Metaphors and Realities
Clark, S. R. L. (2024). Metaphors and Realities. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 32(1), 30-44. doi:10.1080/09672559.2023.2287636
Values and facts and fancies
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Values and facts and fancies. Religious Studies, 1-12. doi:10.1017/s0034412524000532
Plotinus and Godlike Virtues
Clark, S. R. L. (2021). Plotinus and Godlike Virtues. In Quietism, Agnosticism and Mysticism (pp. 159-176). Springer Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-3223-5_9
Nature, Animals, and Ecology
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Nature, Animals, and Ecology. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-19). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781119009924.eopr0263
Thinking, theorizing and theoria
Clark, S. (2021). Thinking, theorizing and theoria. In Thought: A Philosophical History: A Philosophical History (pp. 36-46).
ANARCHISM AGAINST ANARCHY The Classical Roots of Anarchism
Clark, S. R. L. (2021). ANARCHISM AGAINST ANARCHY The Classical Roots of Anarchism. In ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF ANARCHY AND ANARCHIST THOUGHT (pp. 83-98). Retrieved from
Plotinus: The Enneads
Clark, S. R. L. (2021). Plotinus: The Enneads. In Central Works of Philosophy v1: Ancient and Medieval (pp. 119-139). doi:10.4324/9781315712260-6
Selfless Civilizations: Robots, Zombies, and the World to Come
Clark, S. R. L. (2021). Selfless Civilizations: Robots, Zombies, and the World to Come. In Science and Fiction (pp. 165-178). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64269-3_8
Platonism and the gods of place
Clark, S. R. L. (2020). Platonism and the gods of place. In The Philosophy of the Environment (pp. 19-37).
Souls, stars and shadows
Clark, S. R. L. (2020). Souls, stars and shadows. In DIFFERENCES IN IDENTITY IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION (pp. 7-19). Retrieved from
Citizens of the World and their Religion
Clark, S. R. L. (2019). Citizens of the World and their Religion. PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 48(1), 103-122. doi:10.1080/05568641.2019.1585201
Philosophic Silence and the 'One' in Plotinus
Clark, S. R. L. (2019). Philosophic Silence and the 'One' in Plotinus. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, 57(3), 554-555. doi:10.1353/hph.2019.0062
Genocide, consistency and war
Clark, S. R. L. (2018). Genocide, consistency and war. In Human Rights and Military Intervention (pp. 113-131).
Climbing up to Heaven: The Hermetic Option
Clark, S. R. L. (2017). Climbing up to Heaven: The Hermetic Option. In Purgatory (pp. 151-174). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57891-0_9
Patrides, Plotinus and the Cambridge Platonists
Clark, S. R. L. (2017). Patrides, Plotinus and the Cambridge Platonists. BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, 25(5), 858-877. doi:10.1080/09608788.2016.1255179
Who is God
Clark, S. R. L. (2017). Who is God. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 8(4). doi:10.24204/ejpr.v8i4.1715
Classical Mediterranean Conceptions of the Afterlife
Clark, S. R. L. (2017). Classical Mediterranean Conceptions of the Afterlife. In PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF THE AFTERLIFE (pp. 41-57). doi:10.1057/978-1-137-48609-7_3
Heracles, Hylas and the Uses of Reflection
Clark, S. R. L. (2017). Heracles, Hylas and the Uses of Reflection. In T. Botz-Bornstein, & G. Stamatellos (Eds.), Plotinus and the Moving Image (pp. 67-90). Leiden: Brill.
Late pagan alternatives: Plotinus and the Christian gospel
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). Late pagan alternatives: Plotinus and the Christian gospel. RELIGIOUS STUDIES, 52(4), 545-560. doi:10.1017/S0034412516000184
Aesthetic themes in pagan and Christian Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). Aesthetic themes in pagan and Christian Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa. BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, 24(4), 784-786. doi:10.1080/09608788.2016.1176904
Plotinus Myth, Metaphor, and Philosophical Practice
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). Plotinus Myth, Metaphor, and Philosophical Practice. University of Chicago Press.
What is an Animal?
Ingold, T. (Ed.) (n.d.). What is an Animal?. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315539126
No Way Out?
No Way Out? (2016). In Reason, Faith and History (pp. 61-82). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315603865-7
The sphere with many faces
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). The sphere with many faces. Dionysius, 34, 8-26.
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). WHO IS GOD. EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, 8(4), 1-20. Retrieved from
Clark, S. R. L. (2015). CHANGING KINDS: ARISTOTLE AND THE ARISTOTELIANS. DIAMETROS, 45, 19-34. doi:10.13153/diam.45.2015.794
Animals Real and Virtual
Clark, S. R. L. (2016). Animals Real and Virtual. In SCIENCE AND THE SELF: ANIMALS, EVOLUTION, AND ETHICS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF MARY MIDGLEY (Vol. 70, pp. 31-40). Retrieved from
Metaphysics and Grammar By William Charlton Bloomsbury (London, New York), 2014, 234 + vi pp., £19.99 PB; £65.00 HB ISBN: HB: 978-1-4725-3421-7 ISBN: PB: 978-1-4725-7930-0 wPDF: 978-1-4725-2887-2 ePub: 978-1-4725-3193-3
Clark, S. R. L. (2015). Metaphysics and Grammar By William Charlton Bloomsbury (London, New York), 2014, 234 + vi pp., £19.99 PB; £65.00 HB ISBN: HB: 978-1-4725-3421-7 ISBN: PB: 978-1-4725-7930-0 wPDF: 978-1-4725-2887-2 ePub: 978-1-4725-3193-3. Philosophy, 90(3), 532-539. doi:10.1017/s0031819114000588
Atheism Considered as a Christian Sect
Clark, S. R. L. (2015). Atheism Considered as a Christian Sect. PHILOSOPHY, 90(2), 277-303. doi:10.1017/S0031819114000564
PLOTINUS ON SELF - R. Mortley Plotinus, Self and the World. Pp. viii + 153. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Cased, £50, US$85. ISBN: 978-1-107-04024-3.
Clark, S. R. L. (2015). PLOTINUS ON SELF - R. Mortley Plotinus, Self and the World. Pp. viii + 153. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Cased, £50, US$85. ISBN: 978-1-107-04024-3.. The Classical Review, 65(1), 87-89. doi:10.1017/s0009840x14002467
Divine Essence and Divine Energies: Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in Eastern Orthodoxy
Clark, S. R. L. (2014). Divine Essence and Divine Energies: Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in Eastern Orthodoxy. PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY, 64(256), 513-517. doi:10.1093/pq/pqu022
Clark, S. R. L. (2014). Foreword. God, Mind and Knowledge.
God, Reason and Extraterrestrials
Clark, S. R. L. (2014). God, Reason and Extraterrestrials. In GOD, MIND AND KNOWLEDGE (pp. 171-186). Retrieved from
A historical overview of railway signalling & control (or `from Bobbies to Balises')
Clark, S. (2014). A historical overview of railway signalling & control (or `from Bobbies to Balises'). In IET 13th Professional Development Course on Electric Traction Systems (pp. 4 (18 .)). Institution of Engineering and Technology. doi:10.1049/cp.2014.1433
Trent Dougherty (ed.) Evidentialism and its Discontents (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). Pp. xii + 335. £45.00 (Hbk). ISBN 978 0 19 956350 0. - Kelly James Clark & Raymond J. VanArragon (eds) Evidence and Religious Belief (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). Pp. x + 214. £35.00 (Hbk), £24.94 (Kindle). ISBN 9780 19 960371 8.
CLARK, S. R. L. (2013). Trent Dougherty (ed.) Evidentialism and its Discontents (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). Pp. xii + 335. £45.00 (Hbk). ISBN 978 0 19 956350 0. - Kelly James Clark & Raymond J. VanArragon (eds) Evidence and Religious Belief (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). Pp. x + 214. £35.00 (Hbk), £24.94 (Kindle). ISBN 9780 19 960371 8.. Religious Studies, 49(1), 134-139. doi:10.1017/s0034412512000261
"Ask Now the Beasts and They Shall Teach Thee"
Clark, S. (2013). "Ask Now the Beasts and They Shall Teach Thee". In C. Deane-Drummond, D. L. Clough, & R. Artinian-Kaiser (Eds.), Animals as Religious Subjects: transdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 15-34). London: Bloomsbury.
Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy: an introduction
Clark, S. R. L. (2013). Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy: an introduction. London: Bloomsbury.
Futures Singular and Plural
Clark, S. R. (2013). Futures Singular and Plural. In T. Addey (Ed.), Towards the Noosphere (pp. 29-67). Westbury, Wiltshire: Prometheus Trust.
Living the Pyrrhonian Way
Clark, S. (2013). Living the Pyrrhonian Way. In S. M. Campbell, & P. W. Bruno (Eds.), The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy (pp. 197-209). London: Bloomsbury.
Personal Identity and Identity Disorders
Clark, S. (2013). Personal Identity and Identity Disorders. In K. W. M. Fulford, M. Davies, R. G. T. Gipps, G. Graham, J. Z. Sadler, G. Stanghellini, & T. Thornton (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry (pp. 911-928). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Philosophy as a Way of Life: Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot
Chase, M., Clark, S., & McGhee, M. (Eds.) (2013). Philosophy as a Way of Life: Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Science, chesterton and the will of the creator
Clark, S. R. L. (2013). Science, chesterton and the will of the creator. In Reason, Faith and History: Philosophical Essays for Paul Helm (pp. 115-126).
The Classical Origins of Natural Theology
Clark, S. R. (2013). The Classical Origins of Natural Theology. In R. R. Manning, J. H. Brooke, & F. Watts (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology (pp. 9-22). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Talking Places: Modelling and Analysing Linguistic Content in Foursquare
Bauer, S., Noulas, A., Seaghdha, D. O., Clark, S., & Mascolo, C. (2012). Talking Places: Modelling and Analysing Linguistic Content in Foursquare. In 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Confernece on Social Computing (pp. 348-357). IEEE. doi:10.1109/socialcom-passat.2012.107
Moments of Truth: The Marginal and the Real
Clark, S. R. L. (2012). Moments of Truth: The Marginal and the Real. The European Legacy, 17(6), 769-778. doi:10.1080/10848770.2012.715808
A history of railway signalling (from the Bobby to the Balise)
Clark, S. (2012). A history of railway signalling (from the Bobby to the Balise). In IET Professional Development Course on Railway Signalling and Control Systems (RSCS 2012) (pp. 6-25). IET. doi:10.1049/ic.2012.0040
Animals in Classical and Late Antique Philosophy
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Animals in Classical and Late Antique Philosophy. In The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics (pp. 35-60). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195371963.013.0002
T.L.S. Sprigge, The Importance of Subjectivity: Selected Essays in Metaphysics and Ethics, ed. B. McHenry Leemon. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2010, xi + 356 pp., £47. ISBN: 978-0-19-959154-1
Clark, S. R. L. (2012). T.L.S. Sprigge, The Importance of Subjectivity: Selected Essays in Metaphysics and Ethics, ed. B. McHenry Leemon. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2010, xi + 356 pp., £47. ISBN: 978-0-19-959154-1. Philosophy, 87(2), 310-315. doi:10.1017/s0031819112000101
"Made in the Image of God"
Clark, S. R. L. (2012). "Made in the Image of God". In T. York, & A. Alexis-Baker (Eds.), A Faith Embracing All Creatures: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Care for Animals (Vol. 3, pp. 138-149). Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
Folly to the Greeks: Good Reasons to Give Up Reasons
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Folly to the Greeks: Good Reasons to Give Up Reasons. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 4(1), 87-107. doi:10.24204/ejpr.v4i1.309
Folly to the Greeks: Good Reasons to give up Reason
Clark, S. R. L. (2012). Folly to the Greeks: Good Reasons to give up Reason. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 4, 93-113.
The Ethics of Taxonomy: a neo-Aristotelian Synthesis
Clark, S. R. (2012). The Ethics of Taxonomy: a neo-Aristotelian Synthesis. In E. D. Protopapadakis (Ed.), Animal Ethics: Past and Present Perspectives (pp. 38-58). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
The Routledge Companion to Theism
Taliaferro, C., Harrison, V. S., & Goetz, S. (Eds.) (n.d.). The Routledge Companion to Theism. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203123294
Timothy Sprigge 'The Importance of Subjectivity' ed Leemon McHenry
Clark, S. R. (2012). Timothy Sprigge 'The Importance of Subjectivity' ed Leemon McHenry. Unknown Journal, 87, 310-315.
Townships, Brigands and a Shared Religion
Clark, S. R. L. (2012). Townships, Brigands and a Shared Religion. Griffith Law Review, 21(2), 392-412. doi:10.1080/10383441.2012.10854746
How Much Is "Your Un-Calibrated Model" Costing Your Utility? Ten Lessons Learned from Calibrating the CRD Water Model
de Schaetzen, W., Hung, J., Clark, S., Gottfred, C., Acosta, B., & Reynolds, P. (2011). How Much Is "Your Un-Calibrated Model" Costing Your Utility? Ten Lessons Learned from Calibrating the CRD Water Model. In Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 (pp. 1053-1065). American Society of Civil Engineers. doi:10.1061/41203(425)95
Shift-reduce CCG parsing
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2011). Shift-reduce CCG parsing. In ACL-HLT 2011 - Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies Vol. 1 (pp. 683-692).
Syntax-based grammaticality improvement using CCG and guided search
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2011). Syntax-based grammaticality improvement using CCG and guided search. In EMNLP 2011 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference (pp. 1147-1157).
Imaginary futures and moral possibilities: blossoming in the morn of days*
Clark, S. R. L. (2011). Imaginary futures and moral possibilities: blossoming in the morn of days*. International Social Science Journal, 62(205-206), 301-312. doi:10.1111/issj.12004
Catherine Zuckert 'Plato's Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues'
Clark, S. R. (2011). Catherine Zuckert 'Plato's Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues'. Unknown Journal, 19(4), 811-815.
Imaginary futures and moral possibilities: blossoming in the morn of days
Clark, S. (2011). Imaginary futures and moral possibilities: blossoming in the morn of days. International Social Science Journal, 62(205-5), 301-312. Retrieved from doi:%2010.1111/issj.12004
Philosophical Futures
Clark, S. R. L. (2011). Philosophical Futures (Vol. 2). S. Sorgner (Ed.), Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Religion and Law: response to Michael Moxter
Clark, S. R. L. (2011). Religion and Law: response to Michael Moxter. Ars Disputandi, Supple, 57-71. Retrieved from
Syntactic Processing Using the Generalized Perceptron and Beam Search
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2011). Syntactic Processing Using the Generalized Perceptron and Beam Search. Computational Linguistics, 37(1), 105-151. doi:10.1162/coli_a_00037
The Mind Parasites: Wilson, Husserl, Plotinus
Clark, S. R. L. (2011). The Mind Parasites: Wilson, Husserl, Plotinus. In C. Stanley (Ed.), Around the Outsider: Essays presented to Colin Wilson (pp. 42-62). Alresford, Hampshire: O-Books.
A fast decoder for joint word segmentation and POS-tagging using a single discriminative model
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2010). A fast decoder for joint word segmentation and POS-tagging using a single discriminative model. In EMNLP 2010 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference (pp. 843-852).
Chart pruning for fast lexicalised-grammar parsing
Zhang, Y., Ahn, B. G., Clark, S., Van Wyk, C., Curran, J. R., & Rimell, L. (2010). Chart pruning for fast lexicalised-grammar parsing. In Coling 2010 - 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference Vol. 2 (pp. 1471-1479).
Faster parsing by supertagger adaptation
Kummerfeld, J. K., Roesner, J., Dawborn, T., Haggerty, J., Curran, J. R., & Clark, S. (2010). Faster parsing by supertagger adaptation. In ACL 2010 - 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference (pp. 345-355).
John Cottingham Why Believe? (London: Continuum, 2009). Pp. xvi+186. £14.99 (Pbk). ISBN 978 08264 9636 2.
CLARK, S. (2010). John Cottingham Why Believe? (London: Continuum, 2009). Pp. xvi+186. £14.99 (Pbk). ISBN 978 08264 9636 2.. Religious Studies, 46(4), 539-541. doi:10.1017/s0034412510000442
Linguistic steganography using automatically generated paraphrases
Chang, C. Y., & Clark, S. (2010). Linguistic steganography using automatically generated paraphrases. In NAACL HLT 2010 - Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Main Conference (pp. 591-599).
Practical Linguistic Steganography using contextual synonym substitution and vertex colour coding
Chang, C. Y., & Clark, S. (2010). Practical Linguistic Steganography using contextual synonym substitution and vertex colour coding. In EMNLP 2010 - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference (pp. 1194-1203).
How to Become Unconscious
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). How to Become Unconscious. In Unknown Book (Vol. 67, pp. 21-44). Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/s1358246110000056
A history of railway signalling (from the Bobby to the Balise)
Clark, S. (2010). A history of railway signalling (from the Bobby to the Balise). In IET Professional Development Course on Railway Signalling and Control Systems (RSCS 2010) (pp. 7-20). IET. doi:10.1049/ic.2010.0083
Ethical thought in India
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). Ethical thought in India. In The Routledge Companion to Ethics (pp. 21-30).
Plotinus on Number - (S.) Slaveva-Griffin Plotinus on Number. Pp. xii + 176. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Cased £39.99, US$74, ISBN: 978-0-19-537719-4.
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). Plotinus on Number - (S.) Slaveva-Griffin Plotinus on Number. Pp. xii + 176. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Cased £39.99, US$74, ISBN: 978-0-19-537719-4.. The Classical Review, 60(1), 91-93. doi:10.1017/s0009840x09990515
How to Believe in God
Clark, S. (2010). How to Believe in God. Guardian, 2.
John Cottingham 'Why Believe?':
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). John Cottingham 'Why Believe?':. Unknown Journal, 46, 539-541.
Plotinus: Charms and Countercharms
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). Plotinus: Charms and Countercharms. In A. O'Hear (Ed.), Conceptions of Philosophy (Vol. 66, pp. 215-231). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Therapy and Theory Reconstructed
Clark, S. R. L. (2010). Therapy and Theory Reconstructed. In C. Carlisle, & J. Ganeri (Eds.), Philosophy as Therapeia (Vol. 66, pp. 83-102). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CLARK, S. R. L. (2009). PLOTINIAN DUALISMS AND THE “GREEK” IDEAS OF SELF. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 36(4), 554-567. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6253.2009.01541.x
Clark, S. (2009). SUMS OF OPERATOR LOGARITHMS. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 60(4), 413-427. doi:10.1093/qmath/han010
Book Review: Stephen J. Pope, Human Evolution and Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). xiii + 359 pp. £50/US$95 (hb), ISBN 978-0-521-86340-7
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Book Review: Stephen J. Pope, Human Evolution and Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). xiii + 359 pp. £50/US$95 (hb), ISBN 978-0-521-86340-7. Studies in Christian Ethics, 22(4), 506-509. doi:10.1177/09539468090220040802
Porting a lexicalized-grammar parser to the biomedical domain.
Rimell, L., & Clark, S. (2009). Porting a lexicalized-grammar parser to the biomedical domain.. Journal of biomedical informatics, 42(5), 852-865. doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.12.004
Plotinus on Intellect - Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson
Clark, S. (2009). Plotinus on Intellect - Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson. The Philosophical Quarterly, 59(235), 357-359. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2009.618_1.x
Plotinian Dualisms and the “Greek” Ideas of Self
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Plotinian Dualisms and the “Greek” Ideas of Self. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 36(4), 554-567. doi:10.1163/15406253-03604007
Late Antique Epistemology
Vassilopoulou, P., & Clark, S. R. L. (Eds.) (2009). Late Antique Epistemology. In . Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9780230240773
Late antique epistemology: Other ways to truth
Vassilopoulou, P., & Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Late antique epistemology: Other ways to truth. doi:10.1057/9780230240773
Comparing the accuracy of CCG and Penn Treebank parsers
Clark, S., & Curran, J. R. (2009). Comparing the accuracy of CCG and Penn Treebank parsers. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers on - ACL-IJCNLP '09 (pp. 53). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1667583.1667601
Elves, Hobbits, Trolls and Talking Beasts
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Elves, Hobbits, Trolls and Talking Beasts. In C. Deane-Drummond, & D. Clough (Eds.), Creaturely Theology: on God, Humans and Other Animals (pp. 151-167). London: SCM Press.
G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward. Moscow: St Andrews Biblical Theological Institute.
Late Antique Epistemology: Other Ways to Truth
Vassilopoulou, P., & Clark, S. R. L. (Eds.) (2009). Late Antique Epistemology: Other Ways to Truth. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Reviews - The Verge of Philosophy. By John Sallis. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2007. 144 pp.
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Reviews - The Verge of Philosophy. By John Sallis. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2007. 144 pp.. Philosophy, 84(1), 156-158. doi:10.1017/s0031819109000102
Stephen J.Pope 'Human Evolution and Christian Ethics'
Clark, S. R. (2009). Stephen J.Pope 'Human Evolution and Christian Ethics'. Unknown Journal, 22(4), 506-509.
Unbounded dependency recovery for parser evaluation
Rimell, L., Clark, S., & Steedman, M. (2009). Unbounded dependency recovery for parser evaluation. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Volume 2 - EMNLP '09 Vol. 2 (pp. 813). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1699571.1699619
Understanding Faith: Religious Belief and Its Place in Society
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). Understanding Faith: Religious Belief and Its Place in Society. J. Haldane (Ed.), Exeter: Imprint Academic.
What has Plotinus's One to do with God?
Clark, S. R. L. (2009). What has Plotinus's One to do with God?. In J. Cornwell, & M. McGhee (Eds.), Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of Faith and Reason (pp. 21-37). London: Continuum.
A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and combining graph-based and transition-based dependency parsing using beam-search
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2008). A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and combining graph-based and transition-based dependency parsing using beam-search. In EMNLP 2008 - 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference: A Meeting of SIGDAT, a Special Interest Group of the ACL (pp. 562-571).
Deconstructing the Laws of Logic
R.L. Clark, S. (2008). Deconstructing the Laws of Logic. Philosophy, 83(1), 25-53. doi:10.1017/s0031819108000296
Joint word segmentation and POS tagging using a single perceptron
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2008). Joint word segmentation and POS tagging using a single perceptron. In ACL-08: HLT - 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Conference (pp. 888-896).
Science, Chesterton and the will of the creator
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). Science, Chesterton and the will of the creator. In Reason, Faith and History: Philosophical Essays for Paul Helm (pp. 115-125).
ASKNet: Creating and Evaluating Large Scale Integrated Semantic Networks
Harrington, B., & Clark, S. (2008). ASKNet: Creating and Evaluating Large Scale Integrated Semantic Networks. In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (pp. 166-173). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icsc.2008.24
HARRINGTON, B., & CLARK, S. (2008). ASKNET: CREATING AND EVALUATING LARGE SCALE INTEGRATED SEMANTIC NETWORKS. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 02(03), 343-364. doi:10.1142/s1793351x08000518
Adapting a lexicalized-grammar parser to contrasting domains
Rimell, L., & Clark, S. (2008). Adapting a lexicalized-grammar parser to contrasting domains. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing - EMNLP '08 (pp. 475). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1613715.1613775
Can Animals be our Friends?
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). Can Animals be our Friends?. Philosophy Now, 67, 13-16.
Chesterton, Science Fiction and Moor Eeffoc
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). Chesterton, Science Fiction and Moor Eeffoc. L'Atelier du Roman, 55, 65-73.
Going Naked into the Shrine: Herbert, Plotinus and the Constructive Metaphor
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). Going Naked into the Shrine: Herbert, Plotinus and the Constructive Metaphor. In D. Hedley, & S. Hutton (Eds.), Platonism at the Origins of Modernity (pp. 45-61). Dordrecht: Springer.
How to Live Forever
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). How to Live Forever. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203004425
In Our Hands
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). In Our Hands. Reform, 17-18.
John Smythies 'The Trial of God'
Clark, S. R. L. (2008). John Smythies 'The Trial of God'. Unknown Journal, 22(3), 443-444.
How Alien Are Animals?
Clark, S. R. L. (2007). How Alien Are Animals?. In Consciousness, Reality and Value (pp. 245-258). DE GRUYTER. doi:10.1515/9783110328387.245
Combining symbolic and distributional models of meaning
Clark, S., & Pulman, S. (2007). Combining symbolic and distributional models of meaning. In AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report Vol. SS-07-08 (pp. 52-55).
Chinese segmentation with a word-based perceptron algorithm
Zhang, Y., & Clark, S. (2007). Chinese segmentation with a word-based perceptron algorithm. In ACL 2007 - Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 840-847).
Formalism-independent parser evaluation with CCG and DepBank
Clark, S., & Curran, J. R. (2007). Formalism-independent parser evaluation with CCG and DepBank. In ACL 2007 - Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 248-255).
ASKNet: Automated semantic knowledge network
Harrington, B., & Clark, S. (2007). ASKNet: Automated semantic knowledge network. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 1 (pp. 889-894).
Science Fiction and Religion
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Science Fiction and Religion. In A Companion to Science Fiction (pp. 95-110). Blackwell Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1002/9780470997055.ch7
C.J.Cherryh: The Ties that Bind
Clark, S. R. L. (2007). C.J.Cherryh: The Ties that Bind. Yearbook of English Studies, 37(2), 197-214.
Improving the efficiency of a wide-coverage CCG parser
Djordjevic, B., Curran, J. R., & Clark, S. (2007). Improving the efficiency of a wide-coverage CCG parser. In IWPT 2007 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (pp. 39-47).
Linguistically motivated large-scale NLP with C&C and boxer
Curran, J. R., Clark, S., & Bos, J. (2007). Linguistically motivated large-scale NLP with C&C and boxer. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the ACL on Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions - ACL '07 (pp. 33). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1557769.1557781
Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models
Clark, S., & Curran, J. R. (2007). Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models. Computational Linguistics, 33(4), 493-552. doi:10.1162/coli.2007.33.4.493
Martian Chronicles
Clark, S. R. L. (2006). Martian Chronicles. Metascience, 15(3), 563-567. doi:10.1007/s11016-006-9042-0
Respecting Sentient Beings
Clark, S. R. L. (2006). Respecting Sentient Beings. Organization & Environment, 19(2), 280-283. doi:10.1177/1086026606288228
Animals and Their Moral Standing
Clark, S. R. L., & Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). Animals and Their Moral Standing. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203004265
Biology and Christian Ethics
Clark, S. R. L. (2006). Biology and Christian Ethics. Peking: Peking University Press.
G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward
Clark, S. R. L. (2006). G.K.Chesterton: Thinking Backward, Looking Forward. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: Templeton Foundation Press.
Multi-tagging for lexicalized-grammar parsing
Curran, J. R., Clark, S., & Vadas, D. (2006). Multi-tagging for lexicalized-grammar parsing. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the ACL - ACL '06 (pp. 697-704). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1220175.1220263
Partial training for a lexicalized-grammar parser
Clark, S., & Curran, J. R. (2006). Partial training for a lexicalized-grammar parser. In Proceedings of the main conference on Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics - (pp. 144-151). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1220835.1220854
Understanding Animals
Clark, S. R. L. (2006). Understanding Animals. In K. Solisti, & M. Tobias (Eds.), Kinship with Animals (pp. 101-114). Tulsa: Council Oak Books.
Berkeley on religion
Clark, S. R. L. (2005). Berkeley on religion. In The Cambridge Companion to Berkeley (pp. 369-404). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ccol0521450330.013
Deference, Degree and Selfhood
Clark, S. R. L. (2005). Deference, Degree and Selfhood. Philosophy, 80(2), 249-260. doi:10.1017/s0031819105000252
Refinery expertise preservation
Clark, S. (2005). Refinery expertise preservation. Control Engineering, 52(8).
Refining: Supply chain logistics challenges
Clark, S. (2005). Refining: Supply chain logistics challenges. Petroleum Technology Quarterly, 10(5), 65-68.
Plotínus: The enneads
Clark, S. R. L. (2005). Plotínus: The enneads. In Central Works of Philosophy (Vol. 1, pp. 119-139).
The role of wireless in refining: Communications in the refinery of the future
Jofiriet, P., & Clark, S. (2005). The role of wireless in refining: Communications in the refinery of the future. In NPRA Annual Meeting Technical Papers.
Refining: Wireless communication in refining
Jofriet, P., & Clark, S. (2005). Refining: Wireless communication in refining. Petroleum Technology Quarterly, 10(4).
Plotinus: <i>The Enneads</i>
Clark, S. R. L. (2005). Plotinus: <i>The Enneads</i>. In Central Works of Philosophy (pp. 119-139). Acumen Publishing Limited. doi:10.1017/upo9781844653584.007
"How not to Love Nature"
Vassilopoulou, P., & Clark, S. R. L. (2005). "How not to Love Nature". In K. Boudouris, & E. Maraggianou (Eds.), Unknown Book (pp. 77-98). Athens: University of Athens.
FIELD, Guy Cromwell (1887-1955)
Clark, S. R. L. (2005). FIELD, Guy Cromwell (1887-1955). In The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers: Volume 1,2 (Vol. 1-2, pp. 280-281).
Progress and the argument from evil
CLARK, S. R. L. (2004). Progress and the argument from evil. Religious Studies, 40(2), 181-192. doi:10.1017/s0034412503006851
Vegetarianism and the ethics of virtue
Clark, S. R. L. (2004). Vegetarianism and the ethics of virtue. In S. F. Sapontzis (Ed.), Food for Thought: the Debate over Eating Meat (pp. 138-151). New York: Prometheus Books.
Book Reviews
Clark, S. R. L. (2003). Book Reviews. Organization & Environment, 16(2), 261-263. doi:10.1177/1086026603016002017
Constructing Persons: the Psychopathology of Identity
Clark, S. R. L. (2003). Constructing Persons: the Psychopathology of Identity. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 10, 157-160.
Impersonal Minds
Clark, S. R. L. (2003). Impersonal Minds. In A. O'Hear (Ed.), Minds and Persons (pp. 185-209). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Slaves, Servility and Noble Deeds
Clark, S. R. L. (2003). Slaves, Servility and Noble Deeds. Philosophical Inquiry, 25, 165-176.
Thinking about Biotechnology: towards a theory of just experimentation
Clark, S. R. L. (2003). Thinking about Biotechnology: towards a theory of just experimentation. In Reordering Nature: Theology, Society and the New Genetics (pp. 165-177). Edinburgh: T&T Clark.
Toward Zero-Fluid-Loss Oil-Based Muds
Bybee, K. (2002). Toward Zero-Fluid-Loss Oil-Based Muds. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 54(11), 54-55. doi:10.2118/1102-0054-jpt
Ball tip–stylus tilt correction for a stylus profilometer
Clark, S. R., & Greivenkamp, J. E. (2002). Ball tip–stylus tilt correction for a stylus profilometer. Precision Engineering, 26(4), 405-411. doi:10.1016/s0141-6359(02)00118-6
Feyerabend's Conquest of Abundance
Clark, S. R. L. (2002). Feyerabend's Conquest of Abundance. Inquiry, 45(2), 249-267. doi:10.1080/002017402760093324
Optical reference profilometry
Greivenkamp, J. E. (2001). Optical reference profilometry. Optical Engineering, 40(12), 2845. doi:10.1117/1.1419192
Have Biologists Wrapped up Philosophy?
Clark, S. R. L. (2000). Have Biologists Wrapped up Philosophy?. Inquiry, 43(2), 143-165. doi:10.1080/002017400407726
Infrared Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for conformal dome metrology
Smith, D. G., Greivenkamp, J. E., Gappinger, R., Williby, G., Marushin, P., Gupta, A., . . . Sasian, J. (2000). Infrared Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for conformal dome metrology. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 109-111).
Optical Reference Profilometry
Clark, S. R., Greivenkamp, J. E., Richard, R. M., & Sasián, J. M. (2000). Optical Reference Profilometry. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 82-84).
The Evolution of Language: Truth and Lies
Clark, S. R. L. (2000). The Evolution of Language: Truth and Lies. Philosophy, 75(3), 401-421. doi:10.1017/s0031819100000474
Dangerous conservatives: A reply to Daniel Dombrowski
Clark, S. R. L. (1998). Dangerous conservatives: A reply to Daniel Dombrowski. Sophia, 37(2), 44-69. doi:10.1007/bf02786280
Objectivism and The Alternatives
Clark, S. R. L. (1998). Objectivism and The Alternatives. In Applied Ethics in a Troubled World (pp. 285-294). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5186-3_17
The Goals of Goodness
Clark, S. R. L. (1998). The Goals of Goodness. Studies in World Christianity, 4(2), 228-244. doi:10.3366/swc.1998.4.2.228
A Plotinian Account of Intellect
Clark, S. R. L. (n.d.). A Plotinian Account of Intellect. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 71(3), 421-432. doi:10.5840/acpq199771336
How Chesterton read history
Clark, S. R. L. (1996). How Chesterton read history. Inquiry, 39(3-4), 343-358. doi:10.1080/00201749608602426
Riots at Brightlingsea
CLARK, S. R. L. (1996). Riots at Brightlingsea. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 13(1), 109-112. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5930.1996.tb00154.x
La contribution de Stephen Clark à la philosophie sur Internet
Clark, S. (1996). La contribution de Stephen Clark à la philosophie sur Internet. Horizons philosophiques, 6(2), 95. doi:10.7202/801015ar
Nations and Empires1
Clark, S. R. L. (1996). Nations and Empires1. European Journal of Philosophy, 4(1), 63-80. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0378.1996.tb00065.x
Thinking About How and Why to Think
R. L. Clark, S. (1996). Thinking About How and Why to Think. Philosophy, 71(277), 385-403. doi:10.1017/s0031819100041656
Form and Transformation: a study in the philosophy of Plotinus
CLARK, S. R. L. (1995). Form and Transformation: a study in the philosophy of Plotinus. Philosophical Books, 36(1), 40-42. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0149.1995.tb02456.x
(A.P.) Bos Cosmic and meta-cosmic theology in Aristotle's lost dialogues. Tr. A.P.Runia. Leiden: Brill, 1989. Pp. xx + 242. Fl.120.
Clark, S. R. L. (1994). (A.P.) Bos Cosmic and meta-cosmic theology in Aristotle's lost dialogues. Tr. A.P.Runia. Leiden: Brill, 1989. Pp. xx + 242. Fl.120.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 114, 194-195. doi:10.2307/632761
The possible truth of metaphor
Clark, S. R. L. (1994). The possible truth of metaphor. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2(1), 19-30. doi:10.1080/09672559408570781
Companions on the Way
Clark, S. R. L., & Singer, P. (1994). Companions on the Way. The Philosophical Quarterly, 44(174), 90. doi:10.2307/2220150
Genetic and Other Engineering
CLARK, S. R. L. (1994). Genetic and Other Engineering. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 11(2), 233-237. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5930.1994.tb00112.x
(R.) Kraut Aristotle on the human good. Princeton UP, 1989. Pp. xi + 379. $37.50.
Clark, S. (1993). (R.) Kraut Aristotle on the human good. Princeton UP, 1989. Pp. xi + 379. $37.50.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 113, 193-194. doi:10.2307/632428
Does the burgess shale have moral implications?
Clark, S. R. L. (1993). Does the burgess shale have moral implications?. Inquiry, 36(4), 357-380. doi:10.1080/00201749308602329
Minds, Memes, and Rhetoric
Clark, S. R. L. (1993). Minds, Memes, and Rhetoric. Inquiry, 36(1-2), 3-16. doi:10.1080/00201749308602308
Olaf Stapledon (1886–1950)
Clark, S. R. L. (1993). Olaf Stapledon (1886–1950). Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 18(2), 112-119. doi:10.1179/isr.1993.18.2.112
Orwell and the Anti-Realists
Clark, S. R. L. (1992). Orwell and the Anti-Realists. Philosophy, 67(260), 141-154. doi:10.1017/s0031819100039565
Where have all the Angels Gone?
Clark, S. R. L. (1992). Where have all the Angels Gone?. Religious Studies, 28(2), 221-234. doi:10.1017/s0034412500021569
How Many Selves Make Me?
Clark, S. R. L., & Wilkes, K. V. (1991). How Many Selves Make Me?. In Human Beings (pp. 213-244). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511752186.013
Shiftwork and leisure behaviour of ethnic and gender groups in the British textile industry
Clark, S. (1990). Shiftwork and leisure behaviour of ethnic and gender groups in the British textile industry. Travail Humain, 53(3), 227-244.
Notes on the underground
Clark, S. R. L. (1990). Notes on the underground. Inquiry, 33(1), 27-37. doi:10.1080/00201749008602209
World Religions and World Orders
Clark, S. R. L. (1990). World Religions and World Orders. Religious Studies, 26(1), 43-57. doi:10.1017/s0034412500020199
Mackie and the Moral Order
Clark, S. R. L., & Honderich, T. (1989). Mackie and the Moral Order. The Philosophical Quarterly, 39(154), 98. doi:10.2307/2220356
CLARK, S. R. L. (1988). CUPITT AND DIVINE IMAGINING. Modern Theology, 5(1), 45-60. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0025.1988.tb00182.x
Optical disk technology: potential in geographic information systems
Clark, S. R., & Macgaffey, N. (1988). Optical disk technology: potential in geographic information systems. GIS/LIS '88. Proc. 3rd international conference, San Antonio, 1988. Vol. 2, 541-549.
Raster and vector data integration: past techniques, current capabilities, and future trends
Wallace, T., & Clark, S. R. (1988). Raster and vector data integration: past techniques, current capabilities, and future trends. GIS/LIS '88. Proc. 3rd international conference, San Antonio, 1988. Vol. 1, 418-426.
Trends in automated mapping and geographic information system hardware
Croswell, P. L., & Clark, S. R. (1988). Trends in automated mapping and geographic information system hardware. Technical papers ACSM-ASPRS annual convention, St. Louis, 1988. Vol. 5: GIS, 69-78.
Trends in automated mapping and geographic information system hardware
Croswell, P. L., & Clark, S. R. (1988). Trends in automated mapping and geographic information system hardware. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 54(11), 1571-1576.
Animal Rights - Daniel A. Dombrowski: The Philosophy of Vegetarianism. Pp. iv+188. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984. $20.00 (paper, 9.95).
Clark, S. R. L. (1987). Animal Rights - Daniel A. Dombrowski: The Philosophy of Vegetarianism. Pp. iv+188. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984. $20.00 (paper, 9.95).. The Classical Review, 37(2), 224-225. doi:10.1017/s0009840x00110479
Rethinking Modern Political Theory
CLARK, S. R. L. (1987). Rethinking Modern Political Theory. Philosophical Books, 28(3), 181-183. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0149.1987.tb01238.x
God's Law and Chandler
Clark, S. R. L. (1987). God's Law and Chandler. The Philosophical Quarterly, 37(147), 203. doi:10.2307/2220338
How to believe in fairies
Clark, S. R. L. (1987). How to believe in fairies. Inquiry, 30(4), 337-355. doi:10.1080/00201748708602128
Morphological and metastatic murine melanoma variants: motility, adhesiveness, cell surface and in vivo properties.
Clark, S. R., Brody, J. S., & Sidebottom, E. (1987). Morphological and metastatic murine melanoma variants: motility, adhesiveness, cell surface and in vivo properties.. British journal of cancer, 56(5), 577-584. doi:10.1038/bjc.1987.244
Christian Responsibility for the Environment
Clark, S. (1986). Christian Responsibility for the Environment. The Modern Churchman, 28(2), 24-31. doi:10.3828/mc.28.2.24
Icons, Sacred Relics, Obsolescent Plant
CLARK, S. R. L. (1986). Icons, Sacred Relics, Obsolescent Plant. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 3(2), 201-210. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5930.1986.tb00419.x
Against Holism
Weir, A. (1985). Against Holism. The Philosophical Quarterly, 35(140), 225. doi:10.2307/2218903
Hume, Animals and the Objectivity of Morals
Clark, S. R. L. (1985). Hume, Animals and the Objectivity of Morals. The Philosophical Quarterly, 35(139), 117. doi:10.2307/2219339
Seam tracker for TIG welding
Clark, S., Lucas, J., & Parker, A. B. (1985). Seam tracker for TIG welding. IEE Proceedings D Control Theory and Applications, 132(4), 164. doi:10.1049/ip-d.1985.0030
Slaves and Citizens
L. Clark, S. R. (1985). Slaves and Citizens. Philosophy, 60(231), 27-46. doi:10.1017/s0031819100068170
Selection of metastatic variants on the basis of clonal morphology in vitro.
Clark, S. R., & Sidebottom, E. (1984). Selection of metastatic variants on the basis of clonal morphology in vitro.. Invasion & metastasis, 4 Suppl 1, 1-11.
The gabbro-metagabbro association of the Southern Appalachian Piedmont
McSween, H. Y., Sando, T. W., Clark, S. R., Harden, J. T., & Strange, E. A. (1984). The gabbro-metagabbro association of the Southern Appalachian Piedmont. American Journal of Science, 284(4-5), 437-461. doi:10.2475/ajs.284.4-5.437
Temperature dependence of emission spectra and excited-state lifetimes in pure and nickel-doped one-dimensional BaPt(CN)<sub>4</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O
Clark, S., Day, P., Huddart, D. J., & Ironside, C. N. (n.d.). Temperature dependence of emission spectra and excited-state lifetimes in pure and nickel-doped one-dimensional BaPt(CN)<sub>4</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 79(1), 65-76. doi:10.1039/f29837900065
Cell fusion segregates progressive growth from metastasis.
Sidebottom, E., & Clark, S. R. (1983). Cell fusion segregates progressive growth from metastasis.. British journal of cancer, 47(3), 399-405. doi:10.1038/bjc.1983.60
III. Morals, Moore, and Maclntyre
Clark, S. R. L. (1983). III. Morals, Moore, and Maclntyre. Inquiry, 26(4), 425-445. doi:10.1080/00201748308602009
Sexual Ontology and Group Marriage
Clark, S. R. L. (1983). Sexual Ontology and Group Marriage. Philosophy, 58(224), 215-227. doi:10.1017/s0031819100068704
God's Law and Morality
Clark, S. R. L. (1982). God's Law and Morality. The Philosophical Quarterly, 32(129), 339. doi:10.2307/2218700
Testing an Autoregressive Approach for The Estimation of Sample Mean Variance in Discrete-Event Simulations
Rourke, T. A., & Clark, S. R. (1977). Testing an Autoregressive Approach for The Estimation of Sample Mean Variance in Discrete-Event Simulations. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 15(1), 62-71. doi:10.1080/03155986.1977.11731655
Applications Of A Heterogeneous Approach To The Simulation Of Computer Systems
Rourke, T. A., & Clark, S. R. (1976). Applications Of A Heterogeneous Approach To The Simulation Of Computer Systems. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 14(3), 212-226. doi:10.1080/03155986.1976.11731641
Binding and arrangement of non-histone proteins in chromatin-like structures from mammalian cells.
Jost, E., & Clark, S. (1975). Binding and arrangement of non-histone proteins in chromatin-like structures from mammalian cells.. FEBS letters, 60(1), 197-201. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(75)80450-9
Simulation of a Paging Computer System
Boote, W. P., Clark, S. R., & Rourke, T. A. (1972). Simulation of a Paging Computer System. The Computer Journal, 15(1), 51-57. doi:10.1093/comjnl/15.1.51
A Simulation Study Of The Effects Of Various Job-Scheduling Algorithms In Computer Systems<sup>*</sup>
Clark, S. R., & Rourke, T. A. (1972). A Simulation Study Of The Effects Of Various Job-Scheduling Algorithms In Computer Systems<sup>*</sup>. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 10(3), 205-220. doi:10.1080/03155986.1972.11731514