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The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) is the most precise and complete theory of fundamental particles and interactive. To search for physics beyond this SM, physicists can search for small differences between the SM prediction and experiments. To do this, we need to know the SM prediction very precisely.

My research is into providing precision predictions for low-energy experiments such as MUonE. I am developing and maintaining the framework McMule to provide such predictions.

Recently I started working on predictions for ee→hadrons and am coordinating the RadionMonteCarLow 2 effort

The logo of the McMule collaboration


McMule (Monte Carlo for MUons and other LEptons) is a framework for fully differential higher-order QED calculations of scattering and decay processes involving leptons. It keeps finite lepton masses, which regularises collinear singularities. This means that McMule can calculate arbitrary IR-safe observables (incl. distributions).

Research collaborations


Paul Scherrer Institut, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Developing the McMule Framework.

RadioMonteCarLow 2

Through the community effort RadioMonteCarlow2 we collect Monte Carlo tools for ee → hadrons at centre of mass energy of a few GeV and facilitate the access to them. We update the report of the Working Group on Radiative Corrections and Monte Carlo Generators for Low Energy and highlight the developments of the past ten years.