What is Epistemic Decolonization? - Online Seminar Series

This online seminar series will take place between January and March 2021, organised by the University of Liverpool's own Katherine Furman as well as Zinhle Mncube (University of Johannesburg/University of Cambridge), Azita Chellappoo (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Dominic Berry (London School of Economics/University of Birmingham).
‘What is Epistemic Decolonization?’ has a number of motivations. The most important is to stimulate direct discussion and reflection amongst philosophers of science concerning the whiteness of their field, the legacies and influences of colonial and postcolonial power on their understanding of what knowledge production entails (what science is, and how it works), and ways in which ongoing research can be redirected so as to bring non-western and indigenous philosophy more closely to its centre.
Please click here for more information about this series and to register for the events.
Friday 15 January 2pm - Epistemic Decolonisation: what, why, how?
Monday 28 January 3pm - How to Decolonize your Research Methods? Philosophy of/as Action Research
Wednesday 10 February 11:30am - Proof in Indian Logic and Mathematics: Analysing Epistemological Presuppositions
Tuesday 16 February 5pm - Bearing Witness
Thursday 11 March 2pm -The epistemic decolonisation path latent in Helen Verran’s Science and an African Logic
Monday 22 March 1pm - The Logic of Decoloniality