On the efficacy of sparse representation approaches for determining nonlinear structural system equations of motion
Pasparakis, G., Fragkoulis, V., & Kougioumtzoglou, I. A. (n.d.). On the efficacy of sparse representation approaches for determining nonlinear structural system equations of motion. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 1-12. doi:10.1115/1.4067356
Spectral incremental dynamic methodology for nonlinear structural systems endowed with fractional derivative elements subjected to fully non-stationary stochastic excitation
Ni, P., Mitseas, I. P., Fragkoulis, V. C., & Beer, M. (2024). Spectral incremental dynamic methodology for nonlinear structural systems endowed with fractional derivative elements subjected to fully non-stationary stochastic excitation. Structural Safety, 111, 102525. doi:10.1016/j.strusafe.2024.102525
Survival probability surfaces of hysteretic fractional order structures exposed to non-stationary code-compliant stochastic seismic excitation
Mitseas, I. P., Ni, P., Fragkoulis, V. C., & Beer, M. (2024). Survival probability surfaces of hysteretic fractional order structures exposed to non-stationary code-compliant stochastic seismic excitation. Engineering Structures, 318, 118755. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.118755
Probability of failure of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements subject to imprecise Gaussian loads
Ni, P., Jerez, D. J., Fragkoulis, V. C., Mitseas, I. P., Faes, M. G. R., Valdebenito, M. A., & Beer, M. (2024). Probability of failure of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements subject to imprecise Gaussian loads. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2647(6), 062005. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2647/6/062005
Deep learning-based prediction of wind-induced lateral displacement response of suspension bridge decks for structural health monitoring
Wang, Z. -W., Lu, X. -F., Zhang, W. -M., Fragkoulis, V. C., Zhang, Y. -F., & Beer, M. (2024). Deep learning-based prediction of wind-induced lateral displacement response of suspension bridge decks for structural health monitoring. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 247, 105679. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2024.105679
Experimental model updating of slope considering spatially varying soil properties and dynamic loading
Wang, R., Ouyang, J., Fragkoulis, V. C., Liu, Y., & Beer, M. (2024). Experimental model updating of slope considering spatially varying soil properties and dynamic loading. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience, 3(1), 33-53. doi:10.1002/eer2.70
Operator norm-based determination of failure probability of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements subject to imprecise stationary Gaussian loads
Jerez, D. J., Fragkoulis, V. C., Ni, P., Mitseas, I. P., Valdebenito, M. A., Faes, M. G. R., & Beer, M. (2024). Operator norm-based determination of failure probability of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements subject to imprecise stationary Gaussian loads. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 208, 111043. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.111043
Response of an MDOF Nonlinear System with Constraints Under Combined Deterministic and Non-stationary Stochastic Excitation
Ni, P., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., Mitseas, I. P., & Beer, M. (2022). Response of an MDOF Nonlinear System with Constraints Under Combined Deterministic and Non-stationary Stochastic Excitation. In 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (pp. 22-26). Research Publishing Services. doi:10.3850/978-981-18-5184-1_ms-01-139-cd
Stochastic Response Analysis of a Piezoelectric Harvesting Device Subjected to Non-stationary Wind Loading
Pasparakis, G. D., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., & Beer, M. (2022). Stochastic Response Analysis of a Piezoelectric Harvesting Device Subjected to Non-stationary Wind Loading. In 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (pp. 27-33). Research Publishing Services. doi:10.3850/978-981-18-5184-1_ms-01-140-cd
Deep learning-based reconstruction of missing long-term girder-end displacement data for suspension bridge health monitoring
Wang, Z. -W., Lu, X. -F., Zhang, W. -M., Fragkoulis, V. C., Beer, M., & Zhang, Y. -F. (2023). Deep learning-based reconstruction of missing long-term girder-end displacement data for suspension bridge health monitoring. Computers & Structures, 284, 107070. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2023.107070
Non-stationary response of nonlinear systems with singular parameter matrices subject to combined deterministic and stochastic excitation
Ni, P., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., Mitseas, I. P., & Beer, M. (2023). Non-stationary response of nonlinear systems with singular parameter matrices subject to combined deterministic and stochastic excitation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 188, 110009. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.110009
Survival probability determination of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements under evolutionary stochastic excitation
Fragkoulis, V. C., & Kougioumtzoglou, I. A. (2023). Survival probability determination of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements under evolutionary stochastic excitation. PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 71. doi:10.1016/j.probengmech.2022.103411
Non-stationary response determination of nonlinear systems subjected to combined deterministic and evolutionary stochastic excitations
Han, R., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., Beer, M., & Peng, Y. (2022). Non-stationary response determination of nonlinear systems subjected to combined deterministic and evolutionary stochastic excitations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS, 147. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2022.104192
An approximate stochastic dynamics approach for design spectrum based response analysis of nonlinear structural systems with fractional derivative elements
Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Ni, P., Mitseas, I. P., Fragkoulis, V. C., & Beer, M. (2022). An approximate stochastic dynamics approach for design spectrum based response analysis of nonlinear structural systems with fractional derivative elements. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 146, 104178. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2022.104178
Excitation–response relationships for linear structural systems with singular parameter matrices: A periodized harmonic wavelet perspective
Pasparakis, G. D., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., & Beer, M. (2022). Excitation–response relationships for linear structural systems with singular parameter matrices: A periodized harmonic wavelet perspective. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 169, 108701. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108701
Joint Statistics of Natural Frequencies Corresponding to Structural Systems with Singular Random Parameter Matrices
Fragkoulis, V. C., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Pantelous, A. A., & Beer, M. (2022). Joint Statistics of Natural Frequencies Corresponding to Structural Systems with Singular Random Parameter Matrices. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 148(3). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0002081
Operator Norm-Based Statistical Linearization to Bound the First Excursion Probability of Nonlinear Structures Subjected to Imprecise Stochastic Loading
Ni, P., Jerez, D. J., Fragkoulis, V. C., Faes, M. G. R., Valdebenito, M. A., & Beer, M. (2022). Operator Norm-Based Statistical Linearization to Bound the First Excursion Probability of Nonlinear Structures Subjected to Imprecise Stochastic Loading. ASCE-ASME JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS PART A-CIVIL ENGINEERING, 8(1). doi:10.1061/AJRUA6.0001217
Random vibration of linear systems with singular matrices based on Kronecker canonical forms of matrix pencils
Karageorgos, A. D., Moysis, L., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., & Pantelous, A. A. (2021). Random vibration of linear systems with singular matrices based on Kronecker canonical forms of matrix pencils. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 161. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.107896
Response Determination of Nonlinear Systems with Singular Matrices Subject to Combined Stochastic and Deterministic Excitations
Ni, P., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., Mitseas, I. P., & Beer, M. (2021). Response Determination of Nonlinear Systems with Singular Matrices Subject to Combined Stochastic and Deterministic Excitations. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7(4), 04021049. doi:10.1061/ajrua6.0001167
Deterministic and Random Vibration of Linear Systems with Singular Parameter Matrices and Fractional Derivative Terms
Pirrotta, A., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Di Matteo, A., Fragkoulis, V. C., Pantelous, A. A., & Adam, C. (2021). Deterministic and Random Vibration of Linear Systems with Singular Parameter Matrices and Fractional Derivative Terms. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 147(6). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001937
Harmonic wavelets based response evolutionary power spectrum determination of linear and nonlinear structural systems with singular matrices
Pasparakis, G. D., Fragkoulis, V. C., & Beer, M. (2021). Harmonic wavelets based response evolutionary power spectrum determination of linear and nonlinear structural systems with singular matrices. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 149, 107203. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107203
Ni, P., Fragkoulis, V. C., Kong, F., Mitseas, I. P., Beer, M., & Fragiadakis, M. (2021). STOCHASTIC NONLINEAR RESPONSE OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS ENDOWED WITH SINGULAR MATRICES SUBJECT TO COMBINED PERIODIC AND STOCHASTIC EXCITATIONS. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015) (pp. 5367-5373). Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research National Technical University of Athens. doi:10.7712/120121.8872.20780
Non-stationary response statistics of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements under evolutionary stochastic excitation
Fragkoulis, V. C., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Pantelous, A. A., & Beer, M. (2019). Non-stationary response statistics of nonlinear oscillators with fractional derivative elements under evolutionary stochastic excitation. Nonlinear Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s11071-019-05124-0
Random vibration of linear and nonlinear structural systems with singular matrices: A frequency domain approach
Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Fragkoulis, V. C., Pantelous, A. A., & Pirrotta, A. (2017). Random vibration of linear and nonlinear structural systems with singular matrices: A frequency domain approach. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 404, 84-101. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2017.05.038
Random Vibration of Systems with Singular Matrices
Fragkoulis, V. (2017, July 31). Random Vibration of Systems with Singular Matrices.
Statistical Linearization of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Singular Matrices
Fragkoulis, V. C., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., & Pantelous, A. A. (2016). Statistical Linearization of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Singular Matrices. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 142(9). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001119
Linear Radom Vibration of Structural Systems with Singular Mass Matrices
Fragkoulis, V., Kougioumtzoglou, I., & Pantelous, A. (2016). Linear Radom Vibration of Structural Systems with Singular Mass Matrices. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142(2). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001000
Higher Order Matrix Differential Equations with Singular Coefficient Matrices
Fragkoulis, V. C., Kougioumtzoglou, I. A., Pantelous, A. A., & Pirrotta, A. (2015). Higher Order Matrix Differential Equations with Singular Coefficient Matrices. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) Vol. 1648. doi:10.1063/1.4912578