We welcome Dr Lizzy Ventham, post doctoral researcher on our ‘How Does it Feel?’ project

Lizzy Ventham has recently joined the department as a Postdoc on Thomas Schramme's project 'How Does It Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Affective Empathy'. She has the position for three years, and will be focusing on the subproject 'Affective Empathy and Epistemic Success'.
Primarily an ethicist, Lizzy is particularly interested in desires, the nature of pleasure and pain, and our moral reasoning and obligations.
Before she came to Liverpool she was a teaching fellow for two years at Trinity College Dublin. She also currently has a role in organising MAP (Minorities And Philosophy) UK.
She's keen to get involved in the department and the university more generally - at least as best as she can in the circumstances! For more about her, you can see her professional website here or her grumpy tweets about cats and academia here.