Selected publications
- Innovation and Foresight in SMEs: Lessons from the case of UK Digital Health Companies (Journal article - 2023)
- Business and Management Studies in the United Kingdom's 2021 Research Excellence Framework: Implications for Research Quality Assessment (Journal article - 2024)
- The self-employment trap? (Report - 2023)
- An introduction to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (Chapter - 2020)
- Founders’ social identity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy amongst nascent entrepreneurs: A configurational perspective (Journal article - 2020)
- The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Book - 2017)
- Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust (Journal article - 2018)
- Are the HR responses of small firms different from large firms in times of recession? (Journal article - 2016)
- Researching the Small Enterprise (Book - 2000)
- The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research (Journal article - 2023)
Youth Entrepreneurship Policy: Contemporary Challenges and Ways Forward
Blackburn, R., & Gamble, J. (2024). Youth Entrepreneurship Policy: Contemporary Challenges and Ways Forward. Liverpool, UK: University of Liverpool. doi:10.17638/03183165
Business and Management Studies in the United Kingdom's 2021 Research Excellence Framework: Implications for Research Quality Assessment
Blackburn, R., Dibb, S., & Tonks, I. (2023). Business and Management Studies in the United Kingdom's 2021 Research Excellence Framework: Implications for Research Quality Assessment. BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12721
“Remembering David J Storey, a pioneer of the entrepreneurship field”
Parker, S. C., Åstebro, T., Audretsch, D. B., Blackburn, R., Burke, A., Coad, A., . . . Thurik, R. (2024). “Remembering David J Storey, a pioneer of the entrepreneurship field”. Small Business Economics, 62(1), 1-21. doi:10.1007/s11187-023-00848-1
Innovation and Foresight in SMEs: Lessons from the case of UK Digital Health Companies
Blackburn, R., Do, H., Vecchiato, R., & Pierrakis, Y. (2023). Innovation and Foresight in SMEs: Lessons from the case of UK Digital Health Companies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. doi:10.1109/TEM.2023.3336732
The self-employment trap?
Blackburn, R., Machin, S., & Ventura, M. (2023). The self-employment trap?: The self-employment trap? (CEP Covid-19 Analysis Series No.030). LSE Centre for Economic Performance, London. Retrieved from
The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research
Ben-Hafaiedh, C., Xheneti, M., Stenholm, P., Blackburn, R., Welter, F., & Urbano, D. (2023). The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS. doi:10.1007/s11187-023-00770-6
From Covid-19 to collapse? The self-employed and the cost of living crisis
Blackburn, R., Machin, S., & Ventura, M. (2023). From Covid-19 to collapse? The self-employed and the cost of living crisis: From Covid-19 to collapse? The self-employed and the cost of living crisis: Covid-19 Analysis Series (No.029 February 2023).
Editorial: Reflections on David J Storey
Blackburn, R. (n.d.). Editorial: Reflections on David J Storey. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship. doi:10.1177/02662426231210998
In search of spatial differences: Evidence from a study of small service sector enterprises
Blackburn, R., & Curran, J. (2022). In search of spatial differences: Evidence from a study of small service sector enterprises. In Routledge Library Editions: Small Business (Vol. 4, pp. 164-193).
Covid-19 and the self-employed - A two year update
Blackburn, R., Ventura, M., & Machin, S. (2022). Covid-19 and the self-employed - A two year update: Covid-19 and the self-employed - A two year update (CEPCOVID-19-028). London School of Economics. Retrieved from
Employees' working life and performance of UK ethnic minority restaurants: a qualitative approach
Razzak, B. M., Blackburn, R., & Saridakis, G. (2022). Employees' working life and performance of UK ethnic minority restaurants: a qualitative approach. BENCHMARKING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 29(1), 47-67. doi:10.1108/BIJ-08-2020-0436
Covid-19 and the self-employed - 18 months into the crisis
Blackburn, R., Machin, S., & Ventura, M. (2021). Covid-19 and the self-employed - 18 months into the crisis: Covid-19 and the self-employed - 18 months into the crisis. Covid-19 Analysis Series (No. 025 November 2021). London: Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. Retrieved from
From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being in Uganda?
Blackburn, R., Saridakis, G., Georgellis, Y., Muñoz Torres, R., & Mohammed, A. -M. (2021). From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being in Uganda?. Journal of Business Research. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.07.037
Access to finance for SMEs in post-socialist countries: the Baltic States and the South Caucasus compared
Imarhiagbe, B. O., Smallbone, D., Saridakis, G., Blackburn, R., & Mohammed, A. -M. (2021). Access to finance for SMEs in post-socialist countries: the Baltic States and the South Caucasus compared. JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT, 28(5), 744-774. doi:10.1108/JSBED-01-2021-0036
An introduction to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Laveren, E., Blackburn, R., Ben-Hafaïedh, C., Díaz-García, C., & González-Moreno, Á. (2020). An introduction to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. In Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109690.00006
Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Laveren, E., Blackburn, R., Ben-Hafaïedh, C., Díaz-García, C., & González Moreno, Á. (Eds.) (2020). Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109690
Emotion and Business Exit
Afrahi, B., & Blackburn, R. (2020). Emotion and Business Exit. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2020 (pp. 12849). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2020.12849abstract
Founders’ social identity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy amongst nascent entrepreneurs: A configurational perspective
Hand, C., Iskandarova, M., & Blackburn, R. (2020). Founders’ social identity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy amongst nascent entrepreneurs: A configurational perspective. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13, e00160. doi:10.1016/j.jbvi.2020.e00160
Policy Support for Born Global Enterprises: A Critical Review
Blackburn, R., Smallbone, D., & Do, H. (2019). Policy Support for Born Global Enterprises: A Critical Review. In RENT XXXIII Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Berlin.
Conceptualising the emergence of entrepreneurial identity
Kasperova, E., Lewis, K., Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (2019). Conceptualising the emergence of entrepreneurial identity. In 42nd Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference : exploring new frontiers and entrepreneurial places. Retrieved from
Introduction: rigour and relevance in European entrepreneurship research
Laveren, E., Blackburn, R., Hytti, U., & Landstrom, H. (2019). Introduction: rigour and relevance in European entrepreneurship research. In RIGOUR AND RELEVANCE IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH, RESOURCES AND OUTCOMES: FRONTIERS IN EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH (pp. 1-7). Retrieved from
Rigour and Relevance in Entrepreneurship Research, Resources and Outcomes
Laveren, E., Blackburn, R., Hytti, U., & Landström, H. (Eds.) (2019). Rigour and Relevance in Entrepreneurship Research, Resources and Outcomes. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781789903980
Entrepreneurs exit strategies : the role of emotion
Afrahi, B., & Blackburn, R. (2019). Entrepreneurs exit strategies : the role of emotion. In British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2019 : Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in Uncertain Times : Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurship Research in Europe Future Avenues for Research
Blackburn, R. (n.d.). Entrepreneurship Research in Europe Future Avenues for Research. In 11ème Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation Repenser l’entrepreneuriat : des racines et des rêve. Montpellier.
James (Jim) Curran Obituary
Blackburn, R., & Stanworth, J. (2018). James (Jim) Curran Obituary. INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL-RESEARCHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 36(8), 857-858. doi:10.1177/0266242618793017
CSR logics of SMEs : The case of F&B service and construction sectors in Malaysia
Soon, J. L., Blackburn, R., Clercq, D. D., & Iskandarova, M. (2018). CSR logics of SMEs : The case of F&B service and construction sectors in Malaysia. In Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 41st Conference. Birmingham. Retrieved from
Identity as a causal power
Blackburn, R., Kasperova, E., & Kitching, J. (2018). Identity as a causal power. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 19(4), 237-249. doi:10.1177/1465750318763213
Identity as a causal power: contextualising entrepreneurs’ concerns
Kasperova, E., Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (2018). Identity as a causal power: Contextualizing entrepreneurs' concerns. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION Vol. 19 (pp. 237-249). doi:10.1177/1465750318763213
The governance of born globals and their value chains
Do, H., Smallbone, D., & Blackburn, R. (2018). The governance of born globals and their value chains. In RENT XXXII: Sustainable entrepreneurship: A win-win strategy for the future. Retrieved from
Internationalisation: Global Issues
Blackburn, R., Do, H., & Tanewski, G. (2018). Internationalisation: Global Issues. In I. O. P. Accountants (Ed.), Australian small business white paper : small business : big vision (pp. 244-264). Victoria, Australia: Institute of Public Accountants. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Education
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Laveren, E. (Eds.) (2018). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788972307
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Laveren, E. (Eds.) (2018). Foreword. In Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788972307.00006
Introduction: innovation and education matters in European entrepreneurship research
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Laveren, E. (2018). Introduction: innovation and education matters in European entrepreneurship research. In ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND EDUCATION: FRONTIERS IN EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH (pp. 1-6). Retrieved from
Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationship and trust
Blackburn, R., Carey, P., & Tanewski, G. (2018). Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust. In QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT Vol. 15 (pp. 358-384). doi:10.1108/QRAM-04-2017-0022
Chapter 1: Introduction: establishing new frontiers for European entrepreneurship research
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Tegtmeier, S. (2018). Chapter 1: Introduction: establishing new frontiers for European entrepreneurship research. In The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788110990.00007
Introduction: establishing new frontiers for European entrepreneurship research
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Tegtmeier, S. (2018). Introduction: establishing new frontiers for European entrepreneurship research. In DYNAMICS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CONTEXTS: FRONTIERS IN EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH (pp. 1-21). Retrieved from
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Tegtmeier, S. (Eds.) (2018). Preface. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788110990.00005
The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., & Tegtmeier, S. (Eds.) (2018). The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788110990
Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust
Blackburn, R., Tanewski, G., & Carey, P. (2018). Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationships and trust. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. doi:10.1108/QRAM-04-2017-0022
Future of manufacturing : born globals and their value chains
Smallbone, D., Do, H., Blackburn, R., Isusi, I., Corral, A., Duran, J., & Patrini, V. (2018). Future of manufacturing : born globals and their value chains: Research Report (10.2806/751260). Dublin: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2806/689377
Inclusive entrepreneurship policies : country assessment notes
Blackburn, R., Do, H., & Kasperova, E. (2018). Inclusive entrepreneurship policies : country assessment notes. OECD. Retrieved from
Blackburn, R., Clercq, D. D., & Heinonen, J. (2018). Introduction. In The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-11). SAGE Publications Ltd. doi:10.4135/9781473984080.n1
The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research Preface
Blackburn, R. (2018). The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research Preface. In DYNAMICS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CONTEXTS: FRONTIERS IN EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH (pp. VIII-IX). Retrieved from
Entrepreneurial orientation of UK international ventures in turbulent environments
Do, H., & Blackburn, R. (2017). Entrepreneurial orientation of UK international ventures in turbulent environments. In RENT XXXI: Relevance in Entrepreneurship Research. Retrieved from
Preface: Industry 4.0
Blackburn, R. (2018). Preface: Industry 4.0. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-49275-8_46
Blackburn, R., De Clercq, D., & Heinonen, J. (2017). Introduction. In R. Blackburn, D. De Clercq, & J. Heinonen (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-12). SAGE. Retrieved from
The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Blackburn, R., De Clercq, D., & Heinonen, J. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. SAGE Publications Ltd. doi:10.4135/9781473984080
Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., Fletcher, D., & Welter, F. (Eds.) (2016). Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786432544
Introduction: focusing on the role of resources and universities in entrepreneurship
Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., Fletcher, D., & Welter, F. (2016). Introduction: focusing on the role of resources and universities in entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786432544.00008
Innovation orientation and export behaviour: insights into a typology of UK SMEs
Do, H., Cowling, M., & Blackburn, R. (2016). Innovation orientation and export behaviour: insights into a typology of UK SMEs. In RENT XXX: Innovation, Relational Networks, Technology and Knowledge Transfer as Drivers of Global Competitiveness. Retrieved from
Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policy, Practice and Challenges
Blackburn, R. A., & Schaper, M. T. (2012). Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development Policy, Practice and Challenges Introduction. Retrieved from
Tailor-made support for SMEs towards effective implementation of the EU?s trade and investment strategy
Blackburn, R. (2016). Tailor-made support for SMEs towards effective implementation of the EU?s trade and investment strategy. European Parliament: Directorate-General for External Policies: Policy Department. Retrieved from
Are the HR responses of small firms different from large firms in times of recession?
Lai, Y., Saridakis, G., Blackburn, R., & Johnstone, S. (2016). Are the HR responses of small firms different from large firms in times of recession?. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(1), 113-131. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2015.04.005
Blackburn, R. (2016). Preface.
Student entrepreneurship in Great Britain 2016: intentions and activities
Saridakis, G., Iskandarova, M., & Blackburn, R. (2016). Student entrepreneurship in Great Britain 2016: intentions and activities: Student Entrepreneurship in Great Britain, Intentions and Activities. Switzerland: GUESSS Switzerland. Retrieved from
Barriers to exporting: new insights into UK SMEs
Do, H., Cowling, M., & Blackburn, R. (2015). Barriers to exporting: new insights into UK SMEs. In RENT XXIV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Entrepreneurial Society: a Platform for New Solutions to Old Problems. Retrieved from
Determinants of export and innovation management amongst British SMEs
Do, H., Cowling, M., & Blackburn, R. (2015). Determinants of export and innovation management amongst British SMEs. In 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Internationalisation, Innovation and Leadership. Retrieved from
Context, Process and Gender in Entrepreneurship
Blackburn, R., Hytti, U., & Welter, F. (Eds.) (2015). Context, Process and Gender in Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781785361661
Introduction: entrepreneurship, contextual, process and gender differentiations
Blackburn, R., Hytti, U., & Welter, F. (2015). Introduction: entrepreneurship, contextual, process and gender differentiations. CONTEXT, PROCESS AND GENDER IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: FRONTIERS IN EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH, 1-5. Retrieved from
Can Social Exclusion Against "Older Entrepreneurs" Be Managed?
Kibler, E., Wainwright, T., Kautonen, T., & Blackburn, R. (2015). Can Social Exclusion Against "Older Entrepreneurs" Be Managed?. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S1), 193-208. doi:10.1111/jsbm.12194
Job Stress in the United Kingdom: Are Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Large Enterprises Different?
Lai, Y., Saridakis, G., & Blackburn, R. (2015). Job Stress in the United Kingdom: Are Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Large Enterprises Different?. STRESS AND HEALTH, 31(3), 222-235. doi:10.1002/smi.2549
Job creation in born global enterprises: the cases of UK SMEs
Blackburn, R., & Do, H. (2015). Job creation in born global enterprises: the cases of UK SMEs. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND): European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Retrieved from
One Size Does Not Fit All: Uncovering Older Entrepreneur Diversity through Motivations, Emotions and Mentoring Needs
Wainwright, T., Kibler, E., Kautonen, T., & Blackburn, R. (2015). One Size Does Not Fit All: Uncovering Older Entrepreneur Diversity through Motivations, Emotions and Mentoring Needs. In Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment and Retirement (pp. 42-66). Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9781137398390_3
A predictive analytics approach for demand forecasting in the process industry
Blackburn, R., Lurz, K., Priese, B., Göb, R., & Darkow, I. (2015). A predictive analytics approach for demand forecasting in the process industry. International Transactions in Operational Research, 22(3), 407-428. doi:10.1111/itor.12122
How the role of the independent editor is changing in relation to traditional and self-publishing
Baverstock, A., Blackburn, R., & Iskandarova, M. (2015). How the role of the independent editor is changing in relation to traditional and self-publishing. LEARNED PUBLISHING, 28(2), 123-131. doi:10.1087/20150206
Operations research in BASF's supply chain operations
Blackburn, R., Kallrath, J., & Klosterhalfen, S. T. (2015). Operations research in BASF's supply chain operations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 22(3), 385-405. doi:10.1111/itor.12118
Anchor institutions and small firms in the UK: a review of the literature on anchor institutions and their role in developing management and leadership skills in small firms
Smallbone, D., Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (2015). Anchor institutions and small firms in the UK: a review of the literature on anchor institutions and their role in developing management and leadership skills in small firms. Rotherham and London: UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurial identity in its natural, practical and social contexts
Kasperova, E., Blackburn, R., & Kitching, J. (2015). Entrepreneurial identity in its natural, practical and social contexts. In RENT XXIV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Entrepreneurial Society: a Platform for New Solutions to Old Problems. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment and Retirement
Sappleton, N., & Lourenço, F. (Eds.) (2015). Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment and Retirement. Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9781137398390
One size does not fit all: Uncovering older entrepreneur diversity through motivations, emotions and mentoring needs
Wainwright, T., Kibler, E., Kautonen, T., & Blackburn, R. (2015). One size does not fit all: Uncovering older entrepreneur diversity through motivations, emotions and mentoring needs. In Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment and Retirement (pp. 42-66). doi:10.1057/9781137398390.0008
The legal needs of small businesses: an analysis of small businesses? experience of legal problems, capacity and attitudes
Blackburn, R., Kitching, J., & Saridakis, G. (2015). The legal needs of small businesses: an analysis of small businesses? experience of legal problems, capacity and attitudes. Legal Services Board. Retrieved from
Who are the independent editors, how did they reach their role and what are their associated job satisfactions?
Baverstock, A., Blackburn, R., & Iskandarova, M. (2015). Who are the independent editors, how did they reach their role and what are their associated job satisfactions?. LEARNED PUBLISHING, 28(1), 43-53. doi:10.1087/20150107
Student entrepreneurship across the globe: intentions and activities. Report for England 2013/2014
Blackburn, R., & Iskandarova, M. (2014). Student entrepreneurship across the globe: intentions and activities. Report for England 2013/2014. Small Business Research Centre, Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Retrieved from
Employment regulation. Part B: Employer perceptions of maternity and paternity leave and flexible working arrangements
Jordan, E., Thomas, A. P., Kitching, J. W., & Blackburn, R. A. (2014). Employment regulation. Part B: Employer perceptions of maternity and paternity leave and flexible working arrangements (BIS/13/1286). Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Retrieved from
Editorial note of thanks to referees
Editorial note of thanks to referees (2014). International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 32(1), 3. doi:10.1177/0266242613519993
Age and Subjective Age Identity as Moderators of the Entrepreneurial Intention-Action Relationship
Kautonen, T., Kibler, E., Wainwright, T., Fink, M., & Blackburn, R. (2014). Age and Subjective Age Identity as Moderators of the Entrepreneurial Intention-Action Relationship. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), 10149. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2014.10149abstract
Chapter 1: Introduction: entrepreneurship and wealth creation for economies, organisations and people
Blackburn, R., Welter, F., Delmar, F., & Fayolle, A. (2014). Chapter 1: Introduction: entrepreneurship and wealth creation for economies, organisations and people. In Entrepreneurship, People and Organisations (pp. 1-6). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781783478774.00007
Embodied practices, concerns and entrepreneurial identity
Kasperova, E., & Blackburn, R. (2014). Embodied practices, concerns and entrepreneurial identity. In 59th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2014: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurship and projects-Linking segregated communities
Kuura, A., Blackburn, R. A., & Lundin, R. A. (2014). Entrepreneurship and projects-Linking segregated communities. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 30(2), 214-230. doi:10.1016/j.scaman.2013.10.002
Entrepreneurship, people and organisations: Frontiers in european entrepreneurship research
Blackburn, R., Delmar, F., Fayolle, A., & Welter, F. (2014). Entrepreneurship, people and organisations: Frontiers in european entrepreneurship research.
From idea to publication: managing the research process
Blackburn, R., & Welter, F. (2014). From idea to publication: managing the research process. In HOW TO GET PUBLISHED IN THE BEST ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNALS: A GUIDE TO STEER YOUR ACADEMIC CAREER (pp. 72-93). Retrieved from
Introduction: entrepreneurship and wealth creation for economies, organisations and people
Blackburn, R. (n.d.). Introduction: entrepreneurship and wealth creation for economies, organisations and people. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-6). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781783478774.00007
Sustaining self-employment for disadvantaged entrepreneurs
Blackburn, R., & Smallbone, D. (2014). Sustaining self-employment for disadvantaged entrepreneurs. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved from
Ageing and new business creation: the role of subjective age identity
Kautonen, T., Kibler, E., Wainwright, T., Fink, M., & Blackburn, R. (2013). Ageing and new business creation: the role of subjective age identity. In 36th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Escape Velocity: Entrepreneurship in an Internationalising Environment. Retrieved from
Entrepreneurial Business and Society
Welter, F., Blackburn, R., Ljunggren, E., & Åmo, B. W. (Eds.) (2013). Entrepreneurial Business and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781782546023
Entrepreneurial business and society: introduction
Welter, F., Blackburn, R., Ljunggren, E., & Willy Åmo, B. (2013). Entrepreneurial business and society: introduction. In Entrepreneurial Business and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781782546023.00008
Entrepreneurial business and society: introduction
Welter, F., Blackburn, R., Ljunggren, E., & Amo, B. W. (2013). Entrepreneurial business and society: introduction. In Unknown Book (pp. 3-10). Retrieved from
The lost art of loyalty: a key to business growth
Blackburn, R., & Giudici, A. (2013). The lost art of loyalty: a key to business growth. Barclays Bank/Kingston University. Retrieved from
Employment regulation. Part A: Employer perceptions and the impact of employment regulation
Jordan, E., Thomas, A. P., Kitching, J. W., & Blackburn, R. A. (2013). Employment regulation. Part A: Employer perceptions and the impact of employment regulation: Employment Relations Research Series. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Retrieved from
Small business performance: business, strategy and owner‐manager characteristics
Blackburn, R. A., Hart, M., & Wainwright, T. (2013). Small business performance: business, strategy and owner‐manager characteristics. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(1), 8-27. doi:10.1108/14626001311298394
Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development
Blackburn, R. A. (n.d.). Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development. M. T. Schaper (Ed.), Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315585666
Audretsch, D. B., Blackburn, R., & Ribeiro, D. (2012). Untitled. SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL, 32(15), 2343-2346. doi:10.1080/02642069.2012.677835
A framework for benchmarking small business consumers? need for and use of legal services: a report to the Legal Services Board
Pleasence, P., Balmer, N. J., Blackburn, R., & Wainwright, T. (2012). A framework for benchmarking small business consumers? need for and use of legal services: a report to the Legal Services Board. PPSR. Retrieved from
Export to expand: the key to small business growth in the UK
Blackburn, R. (2012). Export to expand: the key to small business growth in the UK. Barclays Bank: Barclays. Retrieved from
Research programme on business know-how (LIIKE2) 2006?2009: evaluation report
Blackburn, R., Liukkonen, P., & Alasoini, T. (2012). Research programme on business know-how (LIIKE2) 2006?2009: evaluation report: Publications of the Academy of Finland. Academy of Finland: Academy of Finland. Retrieved from
Segmenting the SME market and implications for service provision: a literature review
Blackburn, R. (2012). Segmenting the SME market and implications for service provision: a literature review (09/12). ACAS: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. Retrieved from
Who are you calling old?: revisiting notions of age and ability amongst older entrepreneurs
Wainwright, T., Kibler, E., Blackburn, R., & Kautonen, T. (2011). Who are you calling old?: revisiting notions of age and ability amongst older entrepreneurs. In 34th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Sustainable futures: enterprising landscapes and communities. Retrieved from
Policy support for SMEs
Blackburn, R., & Smallbone, D. (2011). Policy support for SMEs. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C-GOVERNMENT AND POLICY, 29(4), 571-576. doi:10.1068/c2904ed
Chapter 4: SMEs and Social Dialogue in the New Europe: The Case of Hungary
Smallbone, D., Roman, Z., & Blackburn, R. (2011). Chapter 4: SMEs and Social Dialogue in the New Europe: The Case of Hungary. In Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9780857933539.00011
SMEs and social dialogue in the new Europe: the case of Hungary
Smallbone, D., Roman, Z., & Blackburn, R. (2011). SMEs and social dialogue in the new Europe: the case of Hungary. In HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP POLICIES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (pp. 65-82). Retrieved from
(Work)Life after work: understanding barriers to older entrepreneurship in London
Kibler, E., Wainwright, T., Kautonen, T., & Blackburn, R. (2011). (Work)Life after work: understanding barriers to older entrepreneurship in London. In 56th Annual ICSB World Conference. Retrieved from
Blackburn, R. (2011). Foreword. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781849808453.00005
Unmasking the Entrepreneur
Blackburn, R. (2011). Unmasking the Entrepreneur. MANAGEMENT LEARNING, 42(1), 121-124. doi:10.1177/13505076110420010703
Challenges and Controversies in Management Research
Lee, B., & Cassell, C. (Eds.) (n.d.). Challenges and Controversies in Management Research. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203834114
Small Business and Entrepreneurship An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development of the Field
Xheneti, M., & Blackburn, R. (2011). Small Business and Entrepreneurship An Analysis of Publications and Implications for the Development of the Field. In CHALLENGES AND CONTROVERSIES IN MANAGEMENT RESEARCH (pp. 367-388). Retrieved from
Exploring social barriers to older self-employment
Wainwright, T., Kibler, E., Blackburn, R., & Kautonen, T. (2011). Exploring social barriers to older self-employment. In RENT XXV: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business: 25th Anniversary Conference. Retrieved from
Small company abbreviated accounts: a regulatory burden or a vital disclosure?
Kitching, J., Kasperova, E., Blackburn, R., & Collis, J. (2011). Small company abbreviated accounts: a regulatory burden or a vital disclosure?. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Retrieved from
World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship Foreword
Blackburn, R. (2011). World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship Foreword. In WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP (pp. XIII-XIV). Retrieved from
Advice seeking strategies: entrepreneurs’ and accountants’ perspectives
Blackburn, R., Tanewski, G., & Carey, P. (2010). Advice seeking strategies: entrepreneurs’ and accountants’ perspectives. In RENT XXIV: Research in entrepreneurship and small business. Retrieved from
The year ahead: a view from Britain’s small businesses
Blackburn, R., & Wainwright, T. (2010). The year ahead: a view from Britain’s small businesses. Barclays Bank PLC. Retrieved from
Chapter 8: Exploring Entrepreneurial Exits: A Study of Individual Exit Experiences in Finland and the UK
Aaltonen, S., Blackburn, R., & Heinonen, J. (2010). Chapter 8: Exploring Entrepreneurial Exits: A Study of Individual Exit Experiences in Finland and the UK. In The Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781849805933.00013
Exploring entrepreneurial exits: a study of individual exit experiences in Finland and the UK
Aaltonen, S., Blackburn, R., & Heinonen, J. (2010). Exploring entrepreneurial exits: a study of individual exit experiences in Finland and the UK. In Unknown Book (pp. 145-168). Retrieved from
SME development issues in Europe
Blackburn, R. (2010). SME development issues in Europe. In 7th SMEs in a global economy conference: challenges and prospects. Retrieved from
La contribuio de les petites i mitjanes empreses a l’ocupacio i al creixment
Blackburn, R. A., & Kasperova, E. (2010). La contribuio de les petites i mitjanes empreses a l’ocupacio i al creixment. In A. R. Font, & A. M. R. Penalva (Eds.), Informe economic i social de les Illes Balears 2009 (pp. 242-251). Palma, Majorca: Caixa de Balears "SA NOSTRA". Retrieved from
Small business and entrepreneurship (SBE): an analysis of publications and implications for the development of the field
Xheneti, M., & Blackburn, R. (2010). Small business and entrepreneurship (SBE): an analysis of publications and implications for the development of the field. In Rencontres de St-Gall 2010: Strategic Entrepreneurship ï?? The Promise for Future Entrepreneurship, Family Business and SME Research?. Retrieved from
The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs
Blackburn, R., Carey, P., & Tanewski, G. A. (2010). The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs. In Australian Centre for Financial Studies - Finsia Banking and Finance Conference 2010. Melbourne. Retrieved from
The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs
Blackburn, R., Carey, P., & Tanewski, G. A. (2010). The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs. In 50th AFAANZ Conference. Retrieved from
The role of small and medium practices in providing business support to small- and medium-sized enterprises
Blackburn, R., & Jarvis, R. (2010). The role of small and medium practices in providing business support to small- and medium-sized enterprises (Information Paper April). International Federation of Accountants: International Federation of Accountants. Retrieved from
Storey, D. J., Saridakis, G., Sen-Gupta, S., Edwards, P. K., & Blackburn, R. A. (2010). LINKING HR FORMALITY WITH EMPLOYEE JOB QUALITY: THE ROLE OF FIRM AND WORKPLACE SIZE. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 49(2), 305-329. doi:10.1002/hrm.20347
Business advice to SMEs: professional competence, trust and ethics
Blackburn, R., Carey, P., & Tanewski, G. A. (2010). Business advice to SMEs: professional competence, trust and ethics: ACCA Research Report. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Retrieved from
The eXport factor: British SMEs’ approach to doing business overseas
Blackburn, R., & Wainwright, T. (2010). The eXport factor: British SMEs’ approach to doing business overseas. Barclays. Retrieved from
Understanding the Challenges to Growth in Entrepreneurial Firms: Cases from the UK and USA
Blackburn, R., & Brush, C. (2009). Understanding the Challenges to Growth in Entrepreneurial Firms: Cases from the UK and USA. In Budapest: EIASM.
Pathways to entrepreneurial growth: The influence of management, marketing, and money
Brush, C. G., Ceru, D. J., & Blackburn, R. (2009). Pathways to entrepreneurial growth: The influence of management, marketing, and money. BUSINESS HORIZONS, 52(5), 481-491. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009.05.003
Business strategies and performance during difficult economic conditions
Kitching, J., Blackburn, R., Smallbone, D., & Dixon, S. (2009). Business strategies and performance during difficult economic conditions (09/1031). Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS). Retrieved from
Researching small firms and entrepreneurship: Past, present and future
Blackburn, R., & Kovalainen, A. (2009). Researching small firms and entrepreneurship: Past, present and future. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, 11(2), 127-148. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2370.2008.00254.x
Survey of Londoners who recently set up their own businesses
Parkes, R., Gracie, A., Smith, L., Blackburn, R., & South, R. (2009). Survey of Londoners who recently set up their own businesses. The London Assembly: Prevista. Retrieved from
Growth challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises: a UK-US comparative study
Blackburn, R., Kitching, J., Hart, M., Brush, C., & Ceru, D. (2008). Growth challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises: a UK-US comparative study (URN 09/683). HM Treasury; Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform: Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. Retrieved from
Small firms' strategic stickiness and the impact of state interventions
Blackburn, R., & Smallbone, D. (2008). Small firms' strategic stickiness and the impact of state interventions. In INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND HRM (pp. 305-325). Retrieved from
Business exit as a learning experience: a study of individual experiences in Finland and the UK
Heinonen, J., Aaltonen, S., & Blackburn, R. (2008). Business exit as a learning experience: a study of individual experiences in Finland and the UK. In RENT XXII Conference: Entrepreneurship as an Engine for Regional Development. Retrieved from
Community-based business advice: evidence, practice and sustainability
Blackburn, R., Kitching, J., Smallbone, D., Bednall, T., & Pardo, A. (2008). Community-based business advice: evidence, practice and sustainability. In 31st Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: International Entrepreneurship - promoting excellence in education, research and practice. Retrieved from
Clusters in the new media industry: relevant model or artifact?
Blackburn, R., & Conway, C. (2008). Clusters in the new media industry: relevant model or artifact?. In Rencontres de St-Gall 2008: Innovation, competitiveness, growth and tradition in SMEs. Retrieved from
An examination of employee job quality by workplace size
Storey, D. J., Saridakis, G., Sen-Gupta, S., Edwards, P. K., & Blackburn, R. (2008). An examination of employee job quality by workplace size. In Ciclo de Conferencias Bancaja Jóvenes Emprendedores 2008: Ponentes internacionales expertos.. Retrieved from
Growth challenges for SMEs: a UK-US comparative study
Blackburn, R., Hart, M., & Kitching, J. (2008). Growth challenges for SMEs: a UK-US comparative study. In Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar: SME Growth. Retrieved from
Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SAGE Library in Business and Management)
Blackburn, R., & Brush, C. (Eds.) (2008). Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SAGE Library in Business and Management). Los Angeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore: Sage. Retrieved from
The impact of regulation on small business performance: report for the Enterprise Directorate of BERR
Anyadike-Danes, M., Athayde, R., Blackburn, R., Hart, M., Kitching, J., Smallbone, D., & Wilson, N. (2008). The impact of regulation on small business performance: report for the Enterprise Directorate of BERR (08/806). Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. Retrieved from
Researching small firms and entrepreneurship in the UK: Developments and distinctiveness
Blackburn, R. A., & Smallbone, D. (2008). Researching small firms and entrepreneurship in the UK: Developments and distinctiveness. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, 32(2), 267-288. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6520.2007.00226.x
Does regulation promote small business performance? A critical realist informed approach
Kitching, J., Hart, M., Wilson, N., & Blackburn, R. (2008). Does regulation promote small business performance? A critical realist informed approach. In 31st Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: International Entrepreneurship - promoting excellence in education, research and practice. Retrieved from
Editors’ introduction. "Small business and entrepreneurship: convergence or divergence?"
Blackburn, R., & Brush, C. (2008). Editors’ introduction. "Small business and entrepreneurship: convergence or divergence?". In R. Blackburn, & C. Brush (Eds.), Small business and entrepreneurship (pp. xxvii-lxvi). London, U.K.: Sage Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
Interviews - groups
Blackburn, R. (2008). Interviews - groups. In R. Thorpe, & R. Holt (Eds.), The Sage dictionary of qualitative management research (pp. 122-124). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
Supporting inclusion in enterprise development: final report
Blackburn, R., Hyde, R., Kitching, J., & Smallbone, D. (2007). Supporting inclusion in enterprise development: final report. Small Business Research Centre, Kingston University. Retrieved from
From the margins to the mainstream: the development of research on small business and entrepreneurship in the UK
Blackburn, R. A., & Smallbone, D. (2007). From the margins to the mainstream: the development of research on small business and entrepreneurship in the UK. Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Retrieved from
The business case for sustainability? An examination of small firms in the UK's construction and restaurant sectors
Revell, A., & Blackburn, R. (2007). The business case for sustainability? An examination of small firms in the UK's construction and restaurant sectors. Business Strategy and the Environment, 16(6), 404-420. doi:10.1002/bse.499
Mainstreaming business support targeted at disadvantaged communities
Blackburn, R., Smallbone, D., Hart, M., Eadson, W., & Athayde, R. (2007). Mainstreaming business support targeted at disadvantaged communities. Kingston University. Retrieved from
The analysis of SMEs and some methodological challenges
Blackburn, R., Edwards, P., Storey, D., Saridakis, G., & Sen-Gupta, S. (2007). The analysis of SMEs and some methodological challenges. In K. Whitfield, & K. Huxley (Eds.), Innovations in the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey (pp. 119-145). Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University. Retrieved from
Understanding the relationship between regulation and entrepreneurs: different methods, different understandings
Blackburn, R. (2006). Understanding the relationship between regulation and entrepreneurs: different methods, different understandings. In Understanding the Regulatory Climate for Entrepreneurship and SMEs: Rencontres de St-Gall 2006. Retrieved from
Fix or fixation? The contributions and limitations of entrepreneurship and small firms to combating social exclusion
Blackburn, R. T., & Ram, M. (2006). Fix or fixation? The contributions and limitations of entrepreneurship and small firms to combating social exclusion. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 18(1), 73-89. doi:10.1080/08985620500419566
SMEs, regulation and the role of the accountant
Blackburn, R., Eadson, W., Lefebvre, R., & Gans, P. (2006). SMEs, regulation and the role of the accountant (96). Association of Chartered Certified Accountants: ACCA. Retrieved from
Analysis of the impact of the tax system on the cash flow of small businesses: a report for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
Blackburn, R. A., Hart, M., Smallbone, D., Kitching, J., Eadson, W., & Bannon, K. (2005). Analysis of the impact of the tax system on the cash flow of small businesses: a report for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Retrieved from
Exploring the unforeseen effects of regulation on small firms
Blackburn, R., Smallbone, D., & Hart, M. (2005). Exploring the unforeseen effects of regulation on small firms. In 28th Institute for Small Business and Entreprenuership (ISBE) Conference: Illuminating Entrepreneurship - the theory and practice of enterprise creation and development. Retrieved from
Improving access to business advice in rural areas: an evaluation
Smallbone, D., Kitching, J., Hyde, R., & Blackburn, R. (2005). Improving access to business advice in rural areas: an evaluation. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Retrieved from
Reaching the parts that other policies have failed to reach? Developing ethnic minority business support in the UK through increasing engagement with minority communities
Blackburn, R., Smallbone, D., & Odammten, T. (2005). Reaching the parts that other policies have failed to reach? Developing ethnic minority business support in the UK through increasing engagement with minority communities. In Washington DC. Retrieved from
Understanding business performance: exploring the relative contribution of context, strategy and owner managers’ characteristics
Blackburn, R., & Hart, M. (2005). Understanding business performance: exploring the relative contribution of context, strategy and owner managers’ characteristics. In Understanding business performance: exploring the relative contribution of context, strategy and owner managers' characteristics. In: 50th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2005;. Washington D.C., U.S.A. Retrieved from
Burden of employment regulation in small firms: hyperbole or reality?
Blackburn, R., & Hart, M. (2005). Burden of employment regulation in small firms: hyperbole or reality?. In C. Gray, & G. Bannock (Eds.), Government regulation and the small firm (pp. 53-58). Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Business School. Retrieved from
Labour regulation and SMEs: A challenge to competitiveness and employability?
Hart, M., & Blackburn, R. (2004). Labour regulation and SMEs: A challenge to competitiveness and employability?. In Managing Labour in Small Firms (pp. 133-158). doi:10.4324/9780203495612
Researching the employment relationship in small firms: What are the contributions from the employment relations and small business literatures?
Blackburn, R. (2004). Researching the employment relationship in small firms: What are the contributions from the employment relations and small business literatures?. In Managing Labour in Small Firms (pp. 43-65). doi:10.4324/9780203495612
SMEs and their response to environmental issues in the UK
Revell, A., & Blackburn, R. (2004). SMEs and their response to environmental issues in the UK. Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Retrieved from
Managing Labour in Small Firms
Marlow, S., Ram, M., & Patton, D. (n.d.). Managing Labour in Small Firms. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203495612
Innovation, intellectual property and informality: Evidence from a study of small enterprises and some implications for policy1
Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (2003). Innovation, intellectual property and informality: Evidence from a study of small enterprises and some implications for policy1. In Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms (pp. 19-40). doi:10.4324/9780203466278
Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms
Blackburn, R. (n.d.). Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms. doi:10.4324/9780203466278
Small firms, innovation and intellectual property management: The context and a research agenda
Blackburn, R. A. (2003). Small firms, innovation and intellectual property management: The context and a research agenda. In Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms (pp. 4-18). doi:10.4324/9780203466278
Employment Rights in Small Firms: Some New Evidence, Explanations and Implications
Blackburn, R. (2003). Employment Rights in Small Firms: Some New Evidence, Explanations and Implications. Industrial Law Journal, 32(1), 60-67. doi:10.1093/ilj/32.1.60
Working families’ tax credit and disabled person’s tax credit: the views, attitudes and experiences of employers
Athayde, R., Blackburn, R., Hart, M., & Kitching, J. (2003). Working families’ tax credit and disabled person’s tax credit: the views, attitudes and experiences of employers. Inland Revenue: Kingston Business School, Kingston University. Retrieved from
Revolving doors or one-way exits? What happens to owners that close their business
Stokes, D., & Blackburn, R. (2002). Revolving doors or one-way exits? What happens to owners that close their business. In 25th ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference: Competing Perspectives of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from
Risk capital and the small music business: determinants of investment from an institutionalist perspective
Wilson, N. C., Stokes, D., & Blackburn, R. (2002). Risk capital and the small music business: determinants of investment from an institutionalist perspective. In 25th ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference: Competing Perspectives of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from
Small businesses in the UK: from hard times to great expectations
Blackburn, R. (2002). Small businesses in the UK: from hard times to great expectations. In The 22nd Japanese Annual Small Business Society (JASBS) National Annual Conference: Reexamination of existence based SMEs. Retrieved from
The Quality Business Quality Issues in the Smaller Firm
Blackburn, R., Curran, J., & North, J. (2002). The Quality Business Quality Issues in the Smaller Firm. Routledge.
Learning the hard way: the lessons of owner‐managers who have closed their businesses
Stokes, D., & Blackburn, R. (2002). Learning the hard way: the lessons of owner‐managers who have closed their businesses. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(1), 17-27. doi:10.1108/14626000210419455
The nature of training and motivation to train in small firms
Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (2002). The nature of training and motivation to train in small firms. Department for Education and Skills. Retrieved from
Blackburn, R. (2002). Editorial. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 20(1), 5-6. doi:10.1177/0266242602201001
Small firms’ awareness and knowledge of individual employment rights
Blackburn, R., & Hart, M. (2002). Small firms’ awareness and knowledge of individual employment rights. Department of Trade and Industry: Department of Trade and Industry. Retrieved from
Older people and the enterprise society: Age and self-employment propensities
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (2001). Older people and the enterprise society: Age and self-employment propensities. WORK EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY, 15(4), 889-902. doi:10.1017/S0950017001008893
Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is blight? Employment rights and small firms
Blackburn, R., & Hart, M. (2001). Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is blight? Employment rights and small firms. In 24th ISBA National Small Firms Policy & Research Conference: Exploring the Frontiers of Small Business. Retrieved from
The UK small business research community and its publication channels: perceptions and ratings
Perren, L., Berry, A., & Blackburn, R. (2001). The UK small business research community and its publication channels: perceptions and ratings. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 8(1), 76-90. doi:10.1108/eum0000000006808
Older People and the Enterprise Society: Age and Self-Employment Propensities
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (2001). Older People and the Enterprise Society: Age and Self-Employment Propensities. Work, Employment and Society, 15(4), 889-902. doi:10.1177/095001701400438279
Environmental management and the small firm
Rutherfoord, R., Blackburn, R. A., & Spence, L. J. (2000). Environmental management and the small firm. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 6(6), 310-326. doi:10.1108/13552550010362750
Researching the Small Enterprise
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. (2000). Researching the Small Enterprise. SAGE.
Much ado about nothing? Small rural enterprises and the national minimum wage
Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (2000). Much ado about nothing? Small rural enterprises and the national minimum wage. In 23rd ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference - Small Firms: Adding the Spark. Retrieved from
Making the connection: the effectiveness of Internet training in small businesses
Blackburn, R., & Athayde, R. (2000). Making the connection: the effectiveness of Internet training in small businesses. Education + Training, 42(4/5), 289-299. doi:10.1108/00400910010373723
Breaking Down the Barriers: Using Focus Groups to Research Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Blackburn, R., & Stokes, D. (2000). Breaking Down the Barriers: Using Focus Groups to Research Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 19(1), 44-67. doi:10.1177/0266242600191003
Panacea or white elephant? A critical examination of the proposed new small business service and response to the DTI consultancy paper
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (2000). Panacea or white elephant? A critical examination of the proposed new small business service and response to the DTI consultancy paper. REGIONAL STUDIES, 34(2), 181-189. Retrieved from
A critical examination of the proposed SBS
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. (1999). A critical examination of the proposed SBS. In ISBA Small Firms Policy Forum. Retrieved from
Management training and networking in small and medium-sized enterprises in three European regions: implications for business support
Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (1999). Management training and networking in small and medium-sized enterprises in three European regions: implications for business support. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C-GOVERNMENT AND POLICY, 17(5), 621-635. doi:10.1068/c170621
Intellectual property management in the small and medium enterprise (SME)
Kitching, J., & Blackburn, R. (1998). Intellectual property management in the small and medium enterprise (SME). Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 5(4), 327-335. doi:10.1108/eum0000000006797
Abstracts and Commentaries
Kitching, J., Rutherford, R., North, J., Kuusisto, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (1997). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 15(4), 88-99. doi:10.1177/0266242697154006
Small firms and workforce training: some results, analysis and policy implications from a national survey
Curran, J., Blackburn, R., Kitching, J., & North, J. (1997). Small firms and workforce training: some results, analysis and policy implications from a national survey. In M. Ram, D. Deakins, & D. Smallbone (Eds.), Small Firms: Enterprising Futures (pp. 90-101). London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd. Retrieved from
The future of the small firm in the UK economy
Blackburn, R. (1996). The future of the small firm in the UK economy. Kingston University: Small Business Research Centre, Kingston University. Retrieved from
Abstracts and Commentaries
Read, L., Rutherfoord, R., Hepworth, M., Blackburn, R., Kuusisto, J., & Southern, A. (1996). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 14(2), 69-86. doi:10.1177/0266242696142005
Establishing small firms’ training practices, needs, difficulties and use of industry training organisations
Curran, J., Blackburn, R., Kitching, J., & North, J. (1996). Establishing small firms’ training practices, needs, difficulties and use of industry training organisations. HMSO. Retrieved from
Introduction: The contribution of small firms to economic regeneration
Blackburn, R., & Jennings, P. (1996). Introduction: The contribution of small firms to economic regeneration. In R. Blackburn, & P. Jennings (Eds.), Small firms: contributions to economic regeneration (pp. 1-11). London, U.K.: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
Local authority privatisation and markets for small businesses
Abbott, B., Blackburn, R. A., & Curran, J. (1996). Local authority privatisation and markets for small businesses. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES, 22(3), 72-89. Retrieved from
Small firms: contributions to economic regeneration
Blackburn, R., & Jennings, P. (Eds.) (1996). Small firms: contributions to economic regeneration. London, U.K.: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
The privatisation of local authority services and market opportunities for small firms
Abbott, B., Blackburn, R., & Curran, J. (1996). The privatisation of local authority services and market opportunities for small firms. In R. Blackburn, & P. Jennings (Eds.), Small firms: contributions to economic regeneration (pp. 99-111). London, U.K.: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
Abstracts and Commentaries
Curran, J., Blackburn, R., North, J., Felstead, A., Curran, J., & Blizzard, D. (1995). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 13(4), 97-110. doi:10.1177/0266242695134006
Book Reviews
Blackburn, R. A. (1995). Book Reviews. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 13(3), 103-104. doi:10.1177/0266242695133008
Small firms and local economic networks the death of the local economy?
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (1994). Small firms and local economic networks the death of the local economy?. Sage Publications Ltd.
Abstracts and Commentaries
Curran, J., Jarvis, R., Blackburn, R., Lightfoot, G., North, J., & Kitching, J. (1994). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 12(3), 69-84. doi:10.1177/0266242694123007
Abstracts and Commentaries
Curran, J., Blackburn, R., Stanworth, J., Abbott, B., Kitching, J., & North, J. (1994). Abstracts and Commentaries. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 12(2), 70-83. doi:10.1177/0266242694122007
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Local economies and small firms: a view from the ground
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (1993). Local economies and small firms: a view from the ground. In F. Chittenden, M. Robertson, & D. Watkins (Eds.), Small Firms: Recession and Recovery (pp. 94-112). London, U.K.: Paul Chapman. Retrieved from
Networks and Small Firms: Constructs, Methodological Strategies and Some Findings
Curran, J., Jarvis, R., Blackburn, R. A., & Black, S. (1993). Networks and Small Firms: Constructs, Methodological Strategies and Some Findings. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 11(2), 13-25. doi:10.1177/026624269301100202
The future of the small firm: attitudes of young people to entrepreneurship
Blackburn, R., & Curran, J. (1993). The future of the small firm: attitudes of young people to entrepreneurship. In R. Atkin, E. Chell, & C. Mason (Eds.), New Directions in Small Business Research (pp. 1-17). Aldershot, U.K.: Avebury. Retrieved from
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Small firms and subcontracting: what is it and where?
Blackburn, R. (1992). Small firms and subcontracting: what is it and where?. In P. Leighton, & A. Felstead (Eds.), The new entrepreneurs: self-employment and small business in Europe (pp. 305-321). London, U.K.: Kogan Page. Retrieved from
Paths of Enterprise The Future of Small Business
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (Eds.) (n.d.). Paths of Enterprise. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203976951
Some Theoretical and Conceptual Issues in the Study of Employment Relations in the Small Service Sector Firm
Kitching, J., Blackburn, R., & Curran, J. (1990). Some Theoretical and Conceptual Issues in the Study of Employment Relations in the Small Service Sector Firm. Management Research News, 13(6), 8-9. doi:10.1108/eb028086
Mason, C., Curran, J., Roberts, I., Chell, E., Hobbs, P., & Blackburn, R. A. (1990). Abstracts. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 8(3), 64-78. doi:10.1177/026624269000800306
Youth and the Enterprise Culture
Curran, J., & Blackburn, R. A. (1990). Youth and the Enterprise Culture. British Journal of Education & Work, 4(1), 31-45. doi:10.1080/0269000900040103
Training in the Smaller Business – Investment or Expense?
Blackburn, R., & Hankinson, A. (1989). Training in the Smaller Business – Investment or Expense?. Industrial and Commercial Training, 21(2). doi:10.1108/00197858910133591
The Role of Marketing in the Small Firm: Evidence from a Regional Survey
Watkins, T., & Blackburn, R. (1986). The Role of Marketing in the Small Firm: Evidence from a Regional Survey. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 4(4), 26-38. doi:10.1108/eb045735
David Storey: An Intellectual Pillar in SME and Entrepreneurship Scholarship and Policy Research
Audretsch, D. B., Blackburn, R., Brieger, S. A., Coad, A., McGuire, S., Potter, J., . . . Xheneti, M. (n.d.). David Storey: An Intellectual Pillar in SME and Entrepreneurship Scholarship and Policy Research.