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Prof Viacheslav Nikulin


+44 (0)151 794 4047

Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • Invited talk on Algebraic Geometry Section of the Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley, USA, 1986, by Invitation (International Congress of Mathematicians , 1986)
  • Invited talk "Hyperbolic Reflection groups and algebraic surfaces", by Invitation (International Congress of Mathematicians , 1986)

Professional Body Memberships

  • London Mathematical Society (Member, 2005 - present)
  • Moscow Mathematical society (Member, 1977 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Member and one of leaders of Algebraic Geometry group in the division(cluster) of Pure Mathematics.
  • One of organizers of Algebraic Geometry seminar.
  • Also Director of MSc course in Mathematics (during
  • last 6 years).