Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- Invited Speaker at Nonclassical Logics: from foundations to applications, Pisa, Italy (2008), by Invitation (Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi of the Scuola Normale, 2008)
- Invited Speaker First International Workshop on Game Theory, Milan, Italy (2008), by Invitation (Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics, Psychology and Social Sciences (CISEPS), 2008)
- Invited talk, by Invitation (Barcelona, Spain, 2008)
- Invited Talk at Methods for Modalities (M4M), Paris, France (2007), by Invitation (The organisers, 2007)
- Keynote Speech at Multi-Agent Logics, Languages and Organisations (MALLOW) Durham, UK (2007), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (the organisers, 2007)
- Invited Talk at Logics, Rationality and Interaction (LORI), Beijing, Cina (2007), by Invitation (the Organisers, 2007)
- Keynote Speech International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) Sheffield, UK (2007), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (the Organisers, 2007)
- Keynote Speech at Modeles Formels de l'Interaction (MFI), Paris, France (2007), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (the organisers, 2007)
- Invited Seminar Speaker, Leipzig, Germany, by Invitation (Intelligent Systems Department, 2007)
- Invited Seminar Speaker, Sheffield, UK, by Invitation (Sheffield Hallam University, 2007)
- Invited Talk at Logics and Collective Decsision Making (LCD), Lille France (2007), by Invitation (the organisers, 2007)
- Invited Seminar Speaker, Bristol, UK, by Invitation (Department of Philosophy, Bristol, 2007)
- Invited Talk at Dutch Association for Logic Utrecht, the Netherlands (2007), by Invitation (Vereniging voor Logica (VVL), 2007)
- Invited Speaker at Games, Action and Social Software, Leiden, the Netherlands (2006), by Invitation (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), 2006)
- Invited Speaker at Studia Logica Conference, Turin, Poland (2006), by Invitation (The Board of Studia Logica, 2006)
- Invited speaker at the 7th De Morgan Workshop, London, UK (2005), by Invitation (the organisers, 2005)
- Invited Speaker at Understanding the Dynamics of Knowledge, Siena, Italy (2005), by Invitation (The organisers, 2005)
- Invited Speaker at Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning, Lisbon, Portugal (2005), by Invitation (the organisers, 2005)
- Invited Speaker Advances in Modal Logic, Manchester, UK (2005), by Invitation (the organisers, 2005)
- Invited speaker at Logic Colloquium, Athens, Greece (2005), by Invitation (Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), 2005)
- Invited Lecture at Brazilian Agent School, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2005), by Invitation (the organisers, 2005)
- Invited Speaker at BCS SGAI Symposium, Edinburgh, UK (2004), by Invitation (the organisers, 2004)
- Keynote Speech at International Joint Conference on AAMAS, New York, USA (2004), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (AAMAS committee, 2004)
- Invited Speaker at Social Software, Copenhagen, Denmark (2004), by Invitation (the organisers, 2004)
- Keynote Speech at School on Information and Knowledge Systems, Amsterdam (2004), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (SIKS Research School, 2004)
- Keynote Speech at European Workshop for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Oxford, UK (2003) , Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (EUMAS Board, 2003)
- Invited Speaker at 5th De Morgan Workshop, London, UK (2003), by Invitation (the organisers, 2003)
- Invited Speaker at Games, Logic, Language and Computation, Groningen, the Netherlands (2003), by Invitation (the organisers, 2003)
- Invited Speaker at Logic-Based Agent Implementation, Barcelona, Spain (2003), by Invitation (AgentLink & Colognet , 2003)
- Invited speaker at Agentlink/Compulog Symposium, Barcelona (2003), by Invitation (the organisers, 2003)
- Invited Lecture at Amaricas School on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Acapulco, Mexico (2003), by Invitation (the organisers, 2003)
- Keynote Speech at Logics for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Dunedin, New Zealand (2002), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (SIKS Research School, 2002)
- Invited Speaker at Games, Logic, Language and Computation,Utrecht, the Netherlands (20020, by Invitation (Board of GLLC, 2002)
- Invited speaker at Dimensions of Epistemic Logic Roskilde, Denmark (2002), by Invitation (the organisers, 2002)
- Invited Speaker at Designing Behaviour, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2002), by Invitation (Mediametic, 2002)
- Invited Lecture at School for Information and Knowledge Systems (Amsterdam, 2001), by Invitation (SIKS Research School, 2001)
- Keynote Speech at Conference on Information and Computation, Mexico (2000), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (the organisers, 2000)
- Invited speaker at Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Marseille, France (1996), by Invitation (the organisers, 1996)
- Invited Speaker at Partial, Epistemic and Dynamic Logic, Montreal, Canada (1995), by Invitation (the organisers, 1995)
- Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT) (Program Committee (Co-Chair))
- AAMAS (Program Committee (Co-Chair), 2010)
- German Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (MATES) (Program Committee (Co-Chair), 2009)
- 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09) (Programme Committee (Member), 2009)
- International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) (Programme Committee (Member), 2008 - 2010)
- Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2008 - 2010)
- Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (KRAMAS) (Programme Committee (Member), 2008)
- Workshop on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS) (Programme Committee (Member), 2008 - 2010)
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Programme Committee (Member), 2008)
- the Mahasarakham International Workshop on AI (MIWAI) (Programme Committee (Member), 2007 - 2010)
- AAMAS (Chair (Finance), 2007)
- Texts in Logic and Games (Area Editor, 2006 - 2010)
- European Conf. on Logics for Artificial Intelligence (JELIA) (Conference Chair, 2006)
- Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2006 - present)
- Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2006 - present)
- AAMAS (Guest Editor, 2006)
- AAMAS (Guest Editor, 2006)
- European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) (Programme Committee (Member), 2006 - present)
- NMR-06 Session on Belief Change and Updates (Programme Committee (Member), 2006)
- Knowledgge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM06) (Programme Committee (Member), 2006)
- EUMAS: European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (Advisory Board Member (Chair), 2006 - present)
- IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Programme Committee (Member), 2006)
- Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT) (Programme Committee (Chair), 2006)
- German Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (MATES) (Programme Committee (Member), 2005 - 2010)
- Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems (FAMAS) (Programme Committee (Member), 2005 - present)
- International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and ... (Programme Committee (Member), 2005 - present)
- Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents (Programme Committee (Member), 2005 - present)
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (Programme Committee (Member), 2005)
- EUMAS: European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (Advisory Board Member, 2005 - present)
- AAMAS (Programme Committee (Member), 2005 - present)
- Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS) (Editorial Board Member, 2004 - 2010)
- European Conf. on Logics for Artificial Intelligence (JELIA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2004 - 2010)
- EUMAS: European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (Programme Committee (Chair), 2004 - 2010)
- IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (Programme Committee (Member), 2004 - present)
- Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (Guest Editor, 2004)
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (Programme Committee (Member), 2004)
- International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (Programme Committee (Member), 2004)
- European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) (Advisory Board Member, 2004 - present)
- Knowledge, Rationality and Action (Editor-in-Chief, 2003 - 2012)
- Declarative Languages and Technologies (DALT) (Programme Committee (Member), 2003 - 2005)
- Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems (LCMAS) (Program Committee (Co-Chair), 2003 - 2006)
- AAMAS (Program Committee (Senior), 2003 - 2004)
- Multi-Agent Systems and Artificial Intelligence for the Inte (Programme Committee (Member), 2003)
- Journal of the IGPL (Guest Editor, 2003)
- Logic Journal of the IGPL (Guest Editor, 2003)
- Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2002 - 2009)
- International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Chair (Tutorial), 2002)
- AAMAS (Programme Committee (Member), 2002)
- From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation (AT2AI) (Programme Committee (Member), 2002 - present)
- Logics for Agent Based Systems (Programme Committee (Member), 2002)
- Agent Communication Languages and Conversation Policies (Programme Committee (Member), 2002)
- Bulletin of Economic Research (Guest Editor, 2002)
- International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS) (Programme Committee (Member), 2001 - present)
- European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) (Chair, 2001 - 2006)
- Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent System (Programme Committee (Member), 2001 - present)
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Guest Editor, 2001)
- Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK) (Programme Committee (Member), 2000)
- Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) (Programme Committee (Member), 1999)
- Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages (ATAL) (Programme Committee (Member), 1999 - 2001)
- Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT) (Member, of Board, 1998 - 2012)
- Studia Logica (Editorial Board Member, 1998 - 2010)
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (Program Committee (Senior), 1998 - 2000)
- Belgian Dutch AI Conference (BNAIC) (Programme Committee (Member), 1996 - present)
- Dutch-German Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (Programme Committee (Member), 1993 - 2002)
Event Roles
- Invited Commentator to Prof. Abramksy's talk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2007) , by Invitation (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2007)
Examination Roles
- University of Leicester, MSc (PGT, 2010)
- University of Leicester, MSc (PGT, 2009)
- University of Leicester, MSc (PGT, 2008)
- Institute the Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, PhD (2007)
- Groningen University, PhD (2007)
- Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Rome, Italy, PhD (2007)
- Institute the Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, PhD (2007)
- University of Birmingham, MSc (PGT, 2007)
- University of Birmingham, BSc (UG, 2007)
- Institute de Recherche en Infomatique de Toulouse, PhD (2007)
- University of Birmingham, MSc (PGT, 2006)
- University of Birmingham, BSc (UG, 2006)
- International Doctorate School, Trento, Italy, MSc (PGT, 2005)
- Utrecht University, the Netherlands, PhD (2004)
- King's College (University of London), PhD (2004)
- University of Toronto, PhD (2004)
- University of Manchester, PhD (2004)
- University of Twente (the Netherlands), PhD (2003)
- Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, PhD (2003)
- Groningen University, the Netherlands, PhD (2003)
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, PhD (2002)
- University of Amsterdam, MMus (2001)
Organisations I have been associated with
- The University of Liverpool (2004)
- Workshop Organiser `Towards a Logic for Rationaly Agency' (2001 - present)
- AgentLink (1998 - 2005)
- LOFT (1996 - present)
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
- European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
- Co-organiser Workshop LCMAS Eindhoven, 2003
- Co-organiser Workshop LCMAS Nancy, 2004
- Co-organiser Workshop LCMAS Edinburgh, 2005
Professional Body Memberships
- EPSRC (College Member, 2003 - present)
- British Computer Society (Fellow, 2003 - present)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
- Head of Agent ART, Head of the Departmental Teaching Quality Group, member of the Research Committee.