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Professor Ulrich Petersohn


+44 (0)151 794 2900


International norms, Private Military and Security Companies, and Civil War

Currently, Ulrich’s research focuses broadly on the following topics:

(1) Norm Change: Normative change occurs regularly, and in some instances norms get de-institutionalized. The project investigates under what circumstances norms disappear, get substituted, or are merely curtailed in their regulatory scope.

(2) Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) in Civil Wars: PMSCs are present in almost any conflict zone. The main focus of the project is to explore the repercussions of their presence on civil war dynamics.

(3) Structure of the Market(s) for Force: Force gets increasingly commodified and traded on markets. The project explores different market structures, their roots, internal dynamics, and repercussions on the use of force.

PhD Supervision/ Letters of recommendation

I welcome PhD-projects in the following areas:
• Privatization of Security
• Commercial Non-State Actors in Civil Wars
• Irregular Warfare and Counterinsurgency
• Military Interventions
• International Norm Change

Letters of recommendation
I am happy to provide letters of recommendation for students if the following applies:
(1) The student has taken at least one of my modules.
(2) I have been informed before my name was put down as a reviewer.
(3) The mark average is a merit or higher.
(4) CV, transcripts, and other relevant materials have been supplied to me.
(5) I require all documents at least two weeks before the deadline.

Research grants

The secret life-changes of norms: A comprehensive analysis of norm change


September 2023 - August 2027

The Impact of Mercenaries and PMSCs on Civil War Dynamics


October 2017 - December 2020