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Peroxiredoxin 2 mediates redox-stimulated adaptations to oxidative phosphorylation induced by contractile activity in human skeletal muscle myotubes.

Heaton, R. A., Ball, S. T., Staunton, C. A., Mouly, V., Jones, S. W., McArdle, A., & Jackson, M. J. (2024). Peroxiredoxin 2 mediates redox-stimulated adaptations to oxidative phosphorylation induced by contractile activity in human skeletal muscle myotubes.. Free radical biology & medicine, 227, 395-406. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.11.053

Journal article

Peroxiredoxin 2 mediates redox-stimulated adaptations to oxidative phosphorylation induced by contractile activity in human skeletal muscle myotubes



MicroAge Mission: Examining the Effects of Microgravity and Electrical Stimulation on the Proteome of Human Tissue-Engineered Muscle Constructs

Jones, S., Shigdar, S., Hemmings, K., Hoettges, K., Henstock, J., McArdle, C., . . . McArdle, A. (2023). MicroAge Mission: Examining the Effects of Microgravity and Electrical Stimulation on the Proteome of Human Tissue-Engineered Muscle Constructs. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 208, S55. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.10.125

Journal article

Bioengineering approaches to promote maturity in human skeletal muscle constructs

Tollitt, B., Jones, S., Henstock, J., McArdle, C., Hoettges, K., Jackson, M., & McArdle, A. (2023). Bioengineering approaches to promote maturity in human skeletal muscle constructs. Physiology, 38(S1). doi:10.1152/physiol.2023.38.s1.5732604

Journal article

Bioengineering approaches to promote maturity in human skeletal muscle constructs

Tollitt, B. R., Jones, S. W., Hoettges, K. F., Henstock, J. R., Neri, G., Jackson, M. J., & McArdle, A. (2023). Bioengineering approaches to promote maturity in human skeletal muscle constructs. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Vol. 122 (pp. 433A-434A). Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Aquaporins: regulators of H2O2 transport and homeostasis in skeletal muscle

Staunton, C. A., Jones, S., McArdle, A., Jackson, M., & Barrett-Jolley, R. (2022). Aquaporins: regulators of H2O2 transport and homeostasis in skeletal muscle. In FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Vol. 192. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2022.10.024

Conference Paper

MicroAge Mission: Human Muscle Constructs for Studies of Redox-Related Cytokine and Chemokine Release in Microgravity

Jones, S., Shigdar, S., Hemmings, K., Hoettges, K., Henstock, J., McArdle, C., . . . McArdle, A. (2022). MicroAge Mission: Human Muscle Constructs for Studies of Redox-Related Cytokine and Chemokine Release in Microgravity. In FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Vol. 192. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2022.10.016

Conference Paper

Cytokine and Chemokine Release from Immortalised Human Myotubes in Culture: Effect of Contractions and Comparison with Isolated Intact Mature Adult Murine Muscle Fibres

Neiland, H. J., Staunton, C. A., Owen, E., Kumiscia, J., Shigdar, S., Jones, S. W., . . . McArdle, A. (2022). Cytokine and Chemokine Release from Immortalised Human Myotubes in Culture: Effect of Contractions and Comparison with Isolated Intact Mature Adult Murine Muscle Fibres. FASEB JOURNAL, 36. doi:10.1096/fasehj.2022.36.S1.L7908

Journal article



Development of Functional, Contractile 3-D Human Muscle Constructs for Studies of the Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass and Function

Jones, S., Janvier, A., Shigdar, S., Henstock, J., McArdle, C., Hoettges, K., . . . Jackson, M. (2020). Development of Functional, Contractile 3-D Human Muscle Constructs for Studies of the Effects of Microgravity on Muscle Mass and Function. In FASEB JOURNAL Vol. 34. doi:10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.06751

Conference Paper