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From guild membership to casualisation: Dockworkers in Bremen, c. 1860-1939

Lee, W. R. (2017). From guild membership to casualisation: Dockworkers in Bremen, c. 1860-1939. In Dock Workers: International Explorations in Comparative Labour History, 1790-1970 (Vol. 1, pp. 342-364).



Das Ledigenheim in Hamburg im internationalen Vergleich

Lee, R. (2013). Das Ledigenheim in Hamburg im internationalen Vergleich. In A. Block, J. Jade, & E. V. Ros (Eds.), Blicke in das Ledigenheim in der Rehhoffstrasse (pp. 1-34). Hamburg: Hamburger Print Service.


Nineteenth-century German population history: a critical review

Lee, R. (2013). Nineteenth-century German population history: a critical review. In M. Busch, S. Kroll, & R. D. Scholz (Eds.), Geschichte - Kartographie - Demographie Historisch-Geographische Informationssysteme im methodischen Vergleich (Vol. 45, pp. 9-26). Muenster: LIT.


The People's Garden? A History of Crime and Policing in Birkenhead Park

Lee, R. (2013). The People's Garden? A History of Crime and Policing in Birkenhead Park (Vol. 1). Liverpool: Oriel Studios Digital Ltd.



'Divided loyalties? In-migration, ethnicity and identity: The integration of German merchants in nineteenth-century Liverpool'

Lee, R. (2012). 'Divided loyalties? In-migration, ethnicity and identity: The integration of German merchants in nineteenth-century Liverpool'. Business History, 54(2), 117-153.

Journal article

The Social Life of Port Architecture: History, Politics, Commerce and Culture

Lee, R. (2012). The Social Life of Port Architecture: History, Politics, Commerce and Culture. In F. P. Hesse (Ed.), Standentwicklung zur Moderne Urban Development towards Modernism (Vol. LIV, pp. 33-52). Berlin: Hendrik Baesslerverlag.



'Commerce and Culture: A Critical Assessment of the Role of Cultural Factors in Commerce and Trade from c.1750 to the Early Twentieth Century'

Lee, R. (2011). 'Commerce and Culture: A Critical Assessment of the Role of Cultural Factors in Commerce and Trade from c.1750 to the Early Twentieth Century'. In R. Lee, & D. H. Aldcroft (Eds.), Commerce and Culture Nineteenth-Century Business Elites (pp. 1-36). Farnham: Ashgate.


Commerce and Culture Nineteenth-Century Business Elites

Lee, R. (Ed.) (2011). Commerce and Culture Nineteenth-Century Business Elites. Farnham: Ashgate.


Einwanderung, wirtschaftliche Netzwerke und Identitaet Die Integration deutscher Kaufleute in Liverpool im 19. Jahrhundert

Robert, L. (2011). Einwanderung, wirtschaftliche Netzwerke und Identitaet Die Integration deutscher Kaufleute in Liverpool im 19. Jahrhundert. In D. Dahlmann, & B. Schulte (Eds.), Perspektiven in der Fremde? Arbeitsmarkt und Migration von der Fruehen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart (pp. 145-179). Essen: Klartext.



“It's My Park”: Reinterpreting the History of Birkenhead Park within the Context of an Education Outreach Project

Kijas, J., & Tucker, K. (2010). “It's My Park”: Reinterpreting the History of Birkenhead Park within the Context of an Education Outreach Project. The Public Historian, 32(3), 64-97. doi:10.1525/tph.2010.32.3.64

Journal article


'Birkenhead Park: the first and still the best'.

Lee, R. (2009). 'Birkenhead Park: the first and still the best'.. The Victorian, 30, 9-11.

Journal article

'Reinterpreting the British model of industrialisation from a German perspective'

Lee, R. (2009). 'Reinterpreting the British model of industrialisation from a German perspective'. In F. Bosbach, J. R. Davis, & A. Fahrmeier (Eds.), Industrieentwicklung: Ein deutsch-britischer Dialog. The Promotion of Industry: An Anglo-German Dialogue (Vol. 27, pp. 35-54). Munich: K.G.Saur.


Early Death and Long Life in History: Establishing the Scale of Premature Death in Europe and its Cultural, Economic and Social Significance

Lee, R. (2009). Early Death and Long Life in History: Establishing the Scale of Premature Death in Europe and its Cultural, Economic and Social Significance. HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH-HISTORISCHE SOZIALFORSCHUNG, 34(4), 23-60.

Journal article

From Scandinavia to Liverpool: a History of Merseyside's Nordic Community

Lee, R. (2009). From Scandinavia to Liverpool: a History of Merseyside's Nordic Community. Liverpool: A. Wood & Company.


History and Heritage: the Scandinavian Seamen's Church in Liverpool

Lee, R. (2009). History and Heritage: the Scandinavian Seamen's Church in Liverpool. Liverpool: A. Wood & Co..


Official Statistics and the Development of Population Science - A Critical Review

Lee, R. (2009). Official Statistics and the Development of Population Science - A Critical Review. In R. Mackensen, J. Reulecke, & J. Ehmer (Eds.), Ursprunge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts Bevolkerung, vor, im und nach dem 'Dritten Reich'. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevolkerungswissenschaft (pp. 165-192). Wiesdbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.



Green Legacies

Layton-Jones, K., & Lee, R. (2008). Green Legacies. Landscape, 51(06.08), 30-34.

Journal article

Places of Health and Amusement. Liverpool's historic parks and gardens

Layton, J. K., & Lee, R. (2008). Places of Health and Amusement. Liverpool's historic parks and gardens. Swindon: English Heritage.


Trade, Migration and Urban Networks in Port Cities, c.1640-1940

Jarvis, A., & Lee, R. (Eds.) (2008). Trade, Migration and Urban Networks in Port Cities, c.1640-1940 (Vol. 38). St John's, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association.


Trade, Migration and Urban Networks, c.1640-1940: An Introduction

Jarvis, A., & Lee, R. (2008). Trade, Migration and Urban Networks, c.1640-1940: An Introduction. In A. Jarvis, & R. Lee (Eds.), Trade, Migration and Urban Networks in Port Cities, c.1640-1940 (Vol. 38, pp. 1-14). St John's Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association.



'Regionale Strukturen: Seehandel und die Beziehungen zwischen Hafen und Hinterland in Bremen, 1815-1914'

Lee, R. (2007). 'Regionale Strukturen: Seehandel und die Beziehungen zwischen Hafen und Hinterland in Bremen, 1815-1914'. Bremisches Jahrbuch, 86, 136-175.

Journal article

Characteristics of Cities

Lee, R. (2007). Characteristics of Cities. In J. B. Hattendorf (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History, Vol.3 Navies, Great Powers: Portugal - Shipyards (Vol. 3, pp. 329-339). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.


Zur Entwicklung der Todesursachenstatistik in Preussen im 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhundert

Lee, R., Schneider, M. C., & Voegele, J. (2007). Zur Entwicklung der Todesursachenstatistik in Preussen im 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhundert. In J. Ehmer, J. Ferdinand, & U. Reulecke (Eds.), Herausforderung Bevoelkerung. Zu Entwicklungen des modernen Denkens ueber die Bevoelkerung vor, im und nach dem 'Dritten Reich'. (pp. 7-16). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften.



Defining Population by Statistics c.1850-1939: German practice within a European context.

Lee, R. (2006). Defining Population by Statistics c.1850-1939: German practice within a European context.. In R. Mackensen (Ed.), Bevoelkerungsforschung und Politik in Deutschland im 20.Jahrhundert (pp. 89-118). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften.


Demography, Urbanization and Migration

Lee, R. (2006). Demography, Urbanization and Migration. In S. Berger (Ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1789-1914 (pp. 56-69). Oxford: Blackwells.


Die Medizinalstatistik in Deutschland von ca.1800 bis 1874

Lee, R., & Schneider, M. C. (2006). Die Medizinalstatistik in Deutschland von ca.1800 bis 1874. In J. Voegele, H. Fangerau, & T. Noack (Eds.), Geschichte der Medizin - Geschichte in der Medizin. Forschungsthemen und Perspecktiven (pp. 55-62). Hamburg: LIT Verlag.


Industrial Revolution, Commerce, and Trade

Lee, R. (2006). Industrial Revolution, Commerce, and Trade. In S. Berger (Ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1789-1914 (pp. 44-55). Oxford: Blackwells.


The Development of Population History ('Historical Demography') in Great Britain from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early 1960s

Lee, R. (2006). The Development of Population History ('Historical Demography') in Great Britain from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early 1960s. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 31(4), 34-63.

Journal article


Configuring the region: maritime trade and port–hinterland relations in Bremen, 1815–1914

LEE, R. (2005). Configuring the region: maritime trade and port–hinterland relations in Bremen, 1815–1914. Urban History, 32(2), 247-287. doi:10.1017/s0963926805002993

Journal article

Configuring the City: In-Migration, Labour Supply and Port Development in Nineteenth-Century Europe

Lee, R. (2005). Configuring the City: In-Migration, Labour Supply and Port Development in Nineteenth-Century Europe. International Journal of Maritime History, 17(1), 91-122. doi:10.1177/084387140501700106

Journal article

Amtliche Statistik zwischen Staat und Wissenschaft, 1871-1939

Lee, W. R., & Schneider, M. (2005). Amtliche Statistik zwischen Staat und Wissenschaft, 1871-1939. In R. Macksensen, & J. Reulecke (Eds.), Das Konstrukt 'Bevoelkerung' vor, im und nach dem 'Dritten Reich' (pp. 50-91). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Cause-of-death Classification in Interwar Europe and the Quality of Mortality Data

Lee, W. R. (2005). Cause-of-death Classification in Interwar Europe and the Quality of Mortality Data. In I. Borowy, & W. D. Gruner (Eds.), Facing Illness in Troubled Times. Health in Europe in the Interwar Years (pp. 17-44). Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang.


Domestic service and female domestic servants: A port-city comparison of Bremen and Liverpool, 1850–1914

Lee, R. (2005). Domestic service and female domestic servants: A port-city comparison of Bremen and Liverpool, 1850–1914. The History of the Family, 10(4), 435-460. doi:10.1016/j.hisfam.2005.09.006

Journal article


Die Zuwanderung weiblicher Dienstboten nach Bremen im 19.Jahrhundert

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2004). Die Zuwanderung weiblicher Dienstboten nach Bremen im 19.Jahrhundert. Bremisches Jahrbuch, 83, 112-126.

Journal article

Kontakträume - Europäische Hafenstädte während der Industrialisierung

Lee, R., Voegele, J., & Fehlemann, S. (2004). Kontakträume - Europäische Hafenstädte während der Industrialisierung. In V. Borso, & R. Goerling (Eds.), Kulturelle Topographien (pp. 213-228). Stuttgart: J.B.Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Carl Ernst Poechel Verlag GmbH.


Official statistics and demography in the Third Reich

Lee, W. R. (2004). Official statistics and demography in the Third Reich. In R. Mackensen (Ed.), Bevoelkerungslehre und Bevoelkerungspolitik im 'Dritten Reich' (pp. 101-124). Opladen: Leske + Budrich.


The Growth of Maritime Trade and the Determinants of Port-Hinterland Relations in Nineteenth-Century Germany: the case of Bremen

Lee, W. R. (2004). The Growth of Maritime Trade and the Determinants of Port-Hinterland Relations in Nineteenth-Century Germany: the case of Bremen. In M. S. Beerbühl, & J. Voegele (Eds.), Spinning the Commercial Web International Trade, Merchants, and Commercial Cities, c.1640-1939 (pp. 291-306). Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang.



Die Industrielle Revolution Grossbritanniens: Eine neue Sicht auf ein altes Thema

Lee, W. R. (2003). Die Industrielle Revolution Grossbritanniens: Eine neue Sicht auf ein altes Thema (Vol. 43). T. Peirenkemper (Ed.), Cologne: Cologne University.


Säuglingssterblichkeit in Bremen im 19.Jahrhundert

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2003). Säuglingssterblichkeit in Bremen im 19.Jahrhundert. Bremisches Jahrbuch, 82, 165-186.

Journal article

The politics of demographic data: federal autonomy and the standardization of mortality statistics in nineteenth-century Germany

Lee, W. R. (2003). The politics of demographic data: federal autonomy and the standardization of mortality statistics in nineteenth-century Germany. Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät, 62, 147-170.

Journal article


Infant mortality in Bremen in the 19th century

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2002). Infant mortality in Bremen in the 19th century. The History of the Family, 7(4), 557-585.

Journal article

Introduction. Infant mortality in Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2002). Introduction. Infant mortality in Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries. The History of the Family, 7(4), 501-504.

Journal article

Official Statistics, Demography and Population Policy in Germany, 1872-1933

Lee, R. (2002). Official Statistics, Demography and Population Policy in Germany, 1872-1933. In R. Mackensen (Ed.), Bevoelkerungslehre und Bevoelkerungspolitik vor 1993 (pp. 253-272). Opladen: Leske + Budrich.


Population and Society in Western European Port-Cities c.1650-1939

Latwon, R., & Lee, R. (Eds.) (2002). Population and Society in Western European Port-Cities c.1650-1939 (Vol. 2). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Port Development and the Demographic Dynamic of European Urbanization

Lee, R., & Lawton, R. (2002). Port Development and the Demographic Dynamic of European Urbanization. In R. Lawton, R. Lee, & D. Siddle (Eds.), Population and Society in Western European Port-Cities c.1650-1939 (Vol. 2, pp. 1-36). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


The Port-City Legacy: Urban Demographic Change in the Hansestadt Bremen, 1815-1910

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2002). The Port-City Legacy: Urban Demographic Change in the Hansestadt Bremen, 1815-1910. In R. Lawton, & R. Lee (Eds.), Population and Society in Western European Port-Cities c.1650-1939 (pp. 252-269). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.



Bastardy and the Socioeconomic Structure of South Germany

Lee, W. R. (2001). Bastardy and the Socioeconomic Structure of South Germany. In R. I. Rotberg (Ed.), Population History and the Family: A Journal of Interdisciplinary History reader (pp. 237-260). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.


Relative backwardness and long-run development: economic, demographic and social changes

Lee, R. (2001). Relative backwardness and long-run development: economic, demographic and social changes. In J. Breuilly (Ed.), Nineteenth-Century Germany: Politics, Culture and Society 1780-1918 (pp. 40-65). London and New York: Arnold.


The Benefits of Federalism? The Development of Public Health Policy and health Care Systems in Nineteenth-Century Germany and their Impact on Mortality Reduction

Lee, W. R., & Voegele, J. P. (2001). The Benefits of Federalism? The Development of Public Health Policy and health Care Systems in Nineteenth-Century Germany and their Impact on Mortality Reduction. Annales de Démographie Historique, 65-96.

Journal article


Demographic Change and Industrialization in Germany, 1815-1914: Bremen in Comparative Perspective

Lee, W. R., & Marschalck, P. (2000). Demographic Change and Industrialization in Germany, 1815-1914: Bremen in Comparative Perspective. The History of the Family, 5(4), 373-390.

Journal article

Die Uebersterblichkeit der männlichen Arbeiter in der Hansestadt Bremen in der zweiten Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts

Lee, R., & Marschalck, P. (2000). Die Uebersterblichkeit der männlichen Arbeiter in der Hansestadt Bremen in der zweiten Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts. In J. Voegele, & W. Woelk (Eds.), Stadt, Krankheit und Tod. Geschichte der städtischen Gesundheitsverhältnisse während der Epidemiologischen Transition (vom 18. bis ins frühe 20.Jahrhundert)r (pp. 141-157). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.


Historische Demographie in England: ein Ueberblick

Lee, R. (2000). Historische Demographie in England: ein Ueberblick. In M. Matheus, & W. G. Roedel (Eds.), Landesgeschichte und Historische Demographie (Vol. 50, pp. 109-134). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.


Labour market constraints and the integration of urban in-migrants in nineteenth-century Bremen

Lee, R. (2000). Labour market constraints and the integration of urban in-migrants in nineteenth-century Bremen. In R. Leboutte (Ed.), Migrations and Migrants in Historical Perspective. Permancies and Innovations (pp. 167-210). Brussels, Bern, Berlin, Oxford, New York and Vienna: Peter Lang.


The port-city legacy: urban demographic change in Bremen, 1815-1910

Lee, R., & Marschalck, P. (2000). The port-city legacy: urban demographic change in Bremen, 1815-1910. In A. Brändstroem, & L. G. Tedebrand (Eds.), Population Dynamics during Industrialization (pp. 117=142). Umea: Umea University.
