Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- 'Physics of the Top Quark at Future Lepton Colliders', by Invitation (Winchester, 2012)
- 'Status of g-2 and Delta alpha', by Invitation (Univ. of Mainz, Germany, 2012)
- '(g-2)_mu: Scope for improvement - role of various channels', by Invitation (INFN Frascati, Italy, 2012)
- 'g-2 and Delta alpha(M_Z^2): touchstone of the Standard Model, keyhole to New Physics?', by Invitation (University of Vienna, Austria, 2011)
- 'VP reloaded', by Invitation (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011)
- `Updates on g-2 and alpha_em', by Invitation (`Radio Montecar Low', 2011)
- `R_had in g-2, Delta alpha and the determination of alpha_s', by Invitation (`Loops in Quantum Field Theory', 2011)
- `Top Quark Physics at a future LC and the LHC', by Invitation (Conference `LC10', 2010)
- `(g-2)_mu and Delta alpha: recent developments and status report', by Invitation (Conference `Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX', 2010)
- `g-2 of the muon and Delta alpha re-evaluated', by Invitation (`11th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics', 2010)
- `Status and Comparison of Vacuum Polarisation Compilations', by Invitation ( Working Group `Radio Montecar Low', 2010)
- `g-2 of the muon: touchstone of the Standard Model, keyhole to New Physics?', by Invitation (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2010)
- `Recent developments and status of g-2 and Delta alpha', by Invitation (University of Edinburgh, 2010)
- `g-2 of the muon: touchstone of the Standard Model, keyhole to New Physics?', by Invitation (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2010)
- `g-2 of the muon: touchstone of the Standard Model, keyhole to New Physics?', by Invitation (Technical University Dresden, 2009)
- `Update of g-2 of the muon and Delta alpha', by Invitation (International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi, 2009)
- `The Shuvaev Transform and the Skewness Effect at Small x', by Invitation (XVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS09), 2009)
- `MNRT predictions for elastic VM production at the LHeC', by Invitation (Working Group for the LHeC, 2009)
- `Status of Vacuum Polarisation Corrections and available Codes', by Invitation (WG Radio MonteCarLow, 2009)
- Plenary Talk `Status and prospects of (g-2)_mu and Delta alpha_QED', by Invitation (Conference organisation SUSY08, 2008)
- `Fits of the small x gluon from J/psi data', by Invitation (HERA and the LHC workshop organisation, 2008)
- `Hadronic contributions to the theoretical value of (g-2)_mu and alpha(q^2)', by Invitation (Workshop organisation PHIPSI08, 2008)
- `Low energy cross sections for high precision tests: alpha_s, alpha_QED and the smoking gun g-2', by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2007)
- 'g-2: The Rise and Fall (?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 2007)
- `g-2: The rise and fall(?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 2007)
- 'g-2: The Rise and Fall (?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2007)
- `g-2: The rise and fall(?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (Univ. Zurich, 2007)
- `g-2: The rise and fall(?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (Univ. Oxford, 2007)
- `Top at Threshold', by Invitation (University of Karlsruhe, 2006)
- `Summary of the top/QCD Working Group', by Invitation (ECFA, 2006)
- `g-2 of the muon: a status report', by Invitation (German Physical Society (DPG), 2006)
- `News from the ILC Workshop at Snowmass', by Invitation (Inst. f. Theor. Part. Phys., Univ. Karlsruhe, 2005)
- `Diffractive Production of Vector Mesons and the Gluon at small x', by Invitation (Ringberg 2005, 2005)
- `Top Threshold Developments: Theory', by Invitation (Snowmass 2005, 2005)
- `Remarks about differential distributions at the ttbar threshold', by Invitation (Snowmass 2005, 2005)
- `Summary of the Top/QCD Working Group', by Invitation (Snowmass 2005, 2005)
- `g-2: The rise and fall(?) of the Standard Model', by Invitation (Pheno 2005, 2005)
- `Diffractive Production of Vector Mesons and the Gluon at small x', by Invitation (DIS2005, 2005)
- `MRT predictions for Diffractive Vector Meson Production at HERA', by Invitation (DESY, 2005)
Organisations I have been associated with
- STEMNET (2010 - present)
- Canadian research council NSERC (2010 - present)
- Co-Organization of LC summer school 2009 (2009)
- Referee (peer review for EPSRC research proposals) (2008)
- Organisation of Working Group Top/QCD at LCWS08 (2008)
- Convenor for WG on Vacuum Polarisation for MCSIGHAD (2008 - present)
- RAL (2007)
- Co-organization of BSMUK07 (2007)
- Particle Physics Group Univ. of Glasgow (2007)
- Co-Organization of LC summer school and lecturing (2006)
- LCUK (2006 - present)
- Convenor of the Working Group `Top/QCD' of the International LC Workshop at Snowmass, August 2005
- Convenor of the Working Group `Top and QCD' of the ECFA study for a future e+e- Linear Collider
- Referee for STFC research grant proposals
- Referee (peer review for journals)
Professional Body Memberships
- HE Academy (Fellow of Higher Education Academy, 2012 - present)
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (Member, 1992 - present)