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Olivier Sykes

Dr Olivier Sykes

Discipline Lead for Planning and Senior Lecturer in European Spatial Planning
Geography and Planning


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International Planning Studies

Sykes, O., Shaw, D., & Webb, B. (2023). International Planning Studies. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.



Sturzaker, J., & Sykes, O. (2023). Conclusion. In Planning in a Failing State (pp. 160-182). Policy Press. doi:10.51952/9781447365075.ch010



Sykes, O., & Sturzaker, J. (2023). Introduction. In Planning in a Failing State: Reforming Spatial Governance in England (pp. 1-18).


Localism: the peccadillos of a panacea

Sturzaker, J., & Sykes, O. (2023). Localism: the peccadillos of a panacea. In Planning in a Failing State (pp. 38-55). Policy Press. doi:10.56687/9781447365075-006


Planning in a failing state: Reforming spatial governance in England

Sykes, O., & Sturzaker, J. (2023). Planning in a failing state: Reforming spatial governance in England.



Sykes, O. (2023). EDITORIAL. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 7(1).

Journal article

International planning studies — defining and exploring an evolving field

Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2023). International planning studies — defining and exploring an evolving field. Town and Country Planning.

Journal article


International Planning Studies

Sykes, O., Shaw, D., & Webb, B. (2023). International Planning Studies. Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-5407-8



Sykes, O., & Chen, C. -L. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 6(1), i. doi:10.24306/traesop.2022.01.000

Journal article



Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 5(2), i-ii. doi:10.24306/traesop.2021.02.000

Journal article

Reurbanisation and suburbia in Northwest Europe: A comparative perspective on spatial trends and policy approaches

Dembski, S., Sykes, O., Couch, C., Desjardins, X., Evers, D., Osterhage, F., . . . Zimmermann, K. (2021). Reurbanisation and suburbia in Northwest Europe: A comparative perspective on spatial trends and policy approaches. PROGRESS IN PLANNING, 150. doi:10.1016/j.progress.2019.100462

Journal article


Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i-ii. doi:10.24306/traesop.2021.01.e

Journal article

Acting for cities and towns? The perpetual reinvention of categories and tools of national urban policies in France

Demazière, C., & Sykes, O. (2021). Acting for cities and towns? The perpetual reinvention of categories and tools of national urban policies in France. In A Modern Guide to National Urban Policies in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109058.00007


Territorial impact assessment: a policy assessment-like strategic environmental assessment in action

Marot, N., Fischer, T. B., Sykes, O., Golobič, M., Muthoora, T., & González, A. (2021). Territorial impact assessment: a policy assessment-like strategic environmental assessment in action. In Handbook on Strategic Environmental Assessment (pp. 58-79). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781789909937.00014


Putting the COVID-19 pandemic into perspective: urban planning scholars react to a changed world

Dockerill, B., Hess, D. B., Lord, A., Sturzaker, J., & Sykes, O. (2021). Putting the COVID-19 pandemic into perspective: urban planning scholars react to a changed world. Town Planning Review, 92(1), 1-2. doi:10.3828/tpr.2021.1

Journal article



Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 4(2), i. doi:10.24306/traesop.2020.02.e

Journal article

Levelling up without the EU Structural Funds

Sykes, O., & Nurse, A. (2020). Levelling up without the EU Structural Funds. In What will it really take to level-up? (pp. 128-142). London: Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS ).


Integrating planning and environmental protection: an analysis of post-Brexit regulatory styles and practitioner attitudes in the UK

Sykes, O., & Fischer, T. (2020). Integrating planning and environmental protection: an analysis of post-Brexit regulatory styles and practitioner attitudes in the UK. Planning Theory and Practice.

Journal article

Heritage conservation through planning: A comparison of policies and principles in England and China

Chen, F., Ludwig, C., & Sykes, O. (2020). Heritage conservation through planning: A comparison of policies and principles in England and China. Planning Practice and Research. doi:10.1080/02697459.2020.1752472

Journal article



Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i-ii. doi:10.24306/traesop.2019.02.e

Journal article

The Rise of the Metropolitan City Region? Exploring the Establishment of New Levels of Local Government in England and France

Sykes, O. J. (2019). The Rise of the Metropolitan City Region? Exploring the Establishment of New Levels of Local Government in England and France. In S. Armondi, & S. De Gregorio Hurtado (Eds.), Foregrounding Urban Agendas -The New Urban Issue in European Experiences of Policy-Making (pp. 185-209). Cham: Springer. Retrieved from


Conference report the 2019 conference of the French and British Planning Study Group, the Governance of Metropolises and City Regions: Territorial Reforms, Spatial Imaginaries and New Forms of Cooperation, Tours Polytechnic, Tours, 11-12 April 2019

Demazière, C., Sykes, O., Desjardins, X., & Nurse, A. (2019). Conference report the 2019 conference of the French and British Planning Study Group, the Governance of Metropolises and City Regions: Territorial Reforms, Spatial Imaginaries and New Forms of Cooperation, Tours Polytechnic, Tours, 11-12 April 2019. In Town Planning Review Vol. 90 (pp. 571-578). doi:10.3828/tpr.2019.36

Conference Paper

Cross-national comparative research in planning – some things to consider

Sykes, O., & Dembski, S. (2019). Cross-national comparative research in planning – some things to consider. Town and Country Planning, 88(7), 312-319.

Journal article


Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (2019). EDITORIAL. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 3(1), i-ii.

Journal article


Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i-ii. doi:10.24306/traesop.2019.01.e

Journal article


Neo-liberalization Processes and Spatial Planning in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: An Exploration

Waterhout, B., Othengrafen, F., & Sykes, O. (2018). Neo-liberalization Processes and Spatial Planning in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: An Exploration. In Spatial Planning and the New Localism (pp. 141-159). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315541051-9


Regions to be Fearful?

Sykes, O. J., & O'Brien, P. (2018). Regions to be Fearful?. Town and Country Planning, 96-99.

Journal article


Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i-ii. doi:10.24306/traesop.2018.01.e

Journal article


What about the Urban Periphery? The Effects of the Urban Renaissance in the Mersey Belt

Dembski, S., Schulze Bäing, A., & Sykes, O. J. (2017). What about the Urban Periphery? The Effects of the Urban Renaissance in the Mersey Belt. Comparative Population Studies, 42, 219-244. doi:10.12765/CPoS-2017-14en

Journal article

Another Country

Sykes, O. J., & Desjardins, X. (2017). Another Country. Town and Country Planning.

Journal article

Cities and regional development in England

Sykes, O., & Nurse, A. (2017). Cities and regional development in England. Pôle Sud, n° 46(1), 79-96. doi:10.3917/psud.046.0079

Journal article


Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i. doi:10.24306/transactions.02

Journal article


Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., Frank, A., Karadimitriou, N., & Sykes, O. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, i. doi:10.24306/traesop.2017.01.e

Journal article

Cities and Regional Development in England – a festival of scales and regions?

Sykes, O. J., & Nurse, A. (2017). Cities and Regional Development in England – a festival of scales and regions?. Pôle Sud, 2017(1).

Journal article


An Idea of Europe? An Idea of Planning

Sykes, O. J., & Schulze-Baeing, A. (2016). An Idea of Europe? An Idea of Planning. Town and Country Planning -London- Town and Country Planning Association-.

Journal article

“We’ll Always Have Paris”

Sykes, O. J. (2016). “We’ll Always Have Paris”. Town and Country Planning -London- Town and Country Planning Association-.

Journal article

Englishman’s Castle, Slum or Cultural Icon? – the fall and rise of the terraced house

Sykes, O. J. (2016). Englishman’s Castle, Slum or Cultural Icon? – the fall and rise of the terraced house. Retrieved from

Website content


The evolving context for territorial development policy and governance in Europe - from shifting paradigms to new policy approaches

O'Brien, P., Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2015). The evolving context for territorial development policy and governance in Europe - from shifting paradigms to new policy approaches. INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE, 79(1), 72-97. doi:10.3917/lig.791.0072

Journal article

Territorial Impact Assessment of European Draft Directives-The Emergence of a New Policy Assessment Instrument

Fischer, T. B., Sykes, O., Gore, T., Marot, N., Golobic, M., Pinho, P., . . . Perdicoulis, A. (2015). Territorial Impact Assessment of European Draft Directives-The Emergence of a New Policy Assessment Instrument. EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 23(3), 433-451. doi:10.1080/09654313.2013.868292

Journal article

L'évolution des conceptions du développment territorial et de la gouvernance en Europe: des paradigmes en mutation aux nouvelles approches politiques

O'Brien, P. P., Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2015). L'évolution des conceptions du développment territorial et de la gouvernance en Europe: des paradigmes en mutation aux nouvelles approches politiques. L'Information Géographique.

Journal article


Derailed: understanding the implementation failures of Merseytram

Smith, M., Sykes, O., & Fischer, T. (2014). Derailed: understanding the implementation failures of Merseytram. Town Planning Review, 85(2), 237-260. doi:10.3828/tpr.2014.15

Journal article

Educating 'world professionals'? The challenges of internationalisation and the planning curriculum

Sykes, O., Webb, B., Schulze-Baeing, A., & Sturzaker, J. (2014). Educating 'world professionals'? The challenges of internationalisation and the planning curriculum. International Planning Studies.

Journal article

Evolving conceptions of regional policy in Europe and their influence across different territorial scales

O'Brien, P., Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2014). Evolving conceptions of regional policy in Europe and their influence across different territorial scales. In I. Deas, & S. Hincks (Eds.), Alternative Paths to Territorial Policy and Governance (pp. 15). London: Routledge.


Introduction Linking rail and urban development: reflections on French and British experience

Desjardins, X., Maulat, J., & Sykes, O. (2014). Introduction Linking rail and urban development: reflections on French and British experience. Town Planning Review, 85(2), 143-154. doi:10.3828/tpr.2014.9

Journal article

Tracks of My Tears? The Edinburgh Trams in Context

Desjardins, X., Smith, M., & Sykes, O. (2014). Tracks of My Tears? The Edinburgh Trams in Context. Town and Country Planning, 4.

Journal article


A <i>City Profile</i> of Liverpool

Sykes, O., Brown, J., Cocks, M., Shaw, D., & Couch, C. (2013). A <i>City Profile</i> of Liverpool. CITIES, 35, 299-318. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2013.03.013

Journal article

The changing context of urban regeneration in North West Europe

The changing context of urban regeneration in North West Europe (2013). In The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration (pp. 53-64). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203108581-13


Neo-liberalization Processes and Spatial Planning in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: An Exploration

Waterhout, B., Othengrafen, F., & Sykes, O. (2013). Neo-liberalization Processes and Spatial Planning in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: An Exploration. Planning Practice and Research, 28(1), 141-159. doi:10.1080/02697459.2012.699261

Journal article

A City Profile of Liverpool

Sykes, O., Brown, J., Cocks, M., Shaw, D., & Couch, C. (2013). A City Profile of Liverpool. Cities, 20.

Journal article

Can less sometimes be more? Integrating land use and transport planning on Merseyside (1965–2008)

Fischer, T. B., Smith, M., & Sykes, O. (2013). Can less sometimes be more? Integrating land use and transport planning on Merseyside (1965–2008). Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 1(1), 1-27. doi:10.1080/21650020.2013.866876

Journal article

Entering Unknown Territory?

Sykes, O. (2013). Entering Unknown Territory?. Town and Country Planning, 5.

Journal article

Pulling the Right Levers?

Brown, J., Sykes, O., & Wray, I. (2013). Pulling the Right Levers?. Town and Country Planning, 5.

Journal article

Remembering the legacy of 'le baron', 160 years on

Sykes, O. (2013). Remembering the legacy of 'le baron', 160 years on. Town and Country Planning, 6.

Journal article


'For a Few Euros More?'

Sykes, O. (2012). 'For a Few Euros More?'. Town and Country Planning, 3.

Journal article

'In Europe 2012'

Sykes, O. (2012). 'In Europe 2012'. Town and Country Planning, 3.

Journal article


Investigating Sub-state Interpretations of European Territorial Cohesion: The Case of the United Kingdom

Sykes, O. (2011). Investigating Sub-state Interpretations of European Territorial Cohesion: The Case of the United Kingdom. International Planning Studies, 16(4), 377-396. doi:10.1080/13563475.2011.618026

Journal article

Whither a Europe of the (English) regions? Reflections on the prospects for the representation of English territorial interests in Europe

Sykes, O., & Lord, A. (2011). Whither a Europe of the (English) regions? Reflections on the prospects for the representation of English territorial interests in Europe. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 26(6-7), 486-499. doi:10.1177/0269094211418895

Journal article

'Sustaining a Territorial Agenda for the EU?'

Sykes, O. (2011). 'Sustaining a Territorial Agenda for the EU?'. Town and Country Planning, 3.

Journal article

European Cities and Capitals of Culture - A comparative approach - Introduction to the Special Issue

Sykes, O. (2011). European Cities and Capitals of Culture - A comparative approach - Introduction to the Special Issue. Town Planning Review, 82.1, 1-12.

Journal article

Introduction: European cities and capitals of culture – a comparative approach

Sykes, O. (2011). Introduction: European cities and capitals of culture – a comparative approach. Town Planning Review, 82(1), 1-12. doi:10.3828/tpr.2011.8

Journal article

Liverpool: European Capital of Culture

Sykes, O., & Brown, J. (2011). Liverpool: European Capital of Culture. CURB Magazine, 2(1), 18-20.

Journal article

Making the case for participatory TIA

Fischer, T. B., Sykes, O., & Gore, T. (2011). Making the case for participatory TIA. Town and Country Planning, 80(4), 204-207.

Journal article

New Visions for Cities and Regions in Europe?

Sykes, O. (2011). New Visions for Cities and Regions in Europe?. Town and Country Planning, 100-104.

Journal article

Sustaining a Territorial Agenda for the EU?

Sykes, O. J. (2011). Sustaining a Territorial Agenda for the EU?. Town and Country Planning, 352-355.

Journal article

Talking Territorial Cohesion Views'

Sykes, O. (2011). Talking Territorial Cohesion Views'. International Planning Studies.

Journal article

Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency

Couch, C., Sykes, O., & Börstinghaus, W. (2011). Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: The importance of context and path dependency. Progress in Planning, 75(1), 1-52. doi:10.1016/j.progress.2010.12.001

Journal article

Whither a Europe of the (English) regions? Reflections on the prospects for the

Sykes, O. J., & Lord, A. D. (2011). Whither a Europe of the (English) regions? Reflections on the prospects for the. Local Economy.

Journal article


The Changing Context of Urban Regeneration in North West Europe

Couch, C., Sykes, O., & Cocks, M. (n.d.). The Changing Context of Urban Regeneration in North West Europe. In The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203108581.ch2


'Territorial Cohesion Policy - into the 2010s'

Sykes, O. (2010). 'Territorial Cohesion Policy - into the 2010s'. Town and Country Planning, 101-103.

Journal article

All Quiet on the European Front?

Sykes, O. J. (2010). All Quiet on the European Front?. Town and Country Planning, 451-455.

Journal article

Another Europe

Sykes, O. (2010). Another Europe. Town and Country Planning, 203-207.

Journal article

Internationalisation of the planning curriculum through cross-national cooperation: reflections on the AESOP Excellence in Teaching Prize 2009

Sykes, O., & Prigent, L. (2010). Internationalisation of the planning curriculum through cross-national cooperation: reflections on the AESOP Excellence in Teaching Prize 2009. Journal for Education in the Built Environment, 7(1), 67-79.

Journal article

La nouvelle planification spatiale régionale en Angleterre : un pari gagné ou une ambition qu'il reste à réaliser?

Sykes, O. J. (2010). La nouvelle planification spatiale régionale en Angleterre : un pari gagné ou une ambition qu'il reste à réaliser?. L'Information géographique, 74, 91-115.

Journal article

Planning in a World Container

Sykes, O. J., Lord, A., & Jha-Thakur, U. (2010). Planning in a World Container. Town and Country Planning, ,, 47-51.

Journal article


Planning Theory or Planning Theories? The Hydra Model and its Implications for Planning Education

Ferreira, A., Sykes, O., & Batey, P. (2009). Planning Theory or Planning Theories? The Hydra Model and its Implications for Planning Education. Journal for Education in the Built Environment, 4(2), 29-54. doi:10.11120/jebe.2009.04020029

Journal article

The territorial agenda of the European Union: <i>Progress for climate change mitigation and adaptation?</i>

Fischer, T., & Sykes, O. (2009). The territorial agenda of the European Union: <i>Progress for climate change mitigation and adaptation?</i>. Town Planning Review, 80(1), 57-82. doi:10.3828/tpr.80.1.4

Journal article

Planning for Climate Change

Davoudi, S., Crawford, J., & Mehmood, A. (Eds.) (n.d.). Planning for Climate Change. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781849770156


A Tale of Four Cities

Sykes, O. (2009). A Tale of Four Cities. Town and Country Planning, 2.

Journal article

Culture, regeneration and urban renaissance: Reflections of Liverpool's experiences as 'European Capital of Culture'

Shaw, D., Sykes, O., & Fischer, T. B. (2009). Culture, regeneration and urban renaissance: Reflections of Liverpool's experiences as 'European Capital of Culture'. RaumPlanung, 143, 87-92.

Journal article

Demolition Zone Blues

Sykes, O. (2009). Demolition Zone Blues [ Score].


Gauging the impact of a year of culture

Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2009). Gauging the impact of a year of culture. Town and Country Planning, 3.

Journal article

Talking Territorial Cohesion Views - Debating Territorial Cohesion

Sykes, O. (2009). Talking Territorial Cohesion Views - Debating Territorial Cohesion. Town and Country Planning ,, 4.

Journal article

The TEN-T: an environmental pitch

Fischer, T., & Sykes, O. (2009). The TEN-T: an environmental pitch. Town and Country Planning, 2.

Journal article

The new EU Territorial Agenda - Indicating Progress for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?

Fischer, T. B., & Sykes, O. (2009). The new EU Territorial Agenda - Indicating Progress for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?. In S. Davoudi, J. Crawford, & A. Mehmood (Eds.), Planning for Climate Change (pp. 15). London: Earthscan.


Which came first the chicken or the egg; Stories of application of the ESDP throughout Europe

Shaw, D. P., & Sykes, O. (2009). Which came first the chicken or the egg; Stories of application of the ESDP throughout Europe. In F. J. -R. -U. Governa, & M. Santangelo (Eds.), La costrunzione del territorio europeo (pp. 191-215). Rome: Carrocci.



The Importance of Context and Comparison in the Study of European Spatial Planning

Sykes, O. (2008). The Importance of Context and Comparison in the Study of European Spatial Planning. European Planning Studies, 16(4), 537-555. doi:10.1080/09654310801983464

Journal article

Investigating Territorial Positioning by Sub-state Territories in Europe

Sykes, O., & Shaw, D. (2008). Investigating Territorial Positioning by Sub-state Territories in Europe. Regional &amp; Federal Studies, 18(1), 55-76. doi:10.1080/13597560701847977

Journal article

'Strength from Diversity?'

Sykes, O. (2008). 'Strength from Diversity?'. Town and Country Planning, 3.

Journal article

'Territorial Cohesion - taking the debate forward'

Sykes, O. (2008). 'Territorial Cohesion - taking the debate forward'. Town and Country Planning, 4.

Journal article

'Thirty Years of Regeneration in France, Germany and Britain - Part 1 - Spatial, institutional and urban context'

Sykes, O., & Couch, C. (2008). 'Thirty Years of Regeneration in France, Germany and Britain - Part 1 - Spatial, institutional and urban context'. Town and Country Planning, 5.

Journal article

'Thirty Years of Regeneration in France, Germany and Britain - Part 2 - Evolution of Policy and Initiatives'

Sykes, O., & Couch, C. (2008). 'Thirty Years of Regeneration in France, Germany and Britain - Part 2 - Evolution of Policy and Initiatives'. Town and Country Planning, 11.

Journal article

CPO Blues

Sykes, O. J., & Lord, A. D. (2008). CPO Blues [Public Performance].



Examining the relationship between transnational and national spatial planning: French and British spatial planning and the European spatial development perspective OLIVIER SYKES IN COLLABORATION WITH ALAIN MOTTE

Examining the relationship between transnational and national spatial planning: French and British spatial planning and the European spatial development perspective OLIVIER SYKES IN COLLABORATION WITH ALAIN MOTTE (2007). In Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France (pp. 119-138). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203962244-14


Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France

Booth, P., Breuillard, M., Fraser, C., & Paris, D. (Eds.) (n.d.). Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203962244


'Happy Birthday to EU!'

Sykes, O. (2007). 'Happy Birthday to EU!'. Town and Country Planning, 76(4), 139-140.

Journal article

'Plan Europe 2007?'

Sykes, O. (2007). 'Plan Europe 2007?'. Town and Country Planning Association, 76(2), 72-73.

Journal article

'The New Territorial Agenda - Progress for the Environment?'

Sykes, O. J., & Fischer, T. (2007). 'The New Territorial Agenda - Progress for the Environment?'. Town and Country Planning, 5.

Journal article

Ingredients of governance for climate change adaptation in the EU - some reflections on a new green paper

Fischer, T. B., & Sykes, O. (2007). Ingredients of governance for climate change adaptation in the EU - some reflections on a new green paper. Town and Country Planning.

Journal article

Ingredients of governance for climate change adaptation in the EU - some reflections on a new green paper,

Fischer, T. B., & Sykes, O. (2007). Ingredients of governance for climate change adaptation in the EU - some reflections on a new green paper,. Town and Country Planning, 21-24.

Journal article

Investigating Territorial Positioning by Sub-State Authorities in Europe

Sykes, O. J., & Shaw, D. (2007). Investigating Territorial Positioning by Sub-State Authorities in Europe. Regional and Federal Studies.

Journal article

The new EU territorial agenda - progress for the environment?

Sykes, O., & Fischer, T. B. (2007). The new EU territorial agenda - progress for the environment?. Town and Country Planning, 221-225.

Journal article


'Buidling Capacity for Territorial Cooperation - The Mission Opérationelle Transfrontalière'

Sykes, O. (2006). 'Buidling Capacity for Territorial Cooperation - The Mission Opérationelle Transfrontalière'. Town and Country Planning, 75(11), 3.

Journal article

'Cities and urban areas in the new European cohesion policy'

Sykes, O. J. (2006). 'Cities and urban areas in the new European cohesion policy'. Town and Country Planning, some.

Journal article

'Der Ball ist Rund und der spiel dauert neunzig minuten - but balancing spatial development requires playing a longer game'

Sykes, O. J. (2006). 'Der Ball ist Rund und der spiel dauert neunzig minuten - but balancing spatial development requires playing a longer game'. Town and Country Planning, 223-224.

Journal article

'Examen du rapport entre planification spatiale transnationale et nationale : étude de l'interaction entre le S.D.E.C. et la planification spatiale en France et en Angleterre'

Sykes, O. J., & Motte, A. (2006). 'Examen du rapport entre planification spatiale transnationale et nationale : étude de l'interaction entre le S.D.E.C. et la planification spatiale en France et en Angleterre'. In P. Booth, C. Fraser, M. Breuillard, & D. Paris (Eds.), La Planification Spatiale au R-U. et en France (pp. lots). Paris: L'Harmattan.


'La (ré)émergence de la city region au Royaume Uni - vers une coopération métropolitaine'

Sykes, O. (2006). 'La (ré)émergence de la city region au Royaume Uni - vers une coopération métropolitaine'. Le FAX de l'Agence de développement et d'urbanisme de Lille Métropole, 1.

Journal article

'Space - The Final Frontier?'

Sykes, O. J. (2006). 'Space - The Final Frontier?'. Town and Country Planning, 158-160.

Journal article

'The Evolving Context for European Territorial Cooperation'

Sykes, O. (2006). 'The Evolving Context for European Territorial Cooperation'. Town and Country Planning, 75(10), 2.

Journal article

The Evolving Context for European Territorial Cooperation

Sykes, O. J. (2006). The Evolving Context for European Territorial Cooperation. Town and Country Planning, 287-288.

Journal article


European spatial development policy and evolving forms of territorial mobilisation in the United Kingdom

Shaw, D., & Sykes, O. (2005). European spatial development policy and evolving forms of territorial mobilisation in the United Kingdom. Planning Practice and Research, 20(2), 183-199. doi:10.1080/02697450500414694

Journal article

Addressing Connectivity in Spatial Planning: The Case of the English Regions

Shaw, D., & Sykes, O. (2005). Addressing Connectivity in Spatial Planning: The Case of the English Regions. Planning Theory &amp; Practice, 6(1), 11-33. doi:10.1080/1464935042000334949

Journal article

'Metropolitan Cooperation the Gallic Way'

Sykes, O. J. (2005). 'Metropolitan Cooperation the Gallic Way'. Town and Country Planning, 320-323.

Journal article

'Polycentricity: An idea that is here to stay?'

Sykes, O. J. (2005). 'Polycentricity: An idea that is here to stay?'. Town and Country Planning, 250-253.

Journal article

'Thin Red Lines'

Sykes, O. J. (2005). 'Thin Red Lines'. The Guardian, 1. Retrieved from,7884,1410992,00.html

Journal article

The Role and Function of Settlements in the North West

Jeffery, P., Roberts, P., & Sykes, O. J. (2005). The Role and Function of Settlements in the North West. Wigan: North West Regional Assembly. Retrieved from


Tracing the influence of the ESDP on planning in the UK

Shaw, D., & Sykes, O. (2005). Tracing the influence of the ESDP on planning in the UK. Town and Country planning, 74(3), 108-110.

Journal article

¿Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West ¿ Learning the Lessons from Elsewhere¿

Roberts, P., & Sykes, O. J. (2005). ¿Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West ¿ Learning the Lessons from Elsewhere¿. Wigan: North West Regional Assembly. Retrieved from



The concept of polycentricity in European spatial planning: reflections on its interpretation and application in the practice of spatial planning

Shaw, D., & Sykes, O. (2004). The concept of polycentricity in European spatial planning: reflections on its interpretation and application in the practice of spatial planning. International Planning Studies, 9(4), 283-306. doi:10.1080/13563470500050437

Journal article

¿Euro-proofing the Northern Way¿

Sykes, O. J. (2004). ¿Euro-proofing the Northern Way¿. Town and Country Planning, 371-372.

Journal article


Investigating the application of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) to regional planning in the United Kingdom

Shaw, D., & Sykes, O. (2003). Investigating the application of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) to regional planning in the United Kingdom. Town Planning Review, 74(1), 31-50. doi:10.3828/tpr.74.1.3

Journal article


Spatial Planning and Development in Europe: Parallel Lines or Converging Tracks?

Sykes, O. J. (Ed.) (2001). Spatial Planning and Development in Europe: Parallel Lines or Converging Tracks?. In Spatial Planning and Development in Europe: Parallel Lines or Converging Tracks? (pp. many). London: European Council of Town Planners. Retrieved from

Conference Paper