News in Brief – September 2020

Featured News
We welcome Dr Lizzy Ventham, post doctoral researcher on our ‘How Does it Feel?’ project
Student Canvas Champion role for Philosophy Graduate & MA Student Lucy James
Upcoming Events
17 October 2020: Register now to join Notes From a Biscuit Tin at the Durham Book Festival Online
17 November 2020: Register soon to join Yiota Vassilopoulou at the LSE Forum (online) to discuss Mary Midgley and Why She Matters.
20 November 2020: Join Katherine Furman on a Philosophy of Science Association webinar panel, Putting Covid in Its Place.
Other News
Recent PhD student, Dr Rachel Handley, has been appointed as Teaching Fellow at University College Dublin
Michael Hauskeller is In Conversation on what it means to be a man or a woman
Vid Simoniti gave a talk on online subcultures at the Bavarian Green Party meeting
Rachael Wiseman’s Women in Parenthesis project featured in RE Today’s Research Update.
The postcards from ‘Philosophy by Postcard’ are now published at Featuring postcards by Michael Hauskeller, Yiota Vassilopoulou, Vid Simoniti and Katherine Furman.
Rebecca Davnall’s paper on the Gamer’s dilemma, ‘What does the Gamer Do?’ is available open access in Ethics and Information Technology
Phd student, Lauren Stephenson has a piece on socially engaged art in Open Eye’s Platform 2.