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I obtained my PhD in April 2023 at the University of Liverpool within Professor Claire Eyer lab group - investigating the role of zDHHC23 and MROH6 in neuroblastoma in response to normal and low oxygen conditions. The identification of post-translational modifications and binding partners involved the generation of immunoprecipitation protocols, cloning of purification tagged- proteins, phospho-peptide enrichment strategies and LC-MS/MS method development. Characterisation involved a range of techniques including:, qPCR, western blotting, copper based click chemistry and fluorescence-based microscopy.

I am currently a BBSRC funded PDRA investigating redox signalling through serine/threonine protein kinase networks using miniTurboID AF-MS. I am also optimising LC-MS/MS sample preparation and fragmentation methods to identify disulphide bridges and multiple cysteine post-translational modifications involving various techniques: human cell culture, SP3 and in-solution digest of immunoprecipitated and recombinant proteins, using Orbitrap Fusion/Lumos Tribrid systems +/- FAIMS and multiplex TMT labelling and performing data analysis using Proteome Discoverer, R, PEAKS, MASCOT and Fragpipe.