Interactive and Sculptural Printmaking in the Renaissance, written by Suzanne Karr Schmidt
Bromilow, P. (2019). Interactive and Sculptural Printmaking in the Renaissance, written by Suzanne Karr Schmidt. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6(3), 534-537. doi:10.1163/22141332-00603006-13
Printing the Ties that Bind
Bromilow, P. E. (2019). Printing the Ties that Bind. In C. Emerson (Ed.), 'Le Bel Épy qui foisonne'Collection and Translation in French Print Networks, 1476–1576 (pp. 9-29). Peter Lang. Retrieved from
10. Power through Print
Bromilow, P. (2018). 10. Power through Print. In Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563 (pp. 287-306). Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.1515/9789048533404-012
Power through Print: The works of Hélisenne de Crenne
Bromilow, P. E. (2018). Power through Print: The works of Hélisenne de Crenne. In S. Broomhall (Ed.), Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.5117/9789462983427/ch10
Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563
Broomhall, S., Freccero, C., Bromilow, P., Bouchard, M., Brown, C. J., L'éstrange, E., . . . Crouzet, D. (2018). Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563. Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.5117/9789462983427
The Ideas of Man and Woman in Renaissance France: Print, Rhetoric, and Law
Bromilow, P. (2016). The Ideas of Man and Woman in Renaissance France: Print, Rhetoric, and Law. French History, 30(2), 260-261. doi:10.1093/fh/crw010
Book Reviews
Baker, C., Bromilow, P., Frith, N., Kosniowski, J., Majumdar, M. A., McIlvanney, S., . . . Zayzafoon, L. (2013). Book Reviews. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 16(1), 209-226. doi:10.1386/ijfs.16.1-2.209_5
An Emerging Female Readership of Print in Sixteenth-Century France? Pierre de Changy's Translation of the <i>De institutione feminae Christianae</i> by Juan Luis Vives
Bromilow, P. (2013). An Emerging Female Readership of Print in Sixteenth-Century France? Pierre de Changy's Translation of the <i>De institutione feminae Christianae</i> by Juan Luis Vives. French Studies, 67(2), 155-169. doi:10.1093/fs/kns310
Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600
Bromilow, P. (n.d.). Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315568461
Fictions of Authority: The Case of Helisenne de Crenne's Angoysses douloureuses
Bromilow, P. E. (2013). Fictions of Authority: The Case of Helisenne de Crenne's Angoysses douloureuses. In P. E. Bromilow (Ed.), Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600 (pp. 0-00). Aldershot and New York: Ashgate.
Pollie Bromilow. (2013). READING WOMEN WRITING: FEMALE READERS AND THE <em>ANGOYSSES DOULOUREUSES QUI PROCEDENT D'AMOURS</em> (1538) BY HÉLISENNE DE CRENNE. The Modern Language Review, 108(3), 763. doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.108.3.0763
Rereading Lucretia in the <i>Angoysses douloureuses qui procedent d'amours</i> (1538)
BROMILOW, P. (2012). Rereading Lucretia in the <i>Angoysses douloureuses qui procedent d'amours</i> (1538). Renaissance Studies, 26(3), 399-416. doi:10.1111/j.1477-4658.2011.00739.x
:<i>Histoires prodigieuses (édition de 1561)</i>
Bromilow, P. (2012). :<i>Histoires prodigieuses (édition de 1561)</i>. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 43(1), 219-220. doi:10.1086/scj23210811
:<i>The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne: Negotiating Convention in Books and Documents</i>
Bromilow, P. (2012). :<i>The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne: Negotiating Convention in Books and Documents</i>. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 43(1), 165-166. doi:10.1086/scj23210777
Uncivil Conversation: Etienne Tabourot's Escraignes dijonnoises (1588)
Bromilow, P. E., & al, E. (2011). Uncivil Conversation: Etienne Tabourot's Escraignes dijonnoises (1588). In H. Roberts (Ed.), Obscénités renaissantes/Renaissance Obscenities (pp. 263-273). Geneva: Droz.
La Renaissance des mots: de Jean Lemaire de Belges à Agrippa d'Aubigné La Renaissance des mots: de Jean Lemaire de Belges à Agrippa d'Aubigné. By F <scp>loyd</scp> G <scp>ray</scp> . (Études et essais sur la Renaissance, 78). Paris: Honoré Champion. 2008. 433 pp. Hb €76.00.
Bromilow, P. (2010). La Renaissance des mots: de Jean Lemaire de Belges à Agrippa d'Aubigné La Renaissance des mots: de Jean Lemaire de Belges à Agrippa d'Aubigné. By F <scp>loyd</scp> G <scp>ray</scp> . (Études et essais sur la Renaissance, 78). Paris: Honoré Champion. 2008. 433 pp. Hb €76.00.. French Studies, 64(4), 477. doi:10.1093/fs/knq136
Van Der Hoek, W., Kaminka, G. A., Luck, M., & Sen, S. (2010). Introduction. In Unknown Book (Vol. 1).
‘Les Êpîtres familières et invectives’; ‘Le Songe’ by Hélisenne de Crenne
Bromilow, P. (2010). ‘Les Êpîtres familières et invectives’; ‘Le Songe’ by Hélisenne de Crenne. Modern Language Review, 105(1), 243. doi:10.1353/mlr.2010.0325
<i>Selected Poems and Translations: A Bilingual Edition</i> ‐ by Madeleine de l’Aubespine, ed. and trans. by Anna Kłosowska
Bromilow, P. (2009). <i>Selected Poems and Translations: A Bilingual Edition</i> ‐ by Madeleine de l’Aubespine, ed. and trans. by Anna Kłosowska. Renaissance Studies, 23(1), 131-132. doi:10.1111/j.1477-4658.2008.00546.x
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie d'Agrippa d'Aubigné by La Chapelle, Gilles Banderier
Bromilow, P. (2009). Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vie d'Agrippa d'Aubigné by La Chapelle, Gilles Banderier. Modern Language Review, 104(3), 861. doi:10.1353/mlr.2009.0246
Book Review: Jeanne de Jussie, The Short Chronicle. Edited and translated by Carrie F. Klaus. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxx + 214. £13.50. Louise Labé, Complete Poetry and Prose. Edited with critical introduction and prose translations by Deborah Lesko Baker. Poetry translations by Annie Finch. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxxii + 274. £16.00. Madeleine and Catherine des Roches, From Mother and Daughter: Poems, Dialogues, and Letters of Les Dames des Roches. Edited and translated by Anne R. Larsen. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxxii + 319. £15.50
Bromilow, P. (2008). Book Review: Jeanne de Jussie, The Short Chronicle. Edited and translated by Carrie F. Klaus. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxx + 214. £13.50. Louise Labé, Complete Poetry and Prose. Edited with critical introduction and prose translations by Deborah Lesko Baker. Poetry translations by Annie Finch. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxxii + 274. £16.00. Madeleine and Catherine des Roches, From Mother and Daughter: Poems, Dialogues, and Letters of Les Dames des Roches. Edited and translated by Anne R. Larsen. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006. Pp. xxxii + 319. £15.50. Journal of European Studies, 38(4), 449-452. doi:10.1177/00472441080380040904
Inside Out: Female Bodies in Rabelais
Bromilow, P. (2008). Inside Out: Female Bodies in Rabelais. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 44(1), 27-39. doi:10.1093/fmls/cqm120
Print and Power in France and England, 1500-1800 by David Adams, Adrian Armstrong
Bromilow, P. (2008). Print and Power in France and England, 1500-1800 by David Adams, Adrian Armstrong. Modern Language Review, 103(1), 166-167. doi:10.1353/mlr.2008.0388
The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices by Thomas M. Carr, Jr.
Bromilow, P. (2008). The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices by Thomas M. Carr, Jr.. Modern Language Review, 103(4), 1123-1124. doi:10.1353/mlr.2008.0407
Le Verger fertile des vertus by Madame Du Verger, Philippe Du Verger, Susan Broomhall, Colette H. Winn
Bromilow, P. (2007). Le Verger fertile des vertus by Madame Du Verger, Philippe Du Verger, Susan Broomhall, Colette H. Winn. Modern Language Review, 102(1), 230-231. doi:10.1353/mlr.2007.0102
Models of women in sixteenth-century french literature : female exemplarity in the Histoires tragiques (1559) and the Heptaméron (1559)
Bromilow, P. E. (2007). Models of women in sixteenth-century french literature : female exemplarity in the Histoires tragiques (1559) and the Heptaméron (1559). New York and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen.
Voicing early modern French women in translation: recent publications from the University of Chicago Press
Bromilow, P. (2006). Voicing early modern French women in translation: recent publications from the University of Chicago Press. Journal of European Studies, 36(3), 327-335. doi:10.1177/0047244106064913
Le Dialogue à la Renaissance: histoire et poétique
Bromilow, P. (2006). Le Dialogue à la Renaissance: histoire et poétique. French Studies, 60(2), 266-267. doi:10.1093/fs/knl024
"Ce triste mets": Food for Thought and Punishment in some Renaissance Nouvelles
Bromilow, P. E. (2004). "Ce triste mets": Food for Thought and Punishment in some Renaissance Nouvelles. In J. West-Sooby (Ed.), Consuming Cultures: The Arts of the French Table (pp. 93-102). Newark and Melbourne: University of Delaware Press.
Les femmes lectrices de la fiction au seizième siècle. Enjeux idéologiques d’un lieu commun
Bromilow, P. (n.d.). Les femmes lectrices de la fiction au seizième siècle. Enjeux idéologiques d’un lieu commun. In Lectrices d'Ancien Régime (pp. 261-268). Presses universitaires de Rennes. doi:10.4000/books.pur.35540
The case of Lucretia: Female Exemplarity in Belleforest and Boaistuau's Histoires tragiques and Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron
Bromilow, P. E. (2002). The case of Lucretia: Female Exemplarity in Belleforest and Boaistuau's Histoires tragiques and Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron. In A. Moss, & J. Britnell (Eds.), Female Saints and Sinners; saintes et mondaines (1450-1650) (pp. 163-178). Durham: University of Durham Press.