Modules for 2024-25
Advanced & Future Healthcare Technologies
Module code: CHEM428
Role: Teaching
Functional Organic Materials
Module code: CHEM241
Role: Teaching
Supervised Theses
- Assessing the relationship between nanoparticle physicochemical characteristics and biological interactions : optimisation of in vitro techniques and protocols
- Chemical Modification of Poly(vinyl alcohol) for Improved Water Vapour Barrier Properties
- Computational pharmacokinetics of long-acting formulations for the treatment of HIV infections
- Design of Lipid-Based Nanocarriers for the Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Dissolving Microarray Patches for Transdermal Delivery of Atovaquone
- Dual-Stimuli Responsive Nanogels for Injectable Drug Delivery Implants
- Dual-Stimuli Responsive Nanogels for Injectable Drug Delivery Implants
- Engineered emulsions, polymer structured oils and responsive polymer nanoparticles via polymer design and emulsion templating
- Expanding the scope of hyperbranched polymer synthesis by Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation
- Exploring Hyperbranched-Polydendron Chemistry and Architecture for Nanomedicine Applications
- High Resolution Size and Structural Characterisation of Nanomedicines by Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation
- Implantable Polymeric Prodrug Candidates for Sustained Release Antiretroviral Therapy
- Investigating the impact of, novel, therapeutic delivery systems on immunological responses - determination of short, and long-term, exposure effects
- Investigation of Long-acting Antiretroviral Nanoformulation Pharmacokinetics Using Experimental and Computational Methods
- Modulating Docetaxel Encapsulation and Release from Branched Vinyl Copolymer Nanoparticles Formed via Co-nanoprecipitation
- Mucoadhesive Emulsions for the Delivery of Therapeutic Agents
- Novel amphiphilic branched copolymer nanoparticles as candidates for drug delivery
- Optimising Polymeric Nanocarrier Environments to Encapsulate and Deliver Highly Potent Anti-Cancer Drug SN-38
- Polymer Synthesis under Continuous Flow Conditions
- Polymer of Prodrugs for Antiretroviral Treatment
- Repurposing and reformulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients for delivery through parenteral routes
- Stimuli-Responsive Multi-layered Nanocarriers for Oral Drug Delivery to Treat Colon Cancer
- Synthesis and Characterisation of Functional, Degradable, Hyperbranched Polymers from Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation
- Synthesis and Characterisation of Hyperbranched Polymers from Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerisation
- Synthesis of Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Glyco-Polydendrons for Potential Applications in Nanomedicine
- Synthesis of Novel Polyester-Based Nanomedicines for Colorectal Cancer Drug Encapsulation
- The Development of Nanomedicine Formulations for the Treatment of Sudden Preterm Birth
- The Development of Nanomedicine Formulations for the Treatment of Sudden Preterm Birth
- Understanding factors influencing the network topology rearrangements of covalent adaptable networks (CANs) fabricated from copolymers synthesised via transfer-dominated branching radical telomerisation (TBRT)
- Utilising anionic branched polymerisation techniques for the synthesis of novel nanoparticles