Incarceration and food insecurity: Challenges and opportunities for museum interpretation
Fuggle, S., & McAtackney, L. (2024). Incarceration and food insecurity: Challenges and opportunities for museum interpretation. Curator: The Museum Journal, 67(4), 865-884. doi:10.1111/cura.12646
Narratives of food insecurity in the penal colony: interpreting memories of ‘slow violence’ in French Guiana and New Caledonia
Fuggle, S. (2024). Narratives of food insecurity in the penal colony: interpreting memories of ‘slow violence’ in French Guiana and New Caledonia. Modern & Contemporary France, 32(1), 121-138. doi:10.1080/09639489.2023.2230448
Reframing convict tattoo collections: the comic as critical methodology
Gregson, C., & Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Reframing convict tattoo collections: the comic as critical methodology. Popular Communication, 1-15. doi:10.1080/15405702.2024.2389057
France’s Memorial Landscape Views from Camp des Milles
Fuggle, S. (2023). France’s Memorial Landscape Views from Camp des Milles. Liverpool University Press.
Re-framing Albert Londres' 'reportages' as graphic novel: from adventure narrative to prison comics
Fuggle, S., & Cointot, C. (2023). Re-framing Albert Londres' 'reportages' as graphic novel: from adventure narrative to prison comics. In S. Fuggle, C. Forsdick, & K. Massing (Eds.), Framing the penal colony: representing, interpreting and imagining convict transportation (pp. 79-106). Palgrave Macmillan.
Strange reflections on the Abashiri River: between the prison and the museum
Fuggle, S. (2023). Strange reflections on the Abashiri River: between the prison and the museum. In S. Fuggle, C. Forsdick, & K. Massing (Eds.), Framing the penal colony: representing, interpreting and imagining convict transportation (pp. 109-132). Palgrave Macmillan.
Framing the Penal Colony Representing, Interpreting and Imagining Convict Transportation
Fuggle, S., Forsdick, C., & Massing, K. (2023). Framing the Penal Colony Representing, Interpreting and Imagining Convict Transportation.
Fuggle, S., Forsdick, C., & Massing, K. (2023). Introduction. In Palgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture (pp. 1-28). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-19396-5_1
From Green Hell to Grey Heritage: Ecologies of Colour in the Penal Colony
Fuggle, S. (2022). From Green Hell to Grey Heritage: Ecologies of Colour in the Penal Colony. Interventions, 24(6), 897-916. doi:10.1080/1369801x.2021.1892507
Saigon’s penalscape: interpreting colonial prisons in Vietnam
Fuggle, S., & Hutnyk, J. (2022). Saigon’s penalscape: interpreting colonial prisons in Vietnam. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 23(3), 443-458. doi:10.1080/14649373.2022.2108208
Toxic colonialism: Between sickness and sanctuary on Ilet la Mère, French Guiana
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Toxic colonialism: Between sickness and sanctuary on Ilet la Mère, French Guiana. Island Studies Journal, 17(1), 26-43. doi:10.24043/isj.184
The abolition of prison by Jacques Lesage de La Haye
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). The abolition of prison by Jacques Lesage de La Haye. AntipodeOnline. Retrieved from
Fuggle, S. (2021). Ecologies. In J. Burns, & D. Duncan (Eds.), Transnational Modern Languages A Handbook (pp. 97-104). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Geopolitics of the colonial prison island: The case of Poulo Condor (Con Dao)
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Geopolitics of the colonial prison island: The case of Poulo Condor (Con Dao). Island Studies Journal, 16(2), 215-234. doi:10.24043/isj.152
Podcasts from the bagne
Fuggle, S., & Sene, A. (2020). Podcasts from the bagne. [Podcast]. Retrieved from
Reimagining the ruins of the penalscape: Patrick Chamoiseau’s carceral ruinology
Fuggle, S. (2020). Reimagining the ruins of the penalscape: Patrick Chamoiseau’s carceral ruinology. Social Identities, 26(6), 811-828. doi:10.1080/13504630.2020.1814719
The spectacle of <i>Discipline and Punish</i>: The tableau, the diagram and the calligram
Fuggle, S. (2020). The spectacle of <i>Discipline and Punish</i>: The tableau, the diagram and the calligram. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 16(1), 139-156. doi:10.1177/1741659019827623
<i>État présent</i> : Dark Heritage
Fuggle, S. (2020). <i>État présent</i> : Dark Heritage. French Studies, 74(3), 438-455. doi:10.1093/fs/knaa144
A Future without Prisons? From Economies to Ecologies of Incarceration
Fuggle, S. (2019). A Future without Prisons? From Economies to Ecologies of Incarceration. Diacritics, 47(1), 30-47. doi:10.1353/dia.2019.0009
In search of temporal loopholes: insuring against a future that will never come
Fuggle, S. (2018). In search of temporal loopholes: insuring against a future that will never come. Continuum, 32(6), 795-807. doi:10.1080/10304312.2018.1515345
A Poetics of Space: Images of Con Dao
Fuggle, S., Fox, C., & Massing, K. (2018, November). A Poetics of Space: Images of Con Dao [Exhibition]. National Justice Museum, Nottingham UK.
Colonies de vacances
Fuggle, S. (2016). Colonies de vacances. In La Ligne D'Ecume Encountering the French Beach (pp. 133-158). London: Pavement Books.
La Ligne D'Ecume Encountering the French Beach
Fuggle, S., & Gledhill, N. (2016). La Ligne D'Ecume Encountering the French Beach.
Beyond Slogans and Snapshots: The Story of the Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons
Fuggle, S. (2015). Beyond Slogans and Snapshots: The Story of the Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons. In Foucault and the History of Our Present (pp. 142-158). Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9781137385925_10
Tazzioli, M., Fuggle, S., & Lanci, Y. (2015). Introduction. Unknown Journal, 1-10. doi:10.1057/9781137385925_1
Beyond slogans and snapshots: The story of the groupe d’information sur les prisons
Fuggle, S. (2016). Beyond slogans and snapshots: The story of the groupe d’information sur les prisons. In Foucault and the History of Our Present (pp. 142-158). doi:10.1057/9781137385925.0016
Foucault and the History of Our Present
Fuggle, S., Lanci, Y., & Tazzioli, M. (Eds.) (2015). Foucault and the History of Our Present. Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9781137385925
Tazzioli, M., Fuggle, S., & Lanci, Y. (2016). Introduction. In Foucault and the History of Our Present (pp. 1-10). doi:10.1057/9781137385925.0004
Pixelated Flesh
Fuggle, S. (2015). Pixelated Flesh. Cultural Politics, 11(2), 222-233. doi:10.1215/17432197-2895783
Return to the Street
Fuggle, S., & Henri, T. (2015). Return to the Street.
Caribbean Critique: Antillean Critical Theory from Toussaint to Glissant
Fuggle, S. (2015). Caribbean Critique: Antillean Critical Theory from Toussaint to Glissant. Modern & Contemporary France, 23(2), 273-275. doi:10.1080/09639489.2014.945997
Tazzioli, M., Fuggle, S., & Lanci, Y. (n.d.). Introduction. In Foucault and the History of our Present. Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137385925.0004
Beyond Slogans and Snapshots
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Beyond Slogans and Snapshots. In Foucault and the History of our Present. Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137385925.0016
Tazzioli, M., Fuggle, S., & Lanci, Y. (2015). Introduction. In Foucault and the History of our Present. Springer Nature. doi:10.1057/9781137385925.0004
Tazzioli, M., Fuggle, S., & Lanci, Y. (2015). Introduction. In Foucault and the History of Our Present (pp. 1-10). Springer Nature. doi:10.1057/9781137385925_1
Sonic Stigmatas
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Sonic Stigmatas. In The Counter-Narratives of Radical Theology and Popular Music. Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137394118.0006
Deleuze's Difference and Repetition <i>Deleuze's Difference and Repetition</i> . By H <scp>enry</scp> S <scp>omers</scp> -H <scp>all</scp> . (Edinburgh Philosophical Guides.) Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. x + 208 pp.
Fuggle, S. (2014). Deleuze's Difference and Repetition <i>Deleuze's Difference and Repetition</i> . By H <scp>enry</scp> S <scp>omers</scp> -H <scp>all</scp> . (Edinburgh Philosophical Guides.) Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. x + 208 pp.. French Studies, 68(2), 276. doi:10.1093/fs/knu053
Michel Foucault, La grande étrangère. A propos de littérature. Édité et présenté par Philippe Artières, Jean-François Bert, Mathieu Potte-Bonneville et Judith Revel, Paris: éditions EHESS, 2013, 224 pp., 9.80€, ISBN : 978-2-7132-2386-0
Fuggle, S. (2014). Michel Foucault, La grande étrangère. A propos de littérature. Édité et présenté par Philippe Artières, Jean-François Bert, Mathieu Potte-Bonneville et Judith Revel, Paris: éditions EHESS, 2013, 224 pp., 9.80€, ISBN : 978-2-7132-2386-0. Modern & Contemporary France, 22(1), 107-108. doi:10.1080/09639489.2013.845147
To have done with the end-times turning the apocalypse into a nonevent
Fuggle, S. (2014). To have done with the end-times turning the apocalypse into a nonevent. In Apocalyptic Discourse in Contemporary Culture: Post-Millennial Perspectives on the End of the World (pp. 31-43).
Barred subjects. Framing the criminal body with Foucault and Butler
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Barred subjects. Framing the criminal body with Foucault and Butler. Materiali foucaultiani, 2(4), 37-68. Retrieved from
Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought <i>Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought</i> . Edited by J <scp>effrey</scp> H <scp>anson</scp> and M <scp>ichael</scp> R. K <scp>elly</scp> . (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy). London: Continuum, 2012. 184 pp.
Fuggle, S. (2013). Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought <i>Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought</i> . Edited by J <scp>effrey</scp> H <scp>anson</scp> and M <scp>ichael</scp> R. K <scp>elly</scp> . (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy). London: Continuum, 2012. 184 pp.. French Studies, 67(4), 577-578. doi:10.1093/fs/knt210
Stiegler and foucault: The politics of care and self-writing
Fuggle, S. (2013). Stiegler and foucault: The politics of care and self-writing. In Stiegler and Technics (pp. 192-207).
Fuggle, S. (2013). Foucault/Paul. Palgrave Macmillan US. doi:10.1057/9781137323408
Michel Foucault: Key Concepts <i>Michel Foucault: Key Concepts</i> . Edited by D <scp>iana</scp> T <scp>aylor</scp> . (Key Concepts). Durham: Acumen, 2010. viii + 200 pp. Pb £14.99.
Fuggle, S. (2012). Michel Foucault: Key Concepts <i>Michel Foucault: Key Concepts</i> . Edited by D <scp>iana</scp> T <scp>aylor</scp> . (Key Concepts). Durham: Acumen, 2010. viii + 200 pp. Pb £14.99.. French Studies, 66(2), 272-273. doi:10.1093/fs/kns008
Deleuze et l'Anti-Œdipe: la production du désir Deleuze et l'Anti-Œdipe: la production du désir. By G <scp>uillaume</scp> S <scp>ibertin</scp> -B <scp>lanc</scp> . Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2010. 153 pp. Pb €12.00.
Fuggle, S. (2011). Deleuze et l'Anti-Œdipe: la production du désir Deleuze et l'Anti-Œdipe: la production du désir. By G <scp>uillaume</scp> S <scp>ibertin</scp> -B <scp>lanc</scp> . Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2010. 153 pp. Pb €12.00.. French Studies, 65(2), 275-276. doi:10.1093/fs/knr037
Postface: The Signature that Remains
Fuggle, S. (2011). Postface: The Signature that Remains. In Sacred and Secular Agency in Early Modern France Fragments of Religion (pp. 173-184). Continuum.
Street for sale: signs, space, discourse
Fuggle, S. (2011). Street for sale: signs, space, discourse. In Word on the Street (pp. 231-250). Igrs, University of London.
Word on the Street
Foust, E., & Fuggle, S. (2011). Word on the Street. Igrs, University of London.
On the persistence of Cynic motifs
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). On the persistence of Cynic motifs. Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, 11(1), 159-171. Retrieved from
ConversationsWhite Ink: Interviews on Sex, Text, Politics Conversations. By L <scp>uce</scp> I <scp>rigaray</scp> . London: Continuum, 2008. xii + 188 pp. Pb £19.99.White Ink: Interviews on Sex, Text, Politics. By H <scp>élène</scp> C <scp>ixous</scp> . Edited by S <scp>usan</scp> S <scp>ellers</scp> . Stocksfield: Acumen, 2008. xvi + 200 pp. Hb £40.00. Pb £12.99.
Fuggle, S. (2010). ConversationsWhite Ink: Interviews on Sex, Text, Politics Conversations. By L <scp>uce</scp> I <scp>rigaray</scp> . London: Continuum, 2008. xii + 188 pp. Pb £19.99.White Ink: Interviews on Sex, Text, Politics. By H <scp>élène</scp> C <scp>ixous</scp> . Edited by S <scp>usan</scp> S <scp>ellers</scp> . Stocksfield: Acumen, 2008. xvi + 200 pp. Hb £40.00. Pb £12.99.. French Studies, 64(3), 374-375. doi:10.1093/fs/knq040
Cortocircuitando el juego del poder. The Wire como crítica a las instituciones
Fuggle, S. (2010). Cortocircuitando el juego del poder. The Wire como crítica a las instituciones. In The Wire 10 dosis de la mejor serie de la televisión (pp. 143-161). Madrid: Errata Naturae.
Deleuze and Politics Deleuze and Politics. Edited by I <scp>an</scp> B <scp>uchanan</scp> and N <scp>icholas</scp> T <scp>hoburn</scp> . Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2008. x + 262 pp. Hb £60.00. Pb £19.99.
Fuggle, S. (2009). Deleuze and Politics Deleuze and Politics. Edited by I <scp>an</scp> B <scp>uchanan</scp> and N <scp>icholas</scp> T <scp>hoburn</scp> . Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2008. x + 262 pp. Hb £60.00. Pb £19.99.. French Studies, 63(4), 496-497. doi:10.1093/fs/knp148
Foucault Beyond Foucault: Power and its Intensifications Since 1984 Foucault Beyond Foucault: Power and its Intensifications Since 1984. By J <scp>effrey</scp> T. N <scp>ealon</scp> . Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2008. viii + 136 pp. Hb $55.00. Pb $21.95.
Fuggle, S. (2009). Foucault Beyond Foucault: Power and its Intensifications Since 1984 Foucault Beyond Foucault: Power and its Intensifications Since 1984. By J <scp>effrey</scp> T. N <scp>ealon</scp> . Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2008. viii + 136 pp. Hb $55.00. Pb $21.95.. French Studies, 63(2), 234-235. doi:10.1093/fs/knn203
Excavating Government: Giorgio Agamben’s Archaeological Dig
Fuggle, S. (n.d.). Excavating Government: Giorgio Agamben’s Archaeological Dig. Foucault Studies, 81-98. doi:10.22439/fs.v0i7.2638
L’animal répugnant, ou l’authentique éthique du devenir dans La Mouche de David Cronenberg
Fuggle, S. (2009). L’animal répugnant, ou l’authentique éthique du devenir dans La Mouche de David Cronenberg. In Notre animal intérieur et les théories de la créativité (pp. 93-105). Editions L'Harmattan.
Parkour ambassador for the banlieue
Fuggle, S. (2009). Parkour ambassador for the banlieue. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 46, 57-75.
Negotiating Paul: Between Philosophy and Theology
FUGGLE, S. (2008). Negotiating Paul: Between Philosophy and Theology. Paragraph, 31(3), 365-374. doi:10.3366/e0264833408000321
Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour
FUGGLE, S. (2008). Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour. Dance Research, 26(2), 204-222. doi:10.3366/e0264287508000194
Parkour: reading or writing the city?
Fuggle, S. (2008). Parkour: reading or writing the city?. In Rhythms Essays in French Literature, Thought and Culture (pp. 159-170). Peter Lang.