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Sarah Peverley

Professor Sarah Peverley


Historical Writing and Political Discourse

With specific interests in Medieval Chronicles, Advice to Princes literature, Political Writing, and Genealogies.

Research themes: Uses of the Past, Kingship, Inheritance and Legitimacy, Origin Myths, Anglo-Scottish Relations, and Medieval Political Thought.

Fifteenth-Century Literature and Medieval Drama

With specific interests in Manuscripts and Early Book Culture, Medieval Scribes, Medieval Mystery and Morality Plays, Chronicles, Arthurian Literature, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Lydgate, John Hardyng, Thomas Malory, John Rous, and the relationship between literature and art.

Research themes: Identity, Chivalry, Sovereignty, Spectatorship, Fortune, Political Consciousness, Storytelling.

Mermaids in Literature, Art and Culture

With specific interests in the cultural development of the mermaid across time, medieval mermaids, mermaids of the British Isles, literature, folklore, and art.

Research themes: mythical creatures, blue humanities, landscape and identity formation, folklore, island identities, gender

Research grants

Mermaids of the British Isles: A Cultural History, c. 450-c. 1500


October 2016 - April 2018

John Hardyng's Chronicle: An Edition of the Second Version


February 2011 - March 2013

    Research collaborations

    Professor James Simpson

    The Chronicle of John Hardyng (edition)

    Harvard University, Boston, MA

    Collaborative edition of the first version of John Hardyng's Middle English verse Chronicle.

    AHRC and BBC

    AHRC-BBC New Generation Thinkers

    Production of many BBC Radio 3 programmes and a BBC Arts film.

    Liverpool Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

    Agincourt 1415-2015

    Public Event to commemorate the 600th Anniversary of Agincourt.

    Medieval Chronicle Society

    7th International Conference on the Medieval Chronicle

    Organisation and hosting of The 7th International Conference on the Medieval Chronicle.

    The National Trust

    The Interlude of Youth

    Collaborative project involving Liverpool researchers staging a production of The Interlude of Youth at Rufford Old Hall. The results of the project fed into Liverpool postgraduate work.

    Matchlight TV

    Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death

    Academic consultant for BBC4 documentary series produced by Matchlight and presented by Helen Castor.

    The British Library

    Multispectral Imaging Project

    Multispectral Imaging of two manuscripts held at The British Library

    Dr Erik Kwakkel

    Medieval Manuscripts

    Organisation and delivery of a postgraduate research workshop on Medieval Manuscripts.

    Lancashire Archive

    Medieval Collections

    Collaborative 'Medieval Day' event organised and knowledge of medieval manuscripts used to date and provide further information about collections.

    The Open University

    Net Generation Survey

    UK Economic and Social Research Council

    Coordination of Liverpool strand of the Net Generation Survey.

    Janet Strivens

    English as a Discipline

    Liverpool Centre for Life Long Learning Study.