Selected publications
- The quest for certainty: Introducing zoning into a discretionary system in England and the European experience (Journal article - 2023)
- Land for densification: how land policy and property matter (Journal article - 2023)
- Reurbanisation and suburbia in Northwest Europe: A comparative perspective on spatial trends and policy approaches (Journal article - 2021)
- 'Organic' approaches to planning as densification strategy? The challenge of legal contextualisation in Buiksloterham, Amsterdam (Journal article - 2020)
- Enhancing understanding of strategies of land policy for urban densification (Journal article - 2020)
- What about the Urban Periphery? The Effects of the Urban Renaissance in the Mersey Belt (Journal article - 2017)
- Manufacturing the creative city: Symbols and politics of Amsterdam North (Journal article - 2016)
- Structure and imagination of changing cities: Manchester, Liverpool and the spatial in-between (Journal article - 2015)
- In search of symbolic markers: transforming the urbanized landscape of the Rotterdam Rijnmond (Journal article - 2013)
- The transformative potential of institutions: how symbolic markers can institute new social meaning in changing cities (Journal article - 2010)
Professor Benjamin Davy, 1956–2025
ALTERMAN, R., DEMBSKI, S., DOCKERILL, B., & SYKES, O. (2025). Professor Benjamin Davy, 1956–2025. Town Planning Review, 96(2), 119-121. doi:10.3828/tpr.2025.7
A Reflection on Institutions of Land Policy
Dembski, S. (2025). A Reflection on Institutions of Land Policy. In Land Policies in Europe (pp. 235-240). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-83725-8_16
Talking about Regeneration – some reflections on 50 years of policy in England
Sykes, O., Nurse, A., Dembski, S., & Couch, C. (2024). Talking about Regeneration – some reflections on 50 years of policy in England. In Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung (pp. 31-56). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-64773-4_2
Towards a more collaborative planning process for traditional communities? A sociological-institutionalist analysis of the Kampong Kauman in Surakarta, Indonesia
Permana, C., Shaw, D., & Dembski, S. (2024). Towards a more collaborative planning process for traditional communities? A sociological-institutionalist analysis of the Kampong Kauman in Surakarta, Indonesia. Cities. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2024.105669
European small towns: what is their role in metropolitan governance?
Cotella, G., Demazière, C., Dembski, S., & Servillo, L. (2024). European small towns: what is their role in metropolitan governance?. European Journal of Spatial Development, 21(3), 52-75. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11369259
Book review of: Keil, Roger; Wu, Fulong (eds.) (2022): After Suburbia. Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century
Dembski, S. (n.d.). Book review of: Keil, Roger; Wu, Fulong (eds.) (2022): After Suburbia. Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 82(1), 87-88. doi:10.14512/rur.2227
Small towns in the metropolitan age: an introduction
Demazière, C., Dembski, S., & Leducq, D. (2024). Small towns in the metropolitan age: an introduction. European Journal of Spatial Development, 21(2), 1-17. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11385555
The quest for certainty: Introducing zoning into a discretionary system in England and the European experience
Dembski, S., & O'Brien, P. (n.d.). The quest for certainty: Introducing zoning into a discretionary system in England and the European experience. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 81(6), 579-590. doi:10.14512/rur.1695
Land for densification: how land policy and property matter
Hartmann, T., Dembski, S., Hengstermann, A., & Dunning, R. (2023). Viewpoint Land for densification: how land policy and property matter. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 94(5), 465-473. doi:10.3828/tpr.2022.22
County Profile: United Kingdom
Dembski, S., & O'Brien, P. (2022). County Profile: United Kingdom. Retrieved from
Reurbanisation and suburbia in Northwest Europe: A comparative perspective on spatial trends and policy approaches
Dembski, S., Sykes, O., Couch, C., Desjardins, X., Evers, D., Osterhage, F., . . . Zimmermann, K. (2021). Reurbanisation and suburbia in Northwest Europe: A comparative perspective on spatial trends and policy approaches. PROGRESS IN PLANNING, 150. doi:10.1016/j.progress.2019.100462
Germany: A Balanced Planning System?
Dembski, S. (2020). Germany: A Balanced Planning System?. Inverness. Retrieved from
The Netherlands: From Public to Private Development without Loss of Control
O'Brien, P., & Dembski, S. (n.d.). The Netherlands: From Public to Private Development without Loss of Control. Inverness.
Housing land allocation, assembly and delivery: Lessons from Europe
Satsangi, M., Hoolachan, A., O'Brien, P., Dembski, S., Dunning, R., & Lord, A. (2020). Housing land allocation, assembly and delivery: Lessons from Europe. Inverness: Scottish Land Commission. Retrieved from
La réurbanisation et les grandes régions urbaines en Angleterre et en France: tendances et réflexions
Dembski, S., Sykes, O., Couch, C., & Desjardins, X. (2020). La réurbanisation et les grandes régions urbaines en Angleterre et en France: tendances et réflexions. In C. Demazière, X. Desjardins, & O. Sykes (Eds.), La gouvernance des métropoles et des régions urbaines en Europe: Des réformes institutionnelles aux coopérations territoriales (pp. 23-48). Paris: PUCA.
The myth of zoning – the European experience
Dembski, S., & O'Brien, P. (2020). The myth of zoning – the European experience. Town and Country Planning, 89(8), 281-284.
'Organic' approaches to planning as densification strategy? The challenge of legal contextualisation in Buiksloterham, Amsterdam
Dembski, S. (2020). 'Organic' approaches to planning as densification strategy? The challenge of legal contextualisation in Buiksloterham, Amsterdam. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 91(3), 283-303. doi:10.3828/tpr.2020.16
Enhancing understanding of strategies of land policy for urban densification
Dembski, S., Hartmann, T., Hengstermann, A., & Dunning, R. (2020). Enhancing understanding of strategies of land policy for urban densification. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 91(3), 209-216. doi:10.3828/tpr.2020.12
Co-Opting the Streets of Liverpool: Self-Organization and the Role of Local Authorities
McGowan, J., Dembski, S., & Moore, T. (2020). Co-Opting the Streets of Liverpool: Self-Organization and the Role of Local Authorities. Planning Practice and Research. doi:10.1080/02697459.2020.1740416
How do planners manage risk in alternative land development models? An institutional analysis of land development in the Netherlands
O'Brien, P., Lord, A., & Dembski, S. (2020). How do planners manage risk in alternative land development models? An institutional analysis of land development in the Netherlands. Land Use Policy, 91. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104409
Review of Planning Support Methods: Urban and Regional Analysis and Projection by Richard E. Klosterman, Kerry Brooks, Joshua Drucker, Edward Feser and Henry Renski
Dembski, S. (2020). Planning Support Methods: Urban and Regional Analysis and Projection. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 91(1), 93-94.
Cross-national comparative research in planning – some things to consider
Sykes, O., & Dembski, S. (2019). Cross-national comparative research in planning – some things to consider. Town and Country Planning, 88(7), 312-319.
The political nature of symbols: explaining institutional inertia and change
Savini, F., & Dembski, S. (2018). The political nature of symbols: explaining institutional inertia and change. In W. Salet (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Planning and Institutions in Action (pp. 274-288). New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315111230
Die Niederlande – Vom neuen Umgang mit Raumknappheit
Bernzen, A., & Dembski, S. (2018). Managing density in the Netherlands. Geographische Rundschau, 70(3), 4-9.
Neue Planungsansätze in den Niederlanden – wie die Stadtplanung sich neu erfindet
Dembski, S. (2018). New planning approaches in the Netherlands. How urban development is reinventing itself. Geographische Rundschau, 70(3), 14-19.
Review of The UK Regional–National Economic Problem: Geography, Globalisation and Governance by Philip McCann
Dembski, S. (2018). The UK Regional-National Economic Problem: Geography, Globalisation and Governance. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 89(2), 202-203.
What about the Urban Periphery? The Effects of the Urban Renaissance in the Mersey Belt
Dembski, S., Schulze Bäing, A., & Sykes, O. J. (2017). What about the Urban Periphery? The Effects of the Urban Renaissance in the Mersey Belt. Comparative Population Studies, 42, 219-244. doi:10.12765/CPoS-2017-14en
Institutionele vernieuwing van de regionale stad
Dembski, S. (2016). Institutionele vernieuwing van de regionale stad. Rooilijn, 49(5), 362-367.
A Sustainable and Resilient Nothern Powerhouse: Framing the Future 2 – A Charrette for the North at the University of Liverpool
Dembski, S., Kidd, S., Menzies, W., Nears, P., & Wray, I. (2016). A Sustainable and Resilient Nothern Powerhouse: Framing the Future 2 – A Charrette for the North at the University of Liverpool. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Manufacturing the creative city: Symbols and politics of Amsterdam North
Savini, F., & Dembski, S. (2016). Manufacturing the creative city: Symbols and politics of Amsterdam North. Cities, 55, 139-147. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2016.02.013
Urban Planning Reviews: Governance of Planning. Volume 2: Learning from International Experience
Shaw, D., Sturzaker, J., Mell, I., Brodie, K., Sykes, O., Dembski, S., & Sahar, A. (2016). Urban Planning Reviews: Governance of Planning. Volume 2: Learning from International Experience. Future Saudi Cities. Retrieved from
Structure and imagination of changing cities: Manchester, Liverpool and the spatial in-between
Dembski, S. (2015). Structure and imagination of changing cities: Manchester, Liverpool and the spatial in-between. Urban Studies, 52(9), 1647-1664. doi:10.1177/0042098014539021
Planning for the new European metropolis: functions, politics, and symbols/Metropolitan regions: functional relations between the core and the periphery/Business investment decisions and spatial planning policy/Metropolitan challenges, political responsibilities/Spatial imaginaries, urban dynamics and political community/Capacity-building in the city region: creating common spaces/Which challenges for today's European metropolitan spaces?
Salet, W., Vermeulen, R., Savini, F., & Dembski, S. (2015). Which challenges for today's European metropolitan spaces?. PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE, 16(2), 274-275. Retrieved from
Tijdelijkheid als nieuw planningsparadigma?
Dembski, S. (2015). Tijdelijkheid als nieuw planningsparadigma?. Rooilijn, 48(4), 349-351.
Glossar der wichtigsten Planungsinstrumente im Grossraum Amsterdam/Woordenlijst van de belangrijkste planningsinstrumenten in de agglomeratie Amsterdam
Dembski, S., Hoelzel, F., & Smit, J. (2014). Glossar der wichtigsten Planungsinstrumente im Grossraum Amsterdam/Woordenlijst van de belangrijkste planningsinstrumenten in de agglomeratie Amsterdam. Hochparterre, 30-31.
Het janushoofd van het bestemmingsplan
Dembski, S., Buijze, A., & Van der Veen, M. (2014). Het janushoofd van het bestemmingsplan. Rooilijn, 47(6), 432-439.
Organische transformatie
Dembski, S. (2014). Organische transformatie. Hochparterre, (May), 38-39.
In search of symbolic markers: transforming the urbanized landscape of the Rotterdam Rijnmond
Dembski, S. (2013). In Search of Symbolic Markers: Transforming the Urbanized Landscape of the Rotterdam Rijnmond. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH, 37(6), 2014-2034. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01103.x
Dembski, S. (2013). <b>Urban reflections: narratives of place, planning and change</b>, by Mark Tewdwr-Jones. Urban Research & Practice, 6(2), 242-243. doi:10.1080/17535069.2013.808441
Case Study Amsterdam Buiksloterham, the Netherlands: The Challenge of Planning Organic Transformation
Dembski, S. (2013). Case Study Amsterdam Buiksloterham, the Netherlands: The Challenge of Planning Organic Transformation. Amsterdam: AISSR programme group Urban Planning.
Case Study Westflank Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands: The Paradox of Governance
Dembski, S. (2013). Case Study Westflank Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands: The Paradox of Governance. Amsterdam: AISSR programme group Urban Planning.
Greep op de stad: nieuwe wendingen in het stadsonderzoek
Taverne, E., Dembski, S., De Klerk, L., & Ramakers, B. (2012). Greep op de stad: nieuwe wendingen in het stadsonderzoek. In E. Taverne, L. De Klerk, B. Ramakers, & S. Dembski (Eds.), Nederland stedenland: Continuïteit en vernieuwing (pp. 9-21). Rotterdam: nai010.
Nederland stedenland: continuïteit en vernieuwing
Taverne, E., De Klerk, L., Ramakers, B., & Dembski, S. (Eds.) (2012). Nederland stedenland: continuïteit en vernieuwing. Rotterdam: nai010.
Symbolic Markers and Institutional Innovation in Transforming Urban Spaces
Dembski, S. (2012). Symbolic Markers and Institutional Innovation in Transforming Urban Spaces. (PhD Thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam).
Musea buiten de muren: Interview met Paul Spies, directeur Amsterdam Museum, en Paul van de Laar, adjunct-directeur en hoofd collecties Museum Rotterdam
Taverne, E., Knevel, P., & Dembski, S. (2011). Museums outside the walls. Interview with Paul Spies, director of Amsterdam Museum and Paul van de Laar, director of Collections and Scientific Research at the Rotterdam Museum. Stadsgeschiedenis, 6(2), 201-216.
The transformative potential of institutions: how symbolic markers can institute new social meaning in changing cities
Dembski, S., & Salet, W. (2010). The transformative potential of institutions: how symbolic markers can institute new social meaning in changing cities. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE, 42(3), 611-625. doi:10.1068/a42184
Das Ende der Randstad als Planungsmetapher für die niederländische Raumplanung?
Dembski, S. (2010). Das Ende der Randstad als Planungsmetapher für die niederländische Raumplanung?. In I. Mertens, & K. Usunov (Eds.), Raumplanerinnen und Raumplaner im Ausland – ausgewählte Erfahrungsberichte (pp. 33-48). Dortmund: IRPUD.
Culturele symbolen voor de stedelijke transformatie
Dembski, S. (2009). Culturele symbolen voor de stedelijke transformatie. In W. Salet, & L. Janssen-Jansen (Eds.), Synergie in stedelijke netwerken: tussen competitie en complementariteit (pp. 145-159). Den Haag: Sdu.
Planninginnovaties in het Rijn-Ruhrgebied?
Dembski, S. (2009). Planninginnovaties in het Rijn-Ruhrgebied?. Rooilijn, 42(2), 128-135.
Duitse Regionalen: succesverhaal voor regio’s?
Dembski, S. (2006). Duitse Regionalen: succesverhaal voor regio’s?. Rooilijn, 39(7), 388-395.
Räumliche Szenarien für die Ruhrstadt 2030
Projekt F-13. (2003). Räumliche Szenarien für die Ruhrstadt 2030 (Vol. P/24). Dortmund: IRPUD.