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Dr Ron Mahabir
BSc. Computing and Information Science, MSc. Geoinformatics, Ph.D Earth Systems and Geoinformation Science


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CECA: An intelligent large-language-model-enabled method for accounting embodied carbon in buildings

Gu, X., Chen, C., Fang, Y., Mahabir, R., & Fan, L. (2025). CECA: An intelligent large-language-model-enabled method for accounting embodied carbon in buildings. Building and Environment, 272, 112694. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2025.112694

Journal article


Re-positioning the roles of stakeholders in the informal commodity market: Enabling fair and transparent provision and access to resources

Mahabir, R., Daniel, D., & Gkountouna, O. (2024). Re-positioning the roles of stakeholders in the informal commodity market: Enabling fair and transparent provision and access to resources. In Royal Geographical Society Annual Meeting.

Conference Paper

An Investigation into the use of Large Language Models for Understanding the Occurrence of Flooding in the Caribbean

Arunprakash, A., Kalla, K., Mahabir, R., Gkountouna, O., & Komwa, M. (2024). An Investigation into the use of Large Language Models for Understanding the Occurrence of Flooding in the Caribbean. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aspiring Student as Scholars Internship Program Conference. George Mason University, Virginia, USA.


Quantifying the Relationship Between Vegetation Characteristics and Avian Diversity in Costa Rica

Singh, A., Liu, R., Mahabir, R., Gkountouna, O., & Komwa, M. (2024). Quantifying the Relationship Between Vegetation Characteristics and Avian Diversity in Costa Rica. Poster session presented at the meeting of Aspiring Student as Scholars Internship Program Conference. George Mason University, Virginia, USA.


Population genetics, phylogeography and gene flow of mainland and island vampire bat (<i>Desmodus rotundus)</i>populations: an investigation into mainland-island bat movement



ChatGPT: Bridging the gap between human and machine communication - A survey of its multifaceted applications

Mahmood, K., Mahabir, R., Gkountouna, O., & Ballantyne, P. (2023). ChatGPT: Bridging the gap between human and machine communication - A survey of its multifaceted applications. Poster session presented at the meeting of 12th Annual College of Science Research Colloquium. Fairfax, VA, USA.


Slum Mapping

Mahabir, R. (2023). Slum Mapping. Poster session presented at the meeting of AI UK 2023. The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK..



Achieving situational awareness of drug cartels with geolocated social media

Yuan, X., Mahabir, R., Crooks, A., & Croitoru, A. (2022). Achieving situational awareness of drug cartels with geolocated social media. GeoJournal, 87(5), 3453-3471. doi:10.1007/s10708-021-10433-2

Journal article

A Tool for Optimizing the Efficiency of Drive-Thru Services

Whitenack, L., & Mahabir, R. (2022). A Tool for Optimizing the Efficiency of Drive-Thru Services. In 2022 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS) (pp. 151-156). IEEE. doi:10.1109/sieds55548.2022.9799310

Conference Paper

Revisiting Linus' Law in OpenStreetMap: An Agent-Based Approach

McGough, A., Kavak, H., & Mahabir, R. (2022). Revisiting Linus' Law in OpenStreetMap: An Agent-Based Approach. In SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND BEHAVIORAL MODELING (SBP-BRIMS 2022) Vol. 13558 (pp. 123-133). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17114-7_12

Conference Paper


A Recommendation System for e-Learning Videos on YouTube

Hoang, S., Mahabir, R., & Gkountouna, O. (2021). A Recommendation System for e-Learning Videos on YouTube. Poster session presented at the meeting of University Research Colloquium, George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.


Collaborative Filtering Restaurant Recommender with Skyline Queries

Nguyen, V., Mahabir, R., & Gkountouna, O. (2021). Collaborative Filtering Restaurant Recommender with Skyline Queries. Poster session presented at the meeting of University Research Colloquium, George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.


Developing a Real-Time Litter Recognition System

Stoykov, I., Mahabir, R., & Gkountouna, O. (2021). Developing a Real-Time Litter Recognition System. Poster session presented at the meeting of University Research Colloquium, George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.


Machine Learning for the forecasting of Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Status

Cullen, K., Mahabir, R., & Gkountouna, O. (2021). Machine Learning for the forecasting of Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Status. Poster session presented at the meeting of University Research Colloquium, George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.


Theoretical Applications of Magnetic Fields at Tremendously Low Frequency in Remote Sensing and Electronic Activity Classification

Duncan, C., Gkountouna, O., & Mahabir, R. (2021). Theoretical Applications of Magnetic Fields at Tremendously Low Frequency in Remote Sensing and Electronic Activity Classification. Unknown Journal, 235-247. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-71051-4_18

Journal article


Detecting and mapping slums using open data: a case study in Kenya

Mahabir, R., Agouris, P., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., & Crooks, A. T. (2020). Detecting and mapping slums using open data: a case study in Kenya. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 13(6), 683-707. doi:10.1080/17538947.2018.1554010

Journal article

Need for an Integrated Deprived Area "Slum" Mapping System (IDEAMAPS) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

Thomson, D. R., Kuffer, M., Boo, G., Hati, B., Grippa, T., Elsey, H., . . . Kabaria, C. (2020). Need for an Integrated Deprived Area "Slum" Mapping System (IDEAMAPS) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 9(5). doi:10.3390/socsci9050080

Journal article

The Role of Earth Observation in an Integrated Deprived Area Mapping "System" for Low-to-Middle Income Countries

Kuffer, M., Thomson, D. R., Boo, G., Mahabir, R., Grippa, T., Vanhuysse, S., . . . Kabaria, C. (2020). The Role of Earth Observation in an Integrated Deprived Area Mapping "System" for Low-to-Middle Income Countries. REMOTE SENSING, 12(6). doi:10.3390/rs12060982

Journal article

Responses to mass shooting events The interplay between the media and the public

Croitoru, A., Kien, S., Mahabir, R., Radzikowski, J., Crooks, A., Schuchard, R., . . . Stefanidis, A. (2020). Responses to mass shooting events The interplay between the media and the public. CRIMINOLOGY & PUBLIC POLICY, 19(1), 335-360. doi:10.1111/1745-9133.12486

Journal article


Critical Commentary: Need for an Integrated Deprived Area &amp;ldquo;Slum&amp;rdquo; Mapping System (IDeAMapS) in LMICs


Critical Commentary: Need for an Integrated Deprived Area &amp;ldquo;Slum&amp;rdquo; Mapping System (IDeAMapS) in LMICs


Optical and Radar Data Analysis for Land Use Land Cover Mapping in Peru

Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (n.d.). Optical and Radar Data Analysis for Land Use Land Cover Mapping in Peru. Remote Sensing of Land, 3(1), 14-27. doi:10.21523/gcj1.19030102

Journal article

Of bats and livestock: The epidemiology of rabies in Trinidad, West Indies.

Seetahal, J. F. R., Sanchez-Vazquez, M. J., Vokaty, A., Carrington, C. V. F., Mahabir, R., Adesiyun, A. A., & Rupprecht, C. E. (2019). Of bats and livestock: The epidemiology of rabies in Trinidad, West Indies.. Veterinary microbiology, 228, 93-100. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2018.11.020

Journal article


News coverage, digital activism, and geographical saliency: A case study of refugee camps and volunteered geographical information

Mahabir, R., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A., Agouris, P., & Stefanidis, A. (2018). News coverage, digital activism, and geographical saliency: A case study of refugee camps and volunteered geographical information. PLOS ONE, 13(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206825

Journal article

Relative value of radar and optical data for land cover/use mapping: Peru example

Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (2018). Relative value of radar and optical data for land cover/use mapping: Peru example. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 9(1), 1-20. doi:10.1080/19479832.2017.1398188

Journal article

A Critical Review of High and Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Approaches for Detecting and Mapping Slums: Trends, Challenges and Emerging Opportunities

Mahabir, R., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A. T., Agouris, P., & Stefanidis, A. (2018). A Critical Review of High and Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Approaches for Detecting and Mapping Slums: Trends, Challenges and Emerging Opportunities. URBAN SCIENCE, 2(1). doi:10.3390/urbansci2010008

Journal article


Radar speckle reduction and derived texture measures for land cover/use classification: a case study

Idol, T., Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (2017). Radar speckle reduction and derived texture measures for land cover/use classification: a case study. Geocarto International, 32(1), 18-29. doi:10.1080/10106049.2015.1120356

Journal article

Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya

Mahabir, R., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A., & Agouris, P. (n.d.). Authoritative and Volunteered Geographical Information in a Developing Country: A Comparative Case Study of Road Datasets in Nairobi, Kenya. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(1), 24. doi:10.3390/ijgi6010024

Journal article


An evaluation of Radarsat-2 individual and combined image dates for land use/cover mapping

Idol, T., Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (2016). An evaluation of Radarsat-2 individual and combined image dates for land use/cover mapping. Geocarto International, 31(10), 1108-1122. doi:10.1080/10106049.2015.1120351

Journal article

User-Generated Big Data and Urban Morphology

Crooks, A. T., Croitoru, A., Jenkins, A., Mahabir, R., Agouris, P., & Stefanidis, A. (2016). User-Generated Big Data and Urban Morphology. Built Environment, 42(3), 396-414. doi:10.2148/benv.42.3.396

Journal article

The study of slums as social and physical constructs: challenges and emerging research opportunities

Mahabir, R., Crooks, A., Croitoru, A., & Agouris, P. (2016). The study of slums as social and physical constructs: challenges and emerging research opportunities. REGIONAL STUDIES REGIONAL SCIENCE, 3(1), 399-419. doi:10.1080/21681376.2016.1229130

Journal article


Climate change and forest management: Adaptation of geospatial technologies

Mahabir, R., & Shrestha, R. M. (2015). Climate change and forest management: Adaptation of geospatial technologies. In 2015 Fourth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-geoinformatics) (pp. 209-214). IEEE. doi:10.1109/agro-geoinformatics.2015.7248108

Conference Paper

Radar and optical remote sensing data evaluation and fusion; a case study for Washington, DC, USA

Idol, T., Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (2015). Radar and optical remote sensing data evaluation and fusion; a case study for Washington, DC, USA. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 6(2), 138-154. doi:10.1080/19479832.2015.1017541

Journal article

Comparison and integration of spaceborne optical and radar data for mapping in Sudan

Idol, T., Haack, B., & Mahabir, R. (2015). Comparison and integration of spaceborne optical and radar data for mapping in Sudan. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(6), 1551-1569. doi:10.1080/01431161.2015.1015659

Journal article

Remote sensing-derived national land cover land use maps: a comparison for Malawi

Haack, B., Mahabir, R., & Kerkering, J. (2015). Remote sensing-derived national land cover land use maps: a comparison for Malawi. Geocarto International, 30(3), 270-292. doi:10.1080/10106049.2014.952355

Journal article


Applications of remote sensing and GIS technologies in flood risk management

Al-Tahir, R., Saeed, I., & Mahabir, R. (2014). Applications of remote sensing and GIS technologies in flood risk management. In Flooding and Climate Change: Sectorial Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for the Caribbean Region (pp. 137-150).



Healthy food accessibility and obesity: Case study of Pennsylvania, USA

Shrestha, R., Mahabir, R., & Di, L. (2013). Healthy food accessibility and obesity: Case study of Pennsylvania, USA. In 2013 Second International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics) (pp. 329-333). IEEE. doi:10.1109/argo-geoinformatics.2013.6621931

Conference Paper


Impact of road networks on the distribution of dengue fever cases in Trinidad, West Indies.

Mahabir, R. S., Severson, D. W., & Chadee, D. D. (2012). Impact of road networks on the distribution of dengue fever cases in Trinidad, West Indies.. Acta tropica, 123(3), 178-183. doi:10.1016/j.actatropica.2012.05.001

Journal article