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Richard Turner

Dr Richard Turner
MA (Cantab), MB BChir, PhD, MRCP (UK)


I am an Academic Clinical Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics with General Internal Medicine and an investigator on an MHRA Phase 1-accredited clinical research unit. I am based in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the University of Liverpool, and in Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK. My research interests include genomic-driven precision medicine and both observational and interventional clinical studies.

I graduated in medicine from the University of Cambridge in 2010, moved to Liverpool in 2012 to take up an NIHR academic clinical fellowship, and undertook my PhD as an MRC fellow from 2014-2017 investigating clinical and pharmacogenomic factors associated with statin exposure and muscle toxicity. I currently hold a Health Education England (HEE) Genomics Research and Innovation Fellowship.