Introduction: the Question of Linguistic Idealism
Gaskin, R. (2025). Introduction: the Question of Linguistic Idealism. In R. Gaskin (Ed.), The Question of Linguistic Idealism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Linguistic Idealism and the Genealogy of Negation
Gaskin, R. (2025). Linguistic Idealism and the Genealogy of Negation. In R. Gaskin (Ed.), The Question of Linguistic Idealism. Oxford: OUP.
The Question of Linguistic Idealism
Gaskin, R. (Ed.) (2025). The Question of Linguistic Idealism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dido's Tragedy: a Literary Commentary on Virgil's Fourth Aeneid
Gaskin, R. (n.d.). Dido's Tragedy: a Literary Commentary on Virgil's Fourth Aeneid. Liverpool University Press.
Et iam finis erat (Virgil, Aeneid 1.223): an End to the Puzzle?
Gaskin, R. (n.d.). Et iam finis erat (Virgil, Aeneid 1.223): an End to the Puzzle?. The Classical Journal.
Disjunctivism and the Paradox of Tragedy
Gaskin, R. (n.d.). Disjunctivism and the Paradox of Tragedy. The Philosophical Quarterly. doi:10.1093/pq/pqad123
Future Contingency and Classical Indeterminism
Gaskin, R. (2023). Future Contingency and Classical Indeterminism. Erkenntnis, 88(8), 3313-3330. doi:10.1007/s10670-021-00504-8
Othello and the Problem of Knowledge: Reading Shakespeare through Wittgenstein
Gaskin, R. (n.d.). Othello and the Problem of Knowledge: Reading Shakespeare through Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
On being pessimistic about the end of the Aeneid
Gaskin, R. M. (2021). On being pessimistic about the end of the Aeneid. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 111, 315-368.
Language and World: A Defence of Linguistic Idealism
Gaskin, R. (2020). Language and World: A Defence of Linguistic Idealism. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
A defence of the resemblance meaning of 'What it's like'
Gaskin, R. M. (2019). A defence of the resemblance meaning of 'What it's like'. Mind, 128(511), 673-698. doi:10.1093/mind/fzx023
Critical Notice of P. J. Finglass, Oedipus the King
Gaskin, R. (2019). Critical Notice of P. J. Finglass, Oedipus the King. British Journal of Aesthetics.
From the unity of the proposition to linguistic idealism
Gaskin, R. (2019). From the unity of the proposition to linguistic idealism. Synthese, 196(4), 1325-1342. doi:10.1007/s11229-016-1081-5
Tragedy and Redress in Western Literature: a Philosophical Perspective
Gaskin, R. M. (2018). Tragedy and Redress in Western Literature: a Philosophical Perspective. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Identity and Reference in a Black Universe
Gaskin, R. M. (2016). Identity and Reference in a Black Universe. In P. Stalmaszczyk (Ed.), Philosophical and Linguistic Analyses of Reference (pp. 19-41). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-653-05429-3
The identity Theory of Truth
Gaskin, R. M. (n.d.). The identity Theory of Truth. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
When Logical Atomism Met the Theaetetus: Ryle on Naming and Saying
Gaskin, R. (2013). When Logical Atomism Met the Theaetetus: Ryle on Naming and Saying. In M. Beaney (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reach's Puzzle and Mention
Gaskin, R., & Hill, D. J. (2013). Reach's Puzzle and Mention. DIALECTICA, 67(2), 201-222. doi:10.1111/1746-8361.12021
Horace and Housman
Gaskin, R. (2013). Horace and Housman. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lamb and Horace
Gaskin, R. (2013). Lamb and Horace. Charles Lamb Bulletin, 158, 111-125.
Language, Truth, and Literature: a Defence of Literary Humanism
Gaskin, R. (2013). Language, Truth, and Literature: a Defence of Literary Humanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Meaning, Normativity, and Naturalism
Gaskin, R. (2013). Meaning, Normativity, and Naturalism. In B. Dainton, & H. Robinson (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy (pp. 230-254). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
On Neutral Relations
Gaskin, R., & Hill, D. J. (2012). On Neutral Relations. DIALECTICA, 66(1), 167-186. doi:10.1111/j.1746-8361.2012.01294.x
Reference and the Permutation Argument
Gaskin, R. (2011). Reference and the Permutation Argument. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 111, 295-309.
Bentley's Classicism, Paradise Lost, and the Schema Horatianum'
Gaskin, R. (2010). Bentley's Classicism, Paradise Lost, and the Schema Horatianum'. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 17, 354-365.
Precis of 'The Unity of the Proposition' and Replies to Commentators
Gaskin, R. (2010). Precis of 'The Unity of the Proposition' and Replies to Commentators. Dialectica, 64.
The Unity of the Proposition: Reply to Denyer
Gaskin, R. (2010). The Unity of the Proposition: Reply to Denyer. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 88, 729-730.
John Wyclif and the Theory of Complexly Signifiables
Gaskin, R. (2009). John Wyclif and the Theory of Complexly Signifiables. Vivarium, 47(1), 74-96. doi:10.1163/156853408x345927
Realism and the Picture Theory of Meaning
Gaskin, R. (2009). Realism and the Picture Theory of Meaning. Philosophical Topics, 37, 49-62.
The Unity of the Proposition
Gaskin, R. (2008). The Unity of the Proposition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
Experience and the World's Own Language: A Critique of John McDowell's Empiricism
Gaskin, R. (2006). Experience and the World's Own Language: A Critique of John McDowell's Empiricism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Retrieved from
Complexe significabilia and the formal distinction
Gaskin, R. (2004). Complexe significabilia and the formal distinction. In A. Maierù, & L. Valente (Eds.), Medieval Theories on Assertive and Non-assertive Language (pp. 495-516). Rome: Leo S. Olschki.
Complexe Significabilia and Aristotle's Categories
Gaskin, R. (2003). Complexe Significabilia and Aristotle's Categories. In J. Biard, & I. Rosier-Catach (Eds.), La Tradition Medievale des Categories (pp. 187-205). Louvain: Peeters.
Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy
Gaskin, R. (Ed.) (2001). Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Nonsense and necessity in Wittgenstein's mature philosophy
Gaskin, R. (2001). Nonsense and necessity in Wittgenstein's mature philosophy. In R. Gaskin (Ed.), Grammar in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy (pp. 199-217). London: Routledge.
Ockham's mental language, connotation and the inherence regress
Gaskin, R. (2001). Ockham's mental language, connotation and the inherence regress. In D. Perler (Ed.), Ancient and Medieval Theories of Intentionality (pp. 227-263). Leiden: Brill.
Simplicius on Aristotle Categories 9-15
Gaskin, R. (2000). Simplicius on Aristotle Categories 9-15. London: Duckworth.
The Sea Battle and the Master Argument: Aristotle and Diodorus Cronus on the Metaphysics of the Future
Gaskin, R. (1995). The Sea Battle and the Master Argument: Aristotle and Diodorus Cronus on the Metaphysics of the Future. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.