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William Moindrot

Mr William Moindrot

Professional Activities

Student-Staff Partnership working
Exploring opportunities to encourage student-staff partnership working within university business and enhancement of teaching and learning and the student experience. Currently exploring revisions to the CIE Innovation Fund informed by UCL's ChangeMakers Scheme and the University of Lincoln's Student as Producer work. For a summary of what we are aiming for with deeper and more meaningful forms of student engagement please see our Spotlight Guide: Student-Staff PartnershipSpotlight Guide: Student-Staff Partnership.

Centre for Innovation in Pedagogy, University of Manchester
The background to my interest for increased student engagament and course co-design originated from collaboration with this group within the University of Manchester, producing cross-institutional research within the area of innovation in teaching. Originally focused on in-class engagement strategy and technology, refocusing on use of social media for learning, and then working towards students as partners in innovation with recent work in examining reform to the Student Rep system and using this as a source for curriculum review.