Selected publications
- Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges: The Role of Advocacy Groups in Search Consortia (Journal article - 2016)
- Solving Environmental Problems: Knowledge and Coordination in Collaborative Search (Journal article - 2017)
- Dynamic capabilities for hire - How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance (Journal article - 2022)
- Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries (Journal article - 2022)
- Unintended signals: Why companies with a history of offshoring have to pay wage penalties for new hires (Journal article - 2022)
- Understanding the unwritten rules of the game: Government work experience and salary premiums in foreign MNC subsidiaries (Journal article - 2021)
Strategic Vulnerabilities of Emerging Market MNCs – How Litigation Experiences in Weak Patent Systems Increase the Risks of Patent Litigation Abroad
Sofka, W., Papageorgiadis, N., Sahasranamam, S., & Mukundhan, K. V. (2025). Strategic Vulnerabilities of Emerging Market MNCs – How Litigation Experiences in Weak Patent Systems Increase the Risks of Patent Litigation Abroad. Journal of World Business.
Rare Wisdom or Hot Air: Do Consultants Make Good Managers?
Distel, A. P., Schubert, T., & Sofka, W. (n.d.). Rare Wisdom or Hot Air: Do Consultants Make Good Managers?. Academy of Management Discoveries. doi:10.5465/amd.2024.0063
Refugee Hiring and Organizational Performance
Santangelo, G. D., Rocha, V., & Sofka, W. (n.d.). Refugee Hiring and Organizational Performance. Organization Science. doi:10.1287/orsc.2021.15980
AI for managing open innovation: Opportunities, challenges, and a research agenda
Broekhuizen, T., Dekker, H., de Faria, P., Firk, S., Nguyen, D. K., & Sofka, W. (2023). AI for managing open innovation: Opportunities, challenges, and a research agenda. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 167. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114196
Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies
Cherif, R., Grimpe, C., Hasanov, F., & Sofka, W. (2023). Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY COMPETITION & TRADE. doi:10.1007/s10842-023-00400-7
Creating marketing innovation abroad: The value of marketing professionals in foreign MNC subsidiaries
Kaiser, U., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2023). Creating marketing innovation abroad: The value of marketing professionals in foreign MNC subsidiaries. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 112, 145-159. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.05.005
Unintended Consequences of Outcome Based Compensation – How CEO Bonuses, Stocks and Stock Options Affect their Firms’ Patent Litigation
Papageorgiadis, N., Procopiou, A., & Sofka, W. (2023). Unintended Consequences of Outcome Based Compensation – How CEO Bonuses, Stocks and Stock Options Affect their Firms’ Patent Litigation. Research Policy.
Reaching beyond the acquirer-target dyad in M&A – Linkages to external knowledge sources and target firm valuation
Grimpe, C., Hussinger, K., & Sofka, W. (2023). Reaching beyond the acquirer-target dyad in M&A-Linkages to external knowledge sources and target firm valuation. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 56(3). doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102321
Learning by exporting for marketing innovation
Golovko, E., Lopes-Bento, C., & Sofka, W. (2023). Learning by exporting for marketing innovation. INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, 30(5), 607-635. doi:10.1080/13662716.2022.2161874
SME participation in research grant consortia-the emergence of coordinated attention in collaborative innovation
Grimpe, C., Sofka, W., & Distel, A. P. (2022). SME participation in research grant consortia-the emergence of coordinated attention in collaborative innovation. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 59(4), 1567-1592. doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00582-6
Standing your ground: Examining the signaling effects of patent litigation in university technology licensing
Horner, S., Papageorgiadis, N., Sofka, W., & Angelidou, S. (2022). Standing your ground: Examining the signaling effects of patent litigation in university technology licensing. RESEARCH POLICY, 51(10). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2022.104598
Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies
Hasanov, F., Cherif, R., Grimpe, C., & Sofka, W. (2022). Promoting Innovation: The Differential Impact of R&D Subsidies. IMF Working Papers, 2022(192), 1. doi:10.5089/9798400217968.001
Managing innovation ecosystems around Big Science Organizations
Li-Ying, J., Sofka, W., & Tuertscher, P. (2022). Managing innovation ecosystems around Big Science Organizations. Technovation, 102523. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2022.102523
Marketing learning by exporting – how export-induced marketing expenditures improve firm performance
Golovko, E., Lopes-Bento, C., & Sofka, W. (2022). Marketing learning by exporting – how export-induced marketing expenditures improve firm performance. Journal of Business Research, 150, 194-207. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.06.015
Dynamic capabilities for hire - How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance
Distel, A. P., Sofka, W., de Faria, P., Preto, M. T., & Ribeiro, A. S. (2022). Dynamic capabilities for hire - How former host-country entrepreneurs as MNC subsidiary managers affect performance. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES, 53(4), 657-688. doi:10.1057/s41267-019-00274-0
Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries
Grimpe, C., Sofka, W., & Kaiser, U. (2022). Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES. doi:10.1057/s41267-021-00493-4
Unintended signals: Why companies with a history of offshoring have to pay wage penalties for new hires
Grecu, A., Sofka, W., Larsen, M. M., & Pedersen, T. (2022). Unintended signals: Why companies with a history of offshoring have to pay wage penalties for new hires. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES. doi:10.1057/s41267-021-00486-3
Recruiting strategic human capital from MNCs-Does hiring MNC managers enable exporting in domestic firms?
de Faria, P., Schubert, T., & Sofka, W. (2021). Recruiting strategic human capital from MNCs-Does hiring MNC managers enable exporting in domestic firms?. PLOS ONE, 16(10). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0257922
Additionality or opportunism: Do host-country R&D subsidies impact innovation in foreign MNC subsidiaries?
Sofka, W., Grimpe, C., Hasanov, F., & Cherif, R. (2021). Additionality or opportunism: Do host-country R&D subsidies impact innovation in foreign MNC subsidiaries?. Journal of International Business Policy. doi:10.1057/s42214-021-00106-9
How the organizational design of R&D units affects individual search intensity-A network study
Brennecke, J., Sofka, W., Wang, P., & Rank, O. N. (2021). How the organizational design of R&D units affects individual search intensity-A network study. RESEARCH POLICY, 50(5). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104219
Understanding the unwritten rules of the game: Government work experience and salary premiums in foreign MNC subsidiaries
Sofka, W., Grimpe, C., & Kaiser, U. (2021). Understanding the unwritten rules of the game: Government work experience and salary premiums in foreign MNC subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies. doi:10.1057/s41267-021-00408-3
Patent Enforcement Across 51 Countries - Patent Enforcement Index 1998-2017
Papageorgiadis, N., & Sofka, W. (2020). Patent Enforcement Across 51 Countries - Patent Enforcement Index 1998-2017. Journal of World Business, 55(4). doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101092
Do Companies Pay a Wage Penalty For Having Offshored?
Grecu, A., Sofka, W., & Pedersen, T. (2020). Do Companies Pay a Wage Penalty For Having Offshored?. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2020 (pp. 19206). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2020.187
Organizational design choices of high-tech startups-How middle management drives innovation performance
Grimpe, C., Murmann, M., & Sofka, W. (2019). Organizational design choices of high-tech startups-How middle management drives innovation performance. STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL, 13(3), 359-378. doi:10.1002/sej.1330
Signaling valuable human capital: Advocacy group work experience and its effect on employee pay in innovative firms
Grimpe, C., Kaiser, U., & Sofka, W. (2019). Signaling valuable human capital: Advocacy group work experience and its effect on employee pay in innovative firms. Strategic Management Journal, 40(4), 685-710. doi:10.1002/smj.2957
The Organizational Design of High-Tech Startups and Product Innovation
Grimpe, C., Murmann, M., & Sofka, W. (2018). The Organizational Design of High-Tech Startups and Product Innovation. Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2018.15074abstract
Protecting knowledge: How legal requirements to reveal information affect the importance of secrecy
Sofka, W., de Faria, P., & Shehu, E. (2018). Protecting knowledge: How legal requirements to reveal information affect the importance of secrecy. Research Policy, 47(3), 558-572. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2018.01.016
Solving Environmental Problems: Knowledge and Coordination in Collaborative Search
Olsen, A. O., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2017). Solving Environmental Problems: Knowledge and Coordination in Collaborative Search. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 50(6), 726-740. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2016.05.003
R&D, Marketing Innovation, and New Product Performance: A Mixed Methods Study
Grimpe, C., Sofka, W., Bhargava, M., & Chatterjee, R. (2017). R&D, Marketing Innovation, and New Product Performance: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34(3), 360-383. doi:10.1111/jpim.12366
Complementarities in the search for innovation-Managing markets and relationships
Grimpe, C., & Sofka, W. (2016). Complementarities in the search for innovation-Managing markets and relationships. Research Policy, 45(10), 2036-2053. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2016.07.007
Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges: The Role of Advocacy Groups in Search Consortia
Olsen, A. O., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2016). Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges: The Role of Advocacy Groups in Search Consortia. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 59(6), 2232-2255. doi:10.5465/amj.2015.0730
The role of internal capabilities and firms' environment for sustainable innovation: evidence for Germany
Ketata, I., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2015). The role of internal capabilities and firms' environment for sustainable innovation: evidence for Germany. R and D Management, 45(1), 60-75. doi:10.1111/radm.12052
Multinational subsidiary knowledge protection - Do mandates and clusters matter?
Sofka, W., Shehu, E., & de Faria, P. (2014). Multinational subsidiary knowledge protection - Do mandates and clusters matter?. Research Policy, 43(8), 1320-1333. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2014.05.006
MNC subsidiary closures: What is the value of employees' human capital in new jobs?
Sofka, W., Preto, M. T., & de Faria, P. (2014). MNC subsidiary closures: What is the value of employees' human capital in new jobs?. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES, 45(6), 723-750. doi:10.1057/jibs.2014.17
Stop the Knowledge Flow: Knowledge Protection Intensity of MNC Subsidiaries
de Faria, P., Sofka, W., & Shehu, E. (2014). Stop the Knowledge Flow: Knowledge Protection Intensity of MNC Subsidiaries. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2014 (pp. 12075). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2014.48
Selective search, sectoral patterns, and the impact on product innovation performance
Köhler, C., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2012). Selective search, sectoral patterns, and the impact on product innovation performance. Research Policy, 41(8), 1344-1356. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2012.03.020
Appropriation in Times of Open Innovation: Does Secrecy Still Work?
Sofka, W., Shehu, E., & de Faria, P. (2012). Appropriation in Times of Open Innovation: Does Secrecy Still Work?. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2012 (pp. 15647). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2012.218
Knowledge protection strategies of multinational firms—A cross-country comparison
de Faria, P., & Sofka, W. (2010). Knowledge protection strategies of multinational firms—A cross-country comparison. Research Policy, 39(7), 956-968. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2010.03.005
Specialized search and innovation performance – evidence across Europe
Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2010). Specialized search and innovation performance – evidence across Europe. R&D Management, 40(3), 310-323. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9310.2010.00592.x
Liability of foreignness as a barrier to knowledge spillovers: Lost in translation?
Schmidt, T., & Sofka, W. (2009). Liability of foreignness as a barrier to knowledge spillovers: Lost in translation?. Journal of International Management, 15(4), 460-474. doi:10.1016/j.intman.2009.03.003
Searching for innovation in market and transition economies: Evidence across Europe
Grimpe, C., & Sofka, W. (2009). Searching for innovation in market and transition economies: Evidence across Europe. In Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting: Green Management Matters, AOM 2009.
Innovation on demand—Can public procurement drive market success of innovations?
Aschhoff, B., & Sofka, W. (2009). Innovation on demand—Can public procurement drive market success of innovations?. Research Policy, 38(8), 1235-1247. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2009.06.011
Search patterns and absorptive capacity: Low- and high-technology sectors in European countries
Grimpe, C., & Sofka, W. (2009). Search patterns and absorptive capacity: Low- and high-technology sectors in European countries. Research Policy, 38(3), 495-506. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.10.006
FARIA, P., & SOFKA, W. (2009). FORMAL AND STRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE PROTECTION STRATEGIES OF MULTINATIONALS -- A CROSS COUNTRY COMPARISON.. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2009 (pp. 1-6). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2009.44249883
Formal and strategic knowledge protection strategies of multinationals - A cross country comparison
Faria, P., & Sofka, W. (2009). Formal and strategic knowledge protection strategies of multinationals - A cross country comparison. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2009.44249883
Globalizing Domestic Absorptive Capacities
Sofka, W. (2008). Globalizing Domestic Absorptive Capacities. Management International Review, 48(6), 769-792. doi:10.1007/s11575-008-0106-9
Appropriability mechanisms of multinational firms — A cross country comparison
Faria, P., & Sofka, W. (2008). Appropriability mechanisms of multinational firms — A cross country comparison. In 2008 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (pp. 1-5). IEEE. doi:10.1109/iemce.2008.4617978
Regional economic stress as moderator of liability of foreignness
Sofka, W., & Zimmermann, J. (2008). Regional economic stress as moderator of liability of foreignness. Journal of International Management, 14(2), 155-172. doi:10.1016/j.intman.2008.01.002
Contemporary Corporate Strategy
Saee, J. (Ed.) (n.d.). Contemporary Corporate Strategy. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203932988
SOFKA, W., & TEICHERT, T. (2006). GLOBAL SENSING AND SENSIBILITY -- A MULTI-STAGE MATCHING ASSESSMENT OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FROM FOREIGN SOURCES FOR INNOVATION.. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2006 (pp. J1-J6). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2006.27163055
Global sensing and sensibility - A multi-stage matching assessment of competitive advantage from foreign sources for innovation
Sofka, W., & Teichert, T. (2006). Global sensing and sensibility - A multi-stage matching assessment of competitive advantage from foreign sources for innovation. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2006.27163055