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Vin Dhanak

Prof Vin Dhanak


Nanomaterials Characterisation Lab

+44 (0)151 795 0534

+44 (0)1925 603604


I hole the certificate in professional studies and am a fellow of the HEA since 2013.
I have a full teaching load and developed the core Phys202 Condensed Matter Physics module and continue to teach that. This is a core 15 credit module delivered to year 2 students. I also ensure that condensed matter physics topics covered in other modules across years 1-4 are integrated/compatible with phys202.

In addition, I teach practical physics module Phys206 in semesters 1 and 2. In semester 2, I supervise electronics projects. In this module, I am responsible for guiding students and marking their work.In addition, I teach Phys106 which is a core practical physics module for year 1 students.

I have also covered for other lecturers and given lectures in Nanoscale Science and Nanotechnology (Phys499) and Thermal Physics (Phys102).

I also gives tutorials in Phys363 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics and Phys381 Surface Physics.

Finally, I define and supervise MPhys and BSc research projects which run in semesters 1 and 2 in my laboratory. Usually there are 2-3 MPhys students and 2-3 BSc students being suopervised.

I am external examiner at UCLAN and Lincoln Universities.

My teaching experience has also been recognized by the award of the GIAN fellowship from the government of India.

Supervised Theses