Reassessing the role of diatoms in carbon transfer through the Southern Ocean Twilight Zone
Williams, J., Giering, S., Baker, C., East, H., Espinola, B., Le Moigne, F., . . . Martin, A. (2025). Reassessing the role of diatoms in carbon transfer through the Southern Ocean Twilight Zone. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12043
Active and passive organic carbon fluxes during a bloom in the Southern Ocean (South Georgia).
Major, W., Giering, S. L. C., Ainsworth, J., Belcher, A., Blackbird, S., Bridger, M., . . . Sanders, R. (2024). Active and passive organic carbon fluxes during a bloom in the Southern Ocean (South Georgia).. Scientific data, 11(1), 1392. doi:10.1038/s41597-024-04151-w
Characterizing regional oceanography and bottom environmental conditions at two contrasting sponge grounds on the northern Labrador Shelf
de Froe, E., Yashayaev, I., Mohn, C., Vad, J., Mienis, F., Duineveld, G., . . . van Oevelen, D. (n.d.). Characterizing regional oceanography and bottom environmental conditions at two contrasting sponge grounds on the northern Labrador Shelf. Biogeosciences, 21(23), 5407-5433. doi:10.5194/bg-21-5407-2024
Investigating the physiological ecology of mesopelagic zooplankton in the Scotia sea (Southern ocean) using lipid and stable isotope signatures
Savineau, E. L. -R., Cook, K. B., Blackbird, S. J., Stowasser, G., Kiriakoulakis, K., Preece, C., . . . Mayor, D. J. (2024). Investigating the physiological ecology of mesopelagic zooplankton in the Scotia sea (Southern ocean) using lipid and stable isotope signatures. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 208, 104317. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2024.104317
If speed is of the essence: rapid analysis of ambergris by APCI compact mass spectrometry.
Rowland, S. J., Wilde, M. J., Sutton, P. A., Blackbird, S. J., & Wolff, G. A. (2024). If speed is of the essence: rapid analysis of ambergris by APCI compact mass spectrometry.. Natural product research, 1-7. doi:10.1080/14786419.2024.2321496
Inefficient transfer of diatoms through the subpolar Southern Ocean twilight zone
Williams, J. R., Giering, S. L. C., Baker, C. A., Pabortsava, K., Briggs, N., East, H., . . . Martin, A. P. (n.d.). Inefficient transfer of diatoms through the subpolar Southern Ocean twilight zone. Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01602-2
Zooplankton Dominate the Processing and Fate of Particulate Organic Matter in the Mesopelagic Zone, Scotia Sea, (Southern Ocean)
Carbon budgets of Scotia Sea mesopelagic zooplankton and micronekton communities during austral spring
Cook, K. B., Belcher, A., Juez, D. B., Stowasser, G., Fielding, S., Saunders, R. A., . . . Mayor, D. J. (2023). Carbon budgets of Scotia Sea mesopelagic zooplankton and micronekton communities during austral spring. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 210, 105296. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2023.105296
Scoping intergenerational effects of nanoplastic on the lipid reserves of Antarctic krill embryos
Rowlands, E., Galloway, T., Cole, M., Lewis, C., Hacker, C., Peck, V. L., . . . Manno, C. (2023). Scoping intergenerational effects of nanoplastic on the lipid reserves of Antarctic krill embryos. AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, 261. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106591
Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS)
Giering, S. L. C., Sanders, R., Blackbird, S., Briggs, N., Carvalho, F., East, H., . . . Wolff, G. A. (2023). Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 105277. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2023.105277
Hydrography and food distribution during a tidal cycle above a cold-water coral mound
de Froe, E., Maier, S. R., Horn, H. G., Wolff, G. A., Blackbird, S., Mohn, C., . . . van Oevelen, D. (2022). Hydrography and food distribution during a tidal cycle above a cold-water coral mound. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 189. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103854
Planktonic foraminifera organic carbon isotopes as archives of upper ocean carbon cycling
Hoogakker, B. A. A., Anderson, C., Paoloni, T., Stott, A., Grant, H., Keenan, P., . . . Peck, V. L. (2022). Planktonic foraminifera organic carbon isotopes as archives of upper ocean carbon cycling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-022-32480-0
Benthic O<sub>2</sub> uptake by coral gardens at the Condor seamount (Azores)
Rovelli, L., Carreiro-Silva, M., Attard, K. M., Rakka, M., Dominguez-Carrio, C., Bilan, M., . . . Glud, R. N. (2022). Benthic O<sub>2</sub> uptake by coral gardens at the Condor seamount (Azores). MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 688, 19-31. doi:10.3354/meps14021
New Oldowan localities at high level within Kilombe Caldera, Kenya
Gowlett, J. A. J., Stanistreet, I. G., Albert, R. M., Blackbird, S. J., Herries, A. I. R., Hoare, S., . . . Stollhofen, H. (2022). New Oldowan localities at high level within Kilombe Caldera, Kenya. ANTHROPOLOGIE, 126(1). doi:10.1016/j.anthro.2021.102976
Organic carbon isotopes of planktic foraminifera
Hoogakker, B., Anderson, C., Grant, H., Mahaffey, C., Blackbird, S., McClymont, E., . . . Peck, V. (2021). Organic carbon isotopes of planktic foraminifera. In Goldschmidt2021 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry. doi:10.7185/gold2021.7047
Release from sheep-grazing appears to put some heart back into upland vegetation: A comparison of nutritional properties of plant species in long-term grazing experiments
Marrs, R. H., Lee, H., Blackbird, S., Connor, L., Girdwood, S. E., O'Connor, M., . . . Chiverrell, R. C. (2020). Release from sheep-grazing appears to put some heart back into upland vegetation: A comparison of nutritional properties of plant species in long-term grazing experiments. ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, 177(1), 152-162. doi:10.1111/aab.12591
Rewilding the uplands: the effects of removing sheep grazing on soils and plants
Marrs, R., Blackbird, S., Connor, L., O'Connor, M., & Chiverrell, R. (2019). Rewilding the uplands: the effects of removing sheep grazing on soils and plants: What are Britain’s uplands for? Heahter Trust Annual Review, 2019. Lochmaben: Heather Trust. Retrieved from
Seasonal and spatial variability in the optical characterstics of DOM in a temperate shelf sea
Carr, N., Davis, C. E., Blackbird, S., Daniels, L. R., Preece, C., Woodward, M., & Mahaffey, C. (2019). Seasonal and spatial variability in the optical characterstics of DOM in a temperate shelf sea. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 177. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.025
Seasonal organic matter dynamics in a temperate shelf sea
Davis, C. B., Blackbird, S., Wolff, G., Woodward, M., & Mahaffey, C. (2019). Seasonal organic matter dynamics in a temperate shelf sea. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 177. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.021
Effects of removing sheep grazing on soil chemistry, plant nutrition and forage digestibility: Lessons for rewilding the British uplands
Marrs, R. H., Sanchez, R., Connor, L., Blackbird, S., Rasal, J., & Rose, R. (2018). Effects of removing sheep grazing on soil chemistry, plant nutrition and forage digestibility: Lessons for rewilding the British uplands. ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, 173(3), 294-301. doi:10.1111/aab.12462
Change to ecosystem properties through changing the dominant species: impact of Pteridium aquilinum-control and heathland restoration treatments on selected soil properties
Milligan, G., Booth, K. E., Cox, E. S., Pakeman, R. J., Le Duc, M. G., Connor, L., . . . Marrs, R. H. (2018). Change to ecosystem properties through changing the dominant species: impact of Pteridium aquilinum-control and heathland restoration treatments on selected soil properties. Journal of Environmental Management, 207, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.11.013
Differences in the carbon flows in the benthic food webs of abyssal hill and plain habitats
Durden, J. M., Ruhl, H. A., Pebody, C., Blackbird, S. J., & van Oevelen, D. (2017). Differences in the carbon flows in the benthic food webs of abyssal hill and plain habitats. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 62(4), 1771-1782. doi:10.1002/lno.10532
Reducing soil fertility to enable ecological restoration: A new method to test the efficacy of Full-Inversion Tillage
Milligan, G., Scott, R., Young, D., Connor, L., Blackbird, S., & Marrs, R. (2017). Reducing soil fertility to enable ecological restoration: A new method to test the efficacy of Full-Inversion Tillage. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 98, 257-263. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.11.003
Anthropogenic influence on sediment transport in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic
Wilson, A. M., Kiriakoulakis, K., Raine, R., Gerritsen, H. D., Blackbird, S., Allcock, A. L., & White, M. (2015). Anthropogenic influence on sediment transport in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 101(1), 320-329. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.10.067
Changes in peat chemical properties during post-fire succession on blanket bog moorland
Rosenburgh, A., Alday, J. G., Harris, M. P. K., Allen, K. A., Connor, L., Blackbird, S. J., . . . Marrs, R. H. (2013). Changes in peat chemical properties during post-fire succession on blanket bog moorland. Geoderma, 211-212, 98-106. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.07.012
Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic)
Cunha, M. R., Paterson, G. L. J., Amaro, T., Blackbird, S., de Stigter, H. C., Ferreira, C., . . . Billett, D. S. M. (2011). Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic). DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58(23-24), 2433-2447. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.04.007
Organic geochemistry of submarine canyons: The Portuguese Margin
Kiriakoulakis, K., Blackbird, S., Ingels, J., Vanreusel, A., & Wolff, G. A. (2011). Organic geochemistry of submarine canyons: The Portuguese Margin. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 58(23-24), 2477-2488. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.04.010
Assessing the restoration potential of an ex-agricultural amenity site
Stamp, M., Hewitt, D., Blackbird, S., Connor, L., McAllister, H., Henderson, A., . . . Marrs, R. H. (2011). Assessing the restoration potential of an ex-agricultural amenity site. Aspects of Applied Biology, 108, V, 19-27.
Efficient burial of carbon in a submarine canyon
Masson, D. G., Huvenne, V. A. I., de Stigter, H. C., Wolff, G. A., Kiriakoulakis, K., Arzola, R. G., & Blackbird, S. (2010). Efficient burial of carbon in a submarine canyon. GEOLOGY, 38(9), 831-834. doi:10.1130/G30895.1
Provenance and fate of organic carbon in three submarine canyons from the Portuguese Margin: Implications for transport processes of material in continental margins
Kiriakoulakis, K., Wolff, G., & Blackbird, S. (2010). Provenance and fate of organic carbon in three submarine canyons from the Portuguese Margin: Implications for transport processes of material in continental margins. In EGU General Assembly Vol. 12 (pp. 7219). Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Retrieved from
Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine seamounts, Part 2. Composition of suspended particulate organic matter
Kiriakoulakis, K., Vilas, J. C., Blackbird, S. J., Aristegui, J., & Wolff, G. A. (2009). Seamounts and organic matter-Is there an effect? The case of Sedlo and Seine seamounts, Part 2. Composition of suspended particulate organic matter. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 56(25), 2631-2645. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.024
A first glimpse of the intricate interactions between a shallow cold-water coral reef (Tisler Reef Skagerrak) and its close environment as revealed by biomarkers and isotopes
Kiriakoulakis, K., Blackbird, S., Lundalv, T., White, M., Guihen, D., Duineveld, G., . . . Wolff, G. A. (2008). A first glimpse of the intricate interactions between a shallow cold-water coral reef (Tisler Reef Skagerrak) and its close environment as revealed by biomarkers and isotopes. In Deepsea Coral Symposium (pp. 53). Wellington, New Zealand: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Retrieved from
Competing conservation goals, biodiversity or ecosystem services: Element losses and species recruitment in a managed moorland-bracken model system
Marrs, R. H., Galtress, K., Tong, C., Cox, E. S., Blackbird, S. J., Heyes, T. J., . . . Le Duc, M. G. (2007). Competing conservation goals, biodiversity or ecosystem services: Element losses and species recruitment in a managed moorland-bracken model system. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 85(4), 1034-1047. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.11.011