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I completed my PhD at the University of Liverpool using brain imaging techniques to analyse brain function and structure in a group of chronic pain patients. Since this time, I have continued to utilise structural and functional MRI methodologies and electroencephalography in a wide range of neuroscience projects with clinical and academic colleagues as well as developing a cross-disciplanry sensory neuroscience program with researchers from Unilever Research and Development UK.

My principle research interest remains the neuroscience of chronic pain, which often exhibits poor treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction despite it's high prevalence and a large socio-economic burden. I am particularly interested in fibromyalgia syndrome, a chronic pain disorder which primarily affects females of middle age. My current work includes collaborations with colleagues from the Pain Research Institute in Liverpool, The Walton Centre and collaborators at Kings College London and University of Manchester. Together, we utilise a multi-modal approach to investigate potential mechanisms underlying the experience of chronic pain and accompanying symptoms in a wide range of clinical conditions. I also work with clinical colleague on projects investigating brain stimulation techniques for pain relief, as well as novel treatment approaches for central post-stroke pain and functional impairment.

I am privileged to be continuing my academic career surrounded by wonderful colleagues here at the University of Liverpool, and look forward to many exciting years ahead.