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Sandy Britton

Ms Sandy Britton


+44 (0)151 795 8359


Sandys Studio teaching informs her current pedagogic research both in premise and methodology.
Studio themes are architecture for Lived Experience, Liveable cities and Fragile Futures.

Her published studio pedagogy draws on practice experience and is based in local collaborations with multiple stakeholders of : local industry, local authority, community stakeholders and LSA Research Cluster Urban Form and Social Space
She is evolving a collaborative studio pedagogy focusing on live local impact and a holistic person and place -centred approach.

The teaching approach is immersive, live and uses reflective task based exercises as a skill building + shared teaching and learning methodology .
The creative work of the studio is shared and exchanged regularly at project specific locations as part of stakeholder engagement and impact .

During the pandemic delivery was transferred via Teams and Zoom. Digital sharing remains a key part of studio methodology and more recently Sandy has been working with colleagues and international collaborator to investigate the impact of GAI on creativity within studio tasks .

The studio has just completed its third pair of collaborative live projects focussing on High Street Renewal.
Presentations at ISUF (International Symposium of Urban Form )2022 conference in Krakow ;the publication: Britton, S., Chen, F., & Cooper, L. (2023). Ideas for Huyton: Education Through Collaboration. Charrette, 9(1), 231-254., presented at AAE conference 2023 Productive-Disruptive. Welsh School of Architecture. Cardiff. July 2023
reflects on this practice.