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Dr Stuart Oultram


+44 (0)151 795 5332



My primary teaching contribution (inc. lectures, tutorials, and project supervision) is to the MBChB programme, and in particular to the following curriculum themes:

1) Professionalism, Ethics, and Legal Context (PEL)
2) Psychology and Sociology as Applied to Medicine (PSM)
3) Research & Scholarship (RS)
4) Population Perspectives & Global Health (PPGH)

I also contribute teaching (inc. lectures, tutorials, project supervision, assessment and module leadership) to a number of PGT programmes in both the Medical School and Department of Public Health, Policy and Systems.

Modules for 2024-25

Applied Ethics for Clinical Practice I

Module code: MDSC400

Role: Teaching

Global Bioethics

Module code: MDSC404

Role: Teaching

Introduction to Ethics in Healthcare

Module code: MDSC402

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Introduction to Research Ethics in Healthcare

Module code: MDSC403

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Research Project

Module code: MDSC406

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses