News in Brief – November 2020

Featured News
The Morality of Mortality -- Michael Hauskeller on the Moral Maze
What is Epistemic Decolonization? - Online Seminar Series organised by Katherine Furman, as well as Zinhle Mncube (University of Johannesburg/University of Cambridge), Azita Chellappoo (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Dominic Berry (London School of Economics/University of Birmingham).
De-colonisation and diversification in philosophy: Lizzy Ventham at the BPPA Radical Philosophy Conference
Upcoming Events
3 December, Stapledon. Leah McClimans, University of South Carolina, ‘Patient-Centered Measurement’
4 December, Sussex Philosophy Society. Professor Richard Gaskin at ‘An online celebration of the work of Michael Morris’.
Other News
Yiota Vassilopoulous spoke about ‘Mary Midgley & Why She Matters', at the LSE Forum. You can watch it here.
The Woodcraft Folk hosted an online workshop on Mary Midgley and Gaia as part of their ‘Dream Big at Home’ series, in collaboration with Rachael Wiseman’s AHRC-funded project, women in parenthesis. The project also launched a new podcast series, aimed at students and teachers, made by summer intern, Amy Ward.
MA student Anna Woodruff has been offered a place on Edge Hill University’s PGCE programme next year.
Richard Gaskin has made freely available audio files of literary readings on his Literary Voice website. The latest are readings from Winnie the Pooh.
Katherine Furman’s, ‘Emotions and Distrust in Science’ in out in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
MA student Lucy James's paper ‘Is There Room for Laozi’s Ancient Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World?’ is in Falsafa (Summer 2020), a biannual UG philosophy journal.