The Politics blog

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If you're passionate about politics then this is the blog for you.

A mix of posts from our current students, insights into our world-shaping research and political opinion on what's happening in the headlines.

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Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities

Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities

As someone who has experienced the odd period of low-mood and a general ‘slump’ in wellbeing, I have learnt just how important the practice of building positive habits and activities can be in order to boost your wellbeing in a positive way! If you’re after some tips and tricks of habits and activities which you can get started with today, then be sure to read on.

Posted on: 27 April 2022

Magnet Fishing: An attractive hobby for you and the environmentMagnet Fishing: An attractive hobby for you and the environment

Magnet Fishing: An attractive hobby for you and the environment

For a few years now, I have stood at the water’s edge holding a line of rope, and many a passer-by has stopped and stared. “What are you doing?” they ask, with curiosity and confusion. “Magnet fishing”, I reply, reassuringly. Some have seen it online. Some thank me for what I’m doing. Some think I’m trying to catch fish (“But fish aren’t magnetic!”). Most just enquire more about the hobby. “Magnet fishing? What’s that?”

Posted on: 29 March 2022

Semester 1 Summaries: Zach BishopSemester 1 Summaries: Zach Bishop

Semester 1 Summaries: Zach Bishop

Following a first year of disruptions and lockdowns, it has been wonderful to finally be back on campus this semester and experiencing the best of what the city of Liverpool and the university has to offer.

Posted on: 10 December 2021

Our Favourite Places to Visit Outside of the CityOur Favourite Places to Visit Outside of the City

Our Favourite Places to Visit Outside of the City

Sometimes you just want to take a break from city life, escape for a few hours. We know the feeling! We've put together a few suggestions of where you could go, including some stops along the way. So get your comfy trainers ready because you're about to go on an adventure.

Posted on: 8 August 2021

Opinion: Why the government's race report is deeply flawedOpinion: Why the government

Opinion: Why the government's race report is deeply flawed

Dr Leona Vaughn, Derby Fellow in the politics department, gives her view on the government's recent report into race and racism in the UK.

Posted on: 21 April 2021

Your guide to the 2021 local elections in the North WestYour guide to the 2021 local elections in the North West

Your guide to the 2021 local elections in the North West

With the 2021 local elections on the horizon, Professor Jon Tonge provides a breakdown of the key events and numbers before ballot-boxes open on Thursday 6 May.

Posted on: 13 April 2021

New perspectives on Corbyn and CorbynismNew perspectives on Corbyn and Corbynism

New perspectives on Corbyn and Corbynism

Alan Bennett uses the character Irwin in The History Boys to argue that “our perspective on the past alters. Looking back, immediately in front of us is dead ground. We don't see it, and because we don't see it this means that there is no period so remote as the recent past. And one of the historian's jobs is to anticipate what our perspective of that period will be.”

Posted on: 11 February 2021

COVID-19, nationalism, and students: how we are impacted and why you should careCOVID-19, nationalism, and students: how we are impacted and why you should care

COVID-19, nationalism, and students: how we are impacted and why you should care

First year Politics student Charlotte Marshall gives her view on the emergence of COVID nationalism, and how government restrictions have impacted her student peers.

Posted on: 8 January 2021

2020: My year in review as a Politics student2020: My year in review as a Politics student

2020: My year in review as a Politics student

Third year International Politics student Ash Mears talks about how 2020 has changed her perspective on why her degree is important and how she wants to help in developing a more equal world in her career.

Posted on: 9 December 2020


    Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities

    Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities

    As someone who has experienced the odd period of low-mood and a general ‘slump’ in wellbeing, I have learnt just how important the practice of building positive habits and activities can be in order to boost your wellbeing in a positive way! If you’re after some tips and tricks of habits and activities which you can get started with today, then be sure to read on.

    Posted on: 27 April 2022