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The Link Between Climate Change Risk Perception, Strategy, and Performance: A Risk-Based Approach

Nerlinger, M., Stephen, S., Utz, S., & Walls, J. L. (2024). The Link Between Climate Change Risk Perception, Strategy, and Performance: A Risk-Based Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024(1). doi:10.5465/amproc.2024.19146abstract

Journal article


In Defense of Capitalism: Modern Slavery Would Be Much Worse Without It

Arora, P., & Stephen, S. L. (2023). In Defense of Capitalism: Modern Slavery Would Be Much Worse Without It. Business & Society, 62(3), 475-481. doi:10.1177/00076503211066589

Journal article


In pursuit of fairer capitalism: Making markets work for all.

Stephen, S., & Arora, P. (2022). In pursuit of fairer capitalism: Making markets work for all.. Business & Society. Retrieved from

Website content


Addressing Grand Challenges: Current Barriers and Ways to Move Forward

Lee, N., Piyasinchai, N., Hiatt, S. R., Grimm, J., Kim, E. -H., Nava, L., & Viswanathan, K. (n.d.). Addressing Grand Challenges: Current Barriers and Ways to Move Forward. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2021. Online: Academy of Management.

Conference Paper


The root cause of emerging infectious diseases demands urgent attention for preventing future pandemics

Stephen, S., Stephen, R., & Stephen, S. (2020). The root cause of emerging infectious diseases demands urgent attention for preventing future pandemics. Retrieved from

Website content

The dangers of aircraft emissions exposure during pregnancy

Stephen, S., & Stephen, R. (2020). The dangers of aircraft emissions exposure during pregnancy. Retrieved from

Website content


Responsible Investment Funds & Mature Organisational Fields: Lessons for Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship

Stephen, S. (2018, October 9). Responsible Investment Funds & Mature Organisational Fields: Lessons for Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship. (University of Lausanne).

Thesis / Dissertation

Financial Performance of Environmentally Responsible Investment Funds: A Systematic Review

Stephen, S. (2018). Financial Performance of Environmentally Responsible Investment Funds: A Systematic Review. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2018 (pp. 12451). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2018.12451abstract

Conference Paper


From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions - The Evolution of Emergent Practices

Stephen, S. (2017). From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions - The Evolution of Emergent Practices. In K. Maas, & C. V. VanSandt (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society (pp. 298-310). Amsterdam: International Association for Business & Society.

Conference Paper

The Evolution of Emergent Practices in Mature Organisational Fields

Stephen, S. (2017). The Evolution of Emergent Practices in Mature Organisational Fields. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2017 (pp. 12585). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2017.12585abstract

Conference Paper

From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions

Stephen, S. L. (n.d.). From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, 28, 298-310. doi:10.5840/iabsproc20172830

Journal article


From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions: The Evolution of Emergent Practices in Mature Organisational Fields

Stephen, S. (n.d.). From Niche Practices to Protoinstitutions: The Evolution of Emergent Practices in Mature Organisational Fields. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association. Charlotte.

Conference Paper

What's in a Name? Deconstructing the meaning and intention of impact investing

Stephen, S. (2016). What's in a Name? Deconstructing the meaning and intention of impact investing. Retrieved from

Website content

Quality of qualitative research in the health sciences: Analysis of the common criteria present in 58 assessment guidelines by expert users

Santiago-Delefosse, M., Gavin, A., Bruchez, C., Roux, P., & Stephen, S. L. (2016). Quality of qualitative research in the health sciences: Analysis of the common criteria present in 58 assessment guidelines by expert users. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 148, 142-151. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.007

Journal article


Complexity of the Paradigms Present in Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Grids

Santiago-Delefosse, M., Bruchez, C., Gavin, A., Stephen, S. L., & Roux, P. (2015). Complexity of the Paradigms Present in Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Grids. SAGE OPEN, 5(4). doi:10.1177/2158244015621350

Journal article

Quality criteria for qualitative research in health sciences. A comparative analysis of eight grids of quality criteria in psychiatry/psychology and medicine

Santiago-Delefosse, M., Bruchez, C., Gavin, A., & Stephen, S. L. (2015). Quality criteria for qualitative research in health sciences. A comparative analysis of eight grids of quality criteria in psychiatry/psychology and medicine. EVOLUTION PSYCHIATRIQUE, 80(2), 375-399. doi:10.1016/j.evopsy.2014.12.004

Journal article

Diversity of the quality criteria in qualitative research in the health sciences: Lessons from a lexicometric analysis composed of 133 guidelines

Delefosse, M. S., Bruchez, C., Gavin, A., & Stephen, S. L. (2015). Diversity of the quality criteria in qualitative research in the health sciences: Lessons from a lexicometric analysis composed of 133 guidelines. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 16(2).

Journal article


A Thematic Comparison of Eight Frameworks of Quality Criteria in Qualitative Health Research

Stephen, S., Bruchez, C., & Santiago-Delefosse, M. (2014). A Thematic Comparison of Eight Frameworks of Quality Criteria in Qualitative Health Research. In Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society (pp. 622). Innsbruck.

Conference Paper