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Oluwaseun Esan

Dr Oluwaseun Esan
BSc.(Hons), MSc., DPhil, AFHEA

NIHR School for Public Health Research Post-doctoral Launching Fellow
Public Health, Policy & Systems


I am an NIHR School for Public Health Research Post-doctoral Launching Fellow working within the Children, young people and families as well as the health inequalities themes. I have an interest in health inequalities in maternal, neonatal and child health working with colleagues in the Health Inequalities Policy Research (HIP-R) unit of the Department of Public Health Policy and Systems. I primarily use quantitative epidemiological methods applied to real-world evidence and large, complex data sets. For my fellowship, I am exploring the intersections of ethnic and socio-economic health inequalities in maternal and child health using interdisciplinary approaches.

Previously, I was the Principal Investigator of a £51.973 project commissioned: Mapping existing policy interventions to tackle ethnic health inequalities in maternal and neonatal health ( through competitive tendering by the NHS Race and Health Observatory . I have also worked on the UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry data as part of the CF PROSPER project to investigate the outcomes of pregnancy in women with Cystic Fibrosis.

I was awarded Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Authority in 2022 in recognition for my contribution as lead for the Health Protection component of the undergraduate MBCHB programme at the University of Liverpool where I have developed and delivered small group teaching and I also contribute to the Masters in Health Data Science.

Prior to joining HIP-R, I completed my DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford, where I used primary care (CPRD) linked to hospital (HES), deaths (ONS), deprivation (IMD) data and laboratory data (PHE) to determine the incidence of sequelae of gastrointestinal infections, the associated risk factors, and the economic burden to the NHS in England.

Prior to my DPhil, I held various roles with Public Health England spanning assay development for dengue fever, surveillance of infectious diseases (sexually transmitted infections, gastrointestinal infections), outbreak response (pandemic Influenza, gastrointestinal infections) to public health intelligence (developing an Excess Winter Deaths Atlas for England to support local joint needs strategic assessment and commissioning of services). I have a BSc. (Hons) in Microbiology and an MSc. in Clinical Microbiology (Distinction) both obtained from the University of Nottingham.