MEV Sharing with Dynamic Extraction Rates
Braga, P., Chionas, G., Krysta, P., Leonardos, S., Piliouras, G., & Ventre, C. (2024). MEV Sharing with Dynamic Extraction Rates. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Decentralized Finance and Security (pp. 1-10). ACM. doi:10.1145/3689931.3694910
Ultimate Greedy Approximation of Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs
Krysta, P., Mari, M., & Zhi, N. (2024). Ultimate Greedy Approximation of Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs. Algorithmica, 86(11), 3518-3578. doi:10.1007/s00453-024-01268-7
First Order Methods for Geometric Optimization of Crystals: Experimental Analysis
Tsili, A., Dyer, M. S., Gusev, V. V., Krysta, P., & Savani, R. (n.d.). First Order Methods for Geometric Optimization of Crystals: Experimental Analysis. Advanced Theory and Simulations. doi:10.1002/adts.202400124
First Order Methods for Geometric Optimization of Crystals: Theoretical Derivations
Tsili, A., Dyer, M. S., Gusev, V. V., Krysta, P., & Savani, R. (n.d.). First Order Methods for Geometric Optimization of Crystals: Theoretical Derivations. Advanced Theory and Simulations. doi:10.1002/adts.202400125
Who gets the Maximal Extractable Value? A Dynamic Sharing Blockchain Mechanism
Braga, P., Chionas, G., Krysta, P., Leonardos, S., Piliouras, G., & Ventre, C. (2024). Who gets the Maximal Extractable Value? A Dynamic Sharing Blockchain Mechanism. In AAMAS '24: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Power of Posted-price Mechanisms for Prophet Inequalities
Banihashem, K., Hajiaghayi, M., Kowalski, D., Krysta, P., & Olkowski, J. (2024). Power of Posted-price Mechanisms for Prophet Inequalities. In Proceedings 35th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2024).
Online Sampling and Decision Making with Low Entropy
Hajiaghayi, M. T., Kowalski, D. R., Krysta, P., & Olkowski, J. (2024). Online Sampling and Decision Making with Low Entropy. In Proceedings of the Thirty-ThirdInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 4080-4088). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization. doi:10.24963/ijcai.2024/451
Power of Posted-price Mechanisms for Prophet Inequalities
Banihashem, K., Hajiaghayi, M., Kowalski, D. R., Krysta, P., & Olkowski, J. (2024). Power of Posted-price Mechanisms for Prophet Inequalities. In Unknown Conference (pp. 4580-4604). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. doi:10.1137/1.9781611977912.163
Optimality Guarantees for Crystal Structure Prediction
Adamson, D., Gusev, V. V., Deligkas, A., Antypov, D., Collins, C. M., Krysta, P., . . . Rosseinsky, M. J. (2023). Optimality Guarantees for Crystal Structure Prediction. Nature. doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06071-y
Adversarial Contention Resolution Games
Chionas, G., Chlebus, B. S., Kowalski, D. R., & Krysta, P. (2023). Adversarial Contention Resolution Games. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2598-2606). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization. doi:10.24963/ijcai.2023/289
Combinatorial Group Testing with Selfish Agents
Chionas, G., Kowalski, D. R., & Krysta, P. (2023). Combinatorial Group Testing with Selfish Agents. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vol. 36.
Optimal Algorithms for Free Order Multiple-Choice Secretary
Efficient Truthful Scheduling and Resource Allocation through Monitoring
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (n.d.). Efficient Truthful Scheduling and Resource Allocation through Monitoring. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 35 (pp. 5423-5431). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). doi:10.1609/aaai.v35i6.16683
Ultimate greedy approximation of independent sets in subcubic graphs
Ultimate greedy approximation of independent sets in subcubic graphs
Krysta, P. J., Mari, M., & Zhi, N. (2020). Ultimate greedy approximation of independent sets in subcubic graphs. In SODA '20: Proceeding of the 31st annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (pp. 1436-1455). Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Retrieved from
Truthful Mechanisms for Multi Agent Self-Interested Correspondence Selection
Zhi, N., Payne, T. R., Krysta, P., & li, M. (2019). Truthful Mechanisms for Multi Agent Self-Interested Correspondence Selection. In The 18th International Semantic Web Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30793-6_42
Size versus truthfulness in the House Allocation problem
Krysta, P., Manlove, D., Rastegari, B., & Zhang, J. (2019). Size versus truthfulness in the House Allocation problem. Algorithmica: an international journal in computer science, 81, 3422-3463. doi:10.1007/s00453-019-00584-7
Network Pollution Games
Anastasiadis, E., Deng, X., Krysta, P. J., Li, M., Qiao, H., & Zhang, J. (2019). Network Pollution Games. Algorithmica: an international journal in computer science, 81(1), 124-166. doi:10.1007/s00453-018-0435-4
The Power of Verification for Greedy Mechanism Design
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2018). The Power of Verification for Greedy Mechanism Design. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 62, 459-488. doi:10.1613/jair.1.11215
Learning Powers of Poisson Binomial Distributions
Mechanism Design for Ontology Alignment
Krysta, P., Li, M., Payne, T. R., & Zhi, N. (2017). Mechanism Design for Ontology Alignment. In AAMAS '17 Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 1587). São Paulo, Brazil.
Combinatorial Auctions Without Money
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2017). Combinatorial Auctions Without Money. Algorithmica, 77(3), 756-785. doi:10.1007/s00453-015-0105-8
House Markets with Matroid and Knapsack Constraints
Krysta, P. J., & Zhang, J. (2016). House Markets with Matroid and Knapsack Constraints. In 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016). Vol. 55 (pp. 141:1-141:14). doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2016.141
New Results for Network Pollution Games
Anastasiadis, E., Deng, X., Krysta, P. J., Li, M., Qiao, H., & Zhang, J. (2016). New Results for Network Pollution Games. In 22nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'16).
Network Pollution Games
Anastasiadis, E., Deng, X., Krysta, P., Li, M., Qiao, H., & Zhang, J. (2016). Network pollution games. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS (pp. 23-31).
Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents
Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2016). Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents. In Encyclopedia of Algorithms (pp. 2312-2318). Springer New York. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-2864-4_454
Mechanisms for Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions with a Few Distinct Goods
Krysta, P., Telelis, O., & Ventre, C. (2015). Mechanisms for Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions with a Few Distinct Goods. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH, 53, 721-744. doi:10.1613/jair.4587
Combinatorial auctions with verification are tractable
Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2015). Combinatorial auctions with verification are tractable. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 571, 21-35. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2015.01.001
Near-optimal approximation mechanisms for multi-unit combinatorial auctions
Krysta, P., Telelis, O., & Ventre, C. (2015). Near-optimal approximation mechanisms for multi-unit combinatorial auctions. In IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 2015-January (pp. 4275-4281).
The Power of Verification for Greedy Mechanism Design
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2015). The Power of Verification for Greedy Mechanism Design. In 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015).
The power of verification for greedy mechanism design
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2015). The power of verification for greedy mechanism design. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS Vol. 1 (pp. 307-315).
Size versus truthfulness in the House Allocation problem
Combinatorial Auctions without money
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2014). Combinatorial Auctions without money. In 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2014 Vol. 2 (pp. 1029-1036).
Size versus truthfulness in the house allocation problem
Krysta, P., Manlove, D., Rastegari, B., & Zhang, J. (2014). Size versus truthfulness in the house allocation problem. In EC '14: Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Economics and computatio (pp. 453-470). Stanford , CA, USA. doi:10.1145/2600057.2602868
Grandoni, F., Krysta, P., Leonardi, S., & Ventre, C. (2014). UTILITARIAN MECHANISM DESIGN FOR MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION. SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING, 43(4), 1263-1290. doi:10.1137/130913602
Combinatorial Auctions without Money
Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies
Goldberg, L. A., Goldberg, P. W., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2013). Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies. Theoretical Computer Science, 476, 24-37. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2013.01.013
Ranking Games that have Competitiveness-based Strategies
Mechanisms for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions with a Few Distinct Goods
Krysta, P., Telelis, O., & Ventre, C. (2013). Mechanisms for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions with a Few Distinct Goods. In 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2013) (pp. 691-698). Saint Paul, MN, USA.
Stackelberg Network Pricing Games
Briest, P., Hoefer, M., & Krysta, P. (2012). Stackelberg Network Pricing Games. Algorithmica, 62(3-4), 733-753. doi:10.1007/s00453-010-9480-3
Limited Supply Online Auctions for Revenue Maximization
Krysta, P., & Telelis, O. (2012). Limited Supply Online Auctions for Revenue Maximization. In 8th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2012) (pp. ???). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Limited Supply Online Auctions for Revenue Maximization
Krysta, P., & Telelis, O. (2012). Limited Supply Online Auctions for Revenue Maximization. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 519-525). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35311-6_41
Online Mechanism Design (Randomized Rounding on the Fly)
Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2012). Online Mechanism Design (Randomized Rounding on the Fly). In Unknown Conference (pp. 636-647). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5_56
Algorithmic Game Theory
Persiano, G. (Ed.) (2011). Algorithmic Game Theory. In . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24829-0
Approximation Techniques for Utilitarian Mechanism Design
Briest, P., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2011). Approximation Techniques for Utilitarian Mechanism Design. SIAM Journal on Computing, 40(6), 1587-1622. doi:10.1137/090772988
Buying Cheap Is Expensive: Approximability of Combinatorial Pricing Problems
Briest, P., & Krysta, P. (2011). Buying Cheap Is Expensive: Approximability of Combinatorial Pricing Problems. SIAM Journal on Computing, 40(6), 1554-1586. doi:10.1137/090752353
Externalities among Advertisers in Sponsored Search
Fotakis, D., Krysta, P., & Telelis, O. (2011). Externalities among Advertisers in Sponsored Search. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 105-116). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24829-0_11
Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies
Goldberg, L. A., Goldberg, P. W., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2010). Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 335-344). ACM. doi:10.1145/1807342.1807396
Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Multi-Objective Optimization
Grandoni, F., Krysta, P., Leonardi, S., & Ventre, C. (2010). Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Multi-Objective Optimization. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 573-584). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. doi:10.1137/1.9781611973075.48
Combinatorial Auctions with Verification Are Tractable
Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2010). Combinatorial Auctions with Verification Are Tractable. In Unknown Conference (pp. 39-50). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15781-3_4
Combinatorial auctions with externalities
Krysta, P., Michalak, T. P., Sandholm, T., & Wooldridge, M. (2010). Combinatorial auctions with externalities. In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS '10) (pp. 1471-1472). Atlanta: IFAAMAS. doi:10.1145/1838206.1838437
Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies
Goldberg, L. A., Goldberg, P. W., Krysta, P., & Ventre, C. (2010). Ranking games that have competitiveness-based strategies. In ACM conference on Electronic commerce (pp. 335-344). Boston, USA: ACM. Retrieved from
Selfish Traffic Allocation for Server Farms
Czumaj, A., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2010). Selfish Traffic Allocation for Server Farms. SIAM Journal on Computing, 39(5), 1957-1987. doi:10.1137/070693862
Stackelberg Network Pricing Games
Briest, P., Hoefer, M., & Krysta, P. (2008). Stackelberg Network Pricing Games. In Dans Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science - STACS 2008, Bordeaux : France (2008). Retrieved from
Stackelberg Network Pricing Games
On the Approximability of Combinatorial Exchange Problems
Babaioff, M., Briest, P., & Krysta, P. (2008). On the Approximability of Combinatorial Exchange Problems. In Unknown Conference (pp. 83-94). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-79309-0_9
Social Context Games
Ashlagi, I., Krysta, P., & Tennenholtz, M. (2008). Social Context Games. In Unknown Conference (pp. 675-683). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-92185-1_73
Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents
Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2008). Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents. In Encyclopedia of Algorithms (pp. 997-1001). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-30162-4_454
Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents
Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2008). Utilitarian Mechanism Design for Single-Minded Agents. In Encyclopedia of Algorithms (pp. 1-99). Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-30162-4_454
An Experimental Study of the Misdirection Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions
Knoche, J., & Krysta, P. (2007). An Experimental Study of the Misdirection Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions. In Unknown Conference (pp. 265-278). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/11970125_21
Buying Cheap is Expensive: Hardness of Non-Parametric Multi-Product Pricing
Briest, P., & Krysta, P. (2007). Buying Cheap is Expensive: Hardness of Non-Parametric Multi-Product Pricing. In ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 716-725). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
Computing equilibria for a service provider game with (Im)perfect information
Beier, R., Czumaj, A., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2006). Computing equilibria for a service provider game with (Im)perfect information. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2(4), 679-706. doi:10.1145/1198513.1198524
Efficient approximation algorithms for the achromatic number
Krysta, P., & Loryś, K. (2006). Efficient approximation algorithms for the achromatic number. Theoretical Computer Science, 361(2-3), 150-171. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2006.05.007
Single-minded unlimited supply pricing on sparse instances
Briest, P., & Krysta, P. (2006). Single-minded unlimited supply pricing on sparse instances. In Proceedings of the seventeenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithm - SODA '06 (pp. 1093-1102). ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1109557.1109678
Approximation techniques for utilitarian mechanism design
Briest, P., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2005). Approximation techniques for utilitarian mechanism design. In Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (pp. 39-48). ACM. doi:10.1145/1060590.1060597
Bicriteria Network Design via Iterative Rounding
Krysta, P. (2005). Bicriteria Network Design via Iterative Rounding. In Unknown Conference (pp. 179-187). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/11533719_20
Geometric Network Design with Selfish Agents
Hoefer, M., & Krysta, P. (2005). Geometric Network Design with Selfish Agents. In Unknown Conference (pp. 167-178). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/11533719_19
Greedy Approximation via Duality for Packing, Combinatorial Auctions and Routing
Krysta, P. (2005). Greedy Approximation via Duality for Packing, Combinatorial Auctions and Routing. In Unknown Conference (pp. 615-627). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/11549345_53
Computing equilibria for congestion games with (im)perfect information
Beier, R., Czumaj, A., Krysta, P., & Voecking, B. (2004). Computing equilibria for congestion games with (im)perfect information. In ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 746-755). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
Approximating minimum size {1,2}-connected networks
Krysta, P. (2003). Approximating minimum size {1,2}-connected networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 125(2-3), 267-288. doi:10.1016/s0166-218x(02)00199-3
An Experimental Study of k-Splittable Scheduling for DNS-Based Traffic Allocation
Agarwal, A., Agarwal, T., Chopra, S., Feldmann, A., Kammenhuber, N., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2003). An Experimental Study of k-Splittable Scheduling for DNS-Based Traffic Allocation. In Unknown Conference (pp. 230-235). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45209-6_35
Optimizing misdirection
Berman, P., & Krysta, P. (2003). Optimizing misdirection. In ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 192-201). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM. doi:10.1145/644108.644142
Scheduling and Traffic Allocation for Tasks with Bounded Splittability
Krysta, P., Sanders, P., & Vöcking, B. (2003). Scheduling and Traffic Allocation for Tasks with Bounded Splittability. In Unknown Conference (pp. 500-510). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45138-9_44
Selfish traffic allocation for server farms
Czumaj, A., Krysta, P., & Vöcking, B. (2002). Selfish traffic allocation for server farms. In Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (pp. 287-296). ACM. doi:10.1145/509907.509952
Approximability of Dense and Sparse Instances of Minimum 2-Connectivity, TSP and Path Problems
Csaba, B., Karpinski, M., & Krysta, P. (2002). Approximability of Dense and Sparse Instances of Minimum 2-Connectivity, TSP and Path Problems. In ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 74-83). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM. doi:10.1145/545381.545390
Krysta, P., & Solis-Oba, R. (2001). Unknown Title. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 5(2), 233-247. doi:10.1023/a:1011465419252
Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Size 2-Connectivity Problems
Krysta, P., & Kumar, V. S. A. (2001). Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Size 2-Connectivity Problems. In Unknown Conference (pp. 431-442). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-44693-1_38
The STO problem is NP-complete
Krysta, P., & Pacholski, L. (1999). The STO problem is NP-complete. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 27(2), 207-219. doi:10.1006/jsco.1998.0249
Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Facility Location
Krysta, P., & Solis-Oba, R. (1999). Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Facility Location. In Unknown Conference (pp. 241-250). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-48686-0_24
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for the Achromatic Number
Krysta, P., & Loryś, K. (1999). Efficient Approximation Algorithms for the Achromatic Number. In Unknown Conference (pp. 402-413). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-48481-7_35
External inverse pattern matching
Gasieniec, L., Indyk, P., & Krysta, P. (1997). External inverse pattern matching. In Unknown Conference (pp. 90-101). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-63220-4_53