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Professional Activities

The recognition of climate change as a priority for the international political agenda led Nova into the interface of policy and science where she provides data, evidence & advice to s including Defra, JNCC, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, and Scottish Natural Heritage. She is the UK Marine Environmental Change Network Science Coordinator, lead author for the UK Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership Annual Report Card, Co-author for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, have developed the MarClim data as Good Environmental Status Indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Co-authored the UK Charting Progress State of the UK Seas II Report and has been a member of the UKMMAS Healthy and Biologically Diverse Seas Evidence Group. Dr Mieszkowska has developed her MarClim UK long-term time-series as indicators of Good Environmental Status for the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Her field-based survey and monitoring work for statutory bodies includes feature, habitat, biotope and species surveys, and Condition Assessment using MarClim, Marine Monitoring Handbook and Common Standards Monitoring Guidance standard methodologies. Additional knowledge exchange for policy and stakeholder bodiesincludes reviewing, and critically discussions of benefits and limitations of the selected metrics and data analysis methods for application to highly mobile sedimentary areas at local MPA scales, review and recommendation of processes to standardise / optimise datasets to allow valid comparisons of different datasets and to reduce noise from sampling variables, and provide recommendations on the best metrics and methods, and the applicability of these to supporting the development of management measures. Her experience includes undertaking power analyses to assess data suitablity for an analysis of temporal variability to ensure statistically robust methods are used and robust results generated, as evidenced in Natural England tenders for Phase 1

She has run Citizen Science projects and gives talks to Citizen Science and regional Naturalist Societies on her research.


  • Marine Biodiversity Records (Editor In Chief, 2015 - present)
  • Marine and Freshwater Research (Associate Editor, 2013 - present)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • The Marine Biological Association of the UK (2001 - present)
  • Marine Climate Change Impacts Projcet (2006 - present)
  • Defra (2001 - present)
  • Natural England (2001 - present)
  • Scottish Natural Heritage (2001 - present)
  • Natural Resources Wales (2001 - present)
  • JNCC (2001 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • British Ecological Society (Member, 2012 - present)