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Mr Peter Farrall
BA, Dip Arch, RIBA


+44 (0)151 794 2887

Professional Activities

I am a member of the RIBA and sit on the Part 3 education steering committee, I am an examiner for Part 3 (final profesional examination) for the RIBA, University of Westmnster, and The Bartlet (UCL). I lecture on Part 3 matters for the RIBA, and the universities of UCA, UCL and UCLAN as well as internationally for the RIBA in Dubai, Hong Kong, and NYC. I deliver Continuing Professional Development lectures as part of the RIBA's Core (compulsory) programme on the subjects of Fees and Business resilience. I am involved with the RIBA Local Branch in Chester and Liverpool (LAS) where I am past president. I have previouly been a member of the RIBA National Council and a member of teh professional conduct committee