:10.1111/jhn.12880
Online Food Marketing in the Livestream Environment: What Is the Role of Censorship?
Edwards, C. G., Pollack, C. C., Boyland, E. J., Evans, R. K., Gilbert-Diamond, D., & Masterson, T. D. (2021). Online Food Marketing in the Livestream Environment: What Is the Role of Censorship?. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 76(6), 371-374. doi:10.1159/000512118
Identification of Behavior Change Techniques From Successful Web-Based Interventions Targeting Alcohol Consumption, Binge Eating, and Gambling: Systematic Review.
Humphreys, G., Evans, R., Makin, H., Cooke, R., & Jones, A. (2021). Identification of Behavior Change Techniques From Successful Web-Based Interventions Targeting Alcohol Consumption, Binge Eating, and Gambling: Systematic Review.. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(2), e22694. doi:10.2196/22694
Twitch user perceptions, attitudes and behaviours in relation to food and beverage marketing on Twitch compared with YouTube
Pollack, C. C., Gilbert-Diamond, D., Emond, J. A., Eschholz, A., Evans, R. K., Boyland, E. J., & Masterson, T. D. (2021). Twitch user perceptions, attitudes and behaviours in relation to food and beverage marketing on Twitch compared with YouTube. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE, 10. doi:10.1017/jns.2021.22
Identification of Behavior Change Techniques From Successful Web-Based Interventions Targeting Alcohol Consumption, Binge Eating, and Gambling: Systematic Review (Preprint)
Humphreys, G., Evans, R., Makin, H., Cooke, R., & Jones, A. (2020). Identification of Behavior Change Techniques From Successful Web-Based Interventions Targeting Alcohol Consumption, Binge Eating, and Gambling: Systematic Review (Preprint). doi:10.2196/preprints.22694
The purrfect match: The influence of personality on owner satisfaction with their domestic cat (<i>Felis silvestris catus</i>)
Evans, R., Lyons, M., Brewer, G., & Tucci, S. (2019). The purrfect match: The influence of personality on owner satisfaction with their domestic cat (<i>Felis silvestris catus</i>). PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 138, 252-256. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.011